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Chapter 431: The Holy City Trembles

The rumors of a falling star were dismissed by wizards with astronomical knowledge as pure nonsense!

According to the calculations of the prophecy school, the mass of the sun is hundreds of thousands of times that of the planet beneath our feet. Who could possibly move such a colossal entity?

"Yes, that's the new magic I've researched. I call it the Great Nuclear Blast!" Lynn nodded, feeling no need to hide it any longer.

"As for the Holy Maiden of the Holy See, she has already perished under Master Lynn's new magic. There should be nothing left of her but ashes now!" Aurora added.

Although there were earlier speculations, the wizards present still found it somewhat unbelievable after receiving confirmation.

In their eyes, this Great Nuclear Blast transcended the realm of magic and could only be described as a natural disaster!

It's worth noting that Lynn, who cast this magic, had only recently advanced to the rank of Grand Wizard a few months ago, making him remarkably powerful in the world of magic.

Anthony speculated that Lynn might have regained his former strength, allowing him to unleash this calamitous magic.

Arad and others immediately thought that this new magic was likely related to the previously discovered atomic nucleus theory and new elements.

Lynn didn't delve into the principles of nuclear blast magic, deeming it too dangerous to be disclosed at the moment. Instead, he smoothly shifted the conversation to inquire about progress on the other side.

"Before we captured the City of Fire Oil, everything went exactly as you anticipated. However, afterward, we encountered Judge Joshua, leading the Divine Punishment Army to reinforce..." Anthony succinctly explained the situation.

Upon hearing that Joshua, under absolute advantage, suddenly lost the ability to resist and was captured by a few Grand Wizards, the councilors exchanged glances, quickly realizing the impact brought about by the demise of Saint Lucia.

This was undeniably good news, proving Harof's speculation was correct, and Aila's incarnation was crucial, influencing even high-ranking members of the Holy See, