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Chapter 24 - Part 2

At this moment, Chu Yunge entered the room, embraced Ling Chunan's waist, and sat down, resting his head on Ling Chunan's shoulder. "Baby, do you really not trust me? Let me handle these things; I promise to take care of it for you."

Ling Chunan freed up one hand, rubbed the man's slightly stiff hair, and said, "Don't be silly."

Actually, if Chu Yunge were to handle these matters, everything could be much simpler. Ling Chunan himself prefers a straightforward approach, in other words, he likes taking shortcuts. This can be completely seen from his attitude towards Zeng Wuyue in the last mission.

However, for these people, he feels it's better to handle it personally.

Zhang Yufeng is an editor-in-chief under Yuan Chen Media, mainly responsible for the entertainment gossip section. Whether it's scandals or rumors, under his pen, they all become the hottest news today.

As he had just returned home after work, prepared to check the manuscripts submitted by his subordinates, he noticed that the email notification was lit up.

It was already late, past the submission deadline. Who would be so careless to send him an email at this hour?

Thinking like this, Zhang Yufeng opened the email window.

"Huh? No name." Zhang Yufeng took a sip of coffee, then moved the mouse. Initially shaking his head, he thought someone was playing a prank. However, as time went on, his expression turned more and more serious. His eyes moved closer to the screen.

Looking at the screen, his heartbeat accelerated, and even his breathing became rapid. Finally, he scrolled to the bottom of the email, and the excitement in his eyes couldn't be concealed anymore. With a bang, he placed the coffee cup on the computer desk, stood up a bit agitatedly, and walked a few laps in the room, showing signs of impatience. "No wonder New Yu Media has been so low-key recently," he rubbed his palms together incessantly, "if this news is true and reported tomorrow, the sales will definitely increase a lot."

Turning around, he read the email again, and he already believed nine out of ten in the information.

Regardless of the night being pitch dark, he put on his coat and walked towards the door. He had to confirm this personally.

Meanwhile, other media editors also received the same email.

Ling Chunan didn't wake up until the next afternoon. Turning on the TV, news about the products of New Yu Media's subsidiary causing deaths was dominating the airwaves. The television was currently broadcasting the tearful accusations from the victims' families.

"These reporters are really diligent. They even went to the victims' homes late at night to shoot videos," Ling Chunan sighed.

For once, 098 didn't interject.

Since the incident in the company, Wu Zichu has been quite down. Last night, he went to a bar, drank until he lost consciousness, and was woken up in the morning by a glamorous and vulgar woman. "Boss, what about the two thousand you promised last night?"

Wu Zichu rummaged through his wallet, took out a stack of bills, and threw them. "Get lost."

The woman picked up the money, gave him a kiss, and tossed a flying kiss before leaving. But she suddenly remembered something, turned back with a flirtatious smile. "Boss, I think you look a lot like the protagonist in the news. I suggest you take a look at the news." After saying this, she winked at him and swayed her way out.

Rubbing his sore forehead, Wu Zichu got up, found his phone on the bedside table, and tried to unlock it. However, the phone shut down automatically, cursing under his breath, he threw the phone aside.

Coming out of the bathroom, Wu Zichu had to wear the wrinkled clothes from yesterday as he left the hotel.

Whether it was his imagination or not, he always felt like there were many people paying attention to him today.

Wu Zichu is not bad-looking, and there are often women trying to impress him on the street. However, today, whether they were men or women, they all seemed to want to point and talk about him.

Regardless of when he turned, he could see others pretending to look away. Wu Zichu suddenly remembered the woman's words before she left and felt his heart skip a beat. Did something happen in the news?

Ignoring his growling stomach, he hailed a cab and headed home.

But as soon as he reached his doorstep, he was pressed down by law enforcement personnel waiting at the entrance. "Hello, are you Mr. Wu Zichu? We need your cooperation in investigating a commercial case."

Lin Tianhao received the news of Wu Zichu's arrest when he was on a date with Ling Chunan.

Listening to the system's prompt that his revenge value increased by 10%, and seeing the somewhat stiff expression on the opposite person's face, Ling Chunan smiled in his heart. With a worried expression on his face, he said, "Mr. Lin, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Lin Tianhao handed the menu to Ling Chunan. "I've already told you not to be so formal. From now on, you can call me Tianhao or Ah Hao."

Ling Chunan nodded in agreement, his expression sincere. "Tianhao."

Lin Tianhao's pupils slightly shrank, and it took a while before he coughed and said, "Order the dishes."

"098, did you see that? His ears turned red." Ling Chunan picked up a pen and chatted with 098 while talking.

098: ... It already knew the male lead was bent, please don't stimulate it again.

For the next two hours, Lin Tianhao seemed a bit absent-minded. In the end, he even didn't suggest the rare idea of sending Ling Chunan home after bidding farewell and hurriedly left.

Watching the male lead leave, Ling Chunan turned his head to look at the table next to him.

Sure enough, in less than five seconds, the tall and handsome mixed-race man stood up with a bright smile and waved to Ling Chunan. "Baby, what a coincidence."

Ling Chunan glanced at him, nodded, and said with a smile, "Yes, what a coincidence."

After saying that, Ling Chunan was about to leave, and the man quickly caught up, saying, "Baby, I'm just worried that guy has ill intentions towards you. I came here specifically to protect you."

Ling Chunan ignored him and walked decisively towards the exit.

"Really, baby, you haven't seen his previous gossip news. He's not a good person." Chu Yunge placed his hand on Ling Chunan's waist. "Baby, baby?"

Ling Chunan was about to be amused by this guy. Not even saying anything bad.

Arriving at the parking lot, Ling Chunan stood in front of his car. "Did you drive here?"

Chu Yunge shook his head. "No, I took a taxi."

"Well," Ling Chunan nodded, casually throwing the keys to him. "Get in."

Seeing the man happily getting in the car, 098 reminded, "Host, he drove here. His car is behind yours, behind the second pillar on the left of your car."

Ling Chunan opened the co-driver's seat, his voice calm. "I know."

"..." It suddenly felt sorry for this man chasing after its host everywhere.

After getting into the car, Chu Yunge didn't immediately start it. Out of habit, he leaned over to fasten Ling Chunan's seatbelt, then pressed against him without moving.

Ling Chunan raised his head to meet his

deep blue eyes, filled with a sense of grievance. "Baby, you called him Tianhao just now."

"Hmm?" Ling Chunan was a bit puzzled. "So what?"

"You still call me by my full name." The man looked even more wronged.

Ling Chunan reached out and wrapped his arms around the man's neck, a playful smile in his eyes. "Otherwise, should I call you Gege or Yunyun?"

Chu Yunge's gaze fell on Ling Chunan's beautiful lips, his voice low. "Then call me Gege."

Feeling the change in the other's body, Ling Chunan obediently nodded. "Gege. Can Gege get off me? You're making me uncomfortable."

Originally wanting to witness a joke from the host, 098 silently retreated. It was really wondering why a seemingly innocent address from Ling Chunan's mouth was so seductive?

Since that day, Ling Chunan became particularly fond of calling Chu Yunge 'Gege'. Every time he called, the man would become hard. He found it quite amusing.

098 was utterly despairing about the host's moral views.

Fortunately, Ling Chunan did not forget the task, and that was the only comforting thing for 098.

During this period, the male lead's company also began to encounter problems. Of course, this was not solely Ling Chunan's doing. With Ling Chunan's abilities, he still had to carefully plan how to indirectly break it down. However, the issues appearing in the male lead's company were a few major projects.

Who did it, of course, didn't need to be asked. But every time Ling Chunan looked at Chu Yunge, the other party looked innocent, saying a few more words would have him pressed to bed, not allowing him to see Lin Tianhao again.

For this man with an excessive sense of jealousy, Ling Chunan later decided to turn a blind eye and not be bothered by it. Invited by the little one in the female lead's home, he prepared to stay there for a couple of days.

"Host, is it appropriate to go to a girl's house like this?" 098 reminded.

"The female lead isn't at home, and there's only a maid in the house," Ling Chunan said. "She's out of town for an advertisement shoot and will be back in five days."

After not seeing each other for a few months, the little one had grown taller. Seeing Ling Chunan, he pounced over, "Big brother!"

"Hello, Xiaochen. Have you been good at home?" Ling Chunan hugged the little one into his arms and kissed him affectionately.

"Xiaochen is very good, not causing any trouble at all." The little one happily replied, giving Ling Chunan a peck on the cheek. "Big brother is really handsome!"

"Thank you, Xiaochen is also very cute." Ling Chunan replied with a smile.

The next two hours were spent listening to the mutual compliments of the two.

Ling Chunan could tolerate it, but how did this little kid know so many flattering words?

In the end, Ling Chunan didn't stay at the female lead's house. Just three hours later, Chu Yunge knocked on the door.

Sitting in Chu Yunge's car, Ling Chunan suddenly remembered his long-unseen agent, who should have recovered from his injuries by now.

Looking at the man beside him and recalling the reasons his agent had once imprisoned him, Ling Chunan suddenly felt a bit bored. If that's the case, dealing with the agent's storyline would be too easy.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Chu Yunge's voice carried a hint of indulgence. "Is there something on my face?"

"Nothing, just think you look handsome." Ling Chunan praised.

"As long as my baby likes it."

Watching the man's gentle profile, Ling Chunan turned his gaze back and suddenly felt restless. "098, how long can I stay after completing the task?"

"Host, your task deadline has another six months." In other words, Ling Chunan could only stay in this world until the moment of his original death.

"Understood." Ling Chunan closed his eyes.

"Host, although I don't know how the connection between the souls of these two worlds was formed, 098 still wants to remind you, please do not develop feelings for the characters in the task world."


Back home, Ling Chunan still kept his eyes closed, seeming to be asleep. Chu Yunge carefully carried him to bed, expertly changed him into pajamas, covered him with a blanket, and kissed him on the lips. "Baby, I love you."

Chu Yunge's footsteps disappeared outside the door. Ling Chunan opened his eyes, then closed them again, turning over and curling up under the blanket. "098, do you remember the question I asked you before we were bound?"

"I remember," 098 answered.

"Can you tell me the answer now?"

"Host, once a task participant accepts the binding, they cannot exit anymore." 098's voice was somewhat cold now. "You only have two choices now. Succeed in the task to gain energy points, or fail and lose energy points. As long as your energy points are not negative and there are no violations, you won't be erased."

In other words, until the energy points are negative, the participant has only one choice, endless tasks.

"What happens when the energy points reach a certain value?"

"You will become immortal," 098 said. "However, because the tasks ahead will become increasingly difficult, very few participants accumulate that many energy points. Many participants easily get confused by the world and develop feelings for the characters, leading to task failure."

At this point, 098 paused. "After binding with you, although I was somewhat surprised by your personality, I still hope you can go all the way. So, I hope you don't make the same mistakes as your predecessors."

Ling Chunan nodded indifferently. "Don't worry, I will complete the task on time."

098 was somewhat puzzled by this host. He was called heartless, but he behaved as if he had deep affection for Chu Yunge or once had deep feelings for Zeng Wuyue. He seemed to be indifferent, yet he could show such coldness.

Regardless, as long as the host obediently completed the task, it was a good thing for 098.

In the following period, Ling Chunan's drama finally finished filming. He didn't attend the wrap-up party because Lin Tianhao had invited him.

Recently, under the dual pressure from Chu Yunge and Ling Chunan, the once arrogant head of the entertainment industry was falling apart. His artists were defecting one after another, and Lin Tianhao, preoccupied with the situation, naturally had no time to date Ling Chunan. However, in the past two days, his most trusted right-hand man, an elder figure in the company, surprisingly took away the last funds of the company. Even the last trick Lin Tianhao had up his sleeve was sold to a rival company.

He had no way out.

It was at this moment that Lin Tianhao thought of Ling Chunan. If Ling Chunan was willing to help him, signing under his company would at least save one relatively profitable talent agency.

Hence, this date happened.

Ling Chunan arrived on time for the appointment.

The man in front of him hadn't shaved for at least three days, with sunken eye sockets. Although he tried to comb his hair, it didn't make him look more spirited. Instead, it couldn't hide the decadence. His eyes were full of anxiety, clearly on the verge of a breakdown.

Before even ordering dishes, Lin Tianhao couldn't wait and spoke, "Anan, I only have you now. You must help me."

"Hmm?" Ling Chunan looked a bit puzzled. "What does Mr. Lin mean?"

"I hope you can sign under my company. I will give you the best contract." Lin Tianhao's tone was tempting. "An 80-20 split, how about that? As long as you come to my company, I can directly promote you to vice president."

"After all, we will be a family in the future. You might as well join the company first to help me."

"When did I say I want to be your family?" Ling Chunan was surprised by this man's logic.

"Host, this is the unique thought process of male leads in CEO novels. Everyone they set their sights on eventually becomes their family," 098 explained.

Ling Chunan didn't comment on 098's response. He earnestly declined the male lead's proposal, "Sorry, Mr. Lin, my current agency is quite good."

"Also, you need to understand, we are at most just ordinary friends now. If we talk about being a family, it would be too much. I'm just a small star, not worthy of being your family."

"Aren't we in a relationship?" Lin Tianhao seemed not to have expected Ling Chunan to say that, his eyes showing disbelief.

Ling Chunan smiled, "Although I don't know why Mr. Lin has such a misconception,

I remember I never agreed to your pursuit." He paused and waved to the man not far away who had been sneakily looking over, "And, I already have a boyfriend. I hope Mr. Lin won't say anything misleading, it would be awkward if my boyfriend heard."

The man summoned by Ling Chunan ran over, smiling pleasingly at Ling Chunan, then turned to Lin Tianhao. His expression turned cold and dangerous. "Mr. Lin, please don't entertain ideas you shouldn't."

Seeing Chu Yunge, Lin Tianhao's expression distorted.

At this point, Lin Tianhao finally understood everything.

No wonder, no matter how many times he tried to use public opinion to attack Ling Chunan, it never worked. Even making ripples was difficult. No wonder his company had reached this point; it turned out it was all this person's doing!

He knew Chu Yunge's identity and understood that his company was no match for him. But he didn't understand why Chu Yunge wanted to destroy him so desperately. Was it because he had put a woman in his bed at that time? Or because of Ling Chunan?

Lin Tianhao glared fiercely at Ling Chunan, his long-suppressed emotions finally bursting out, "You despicable person!"


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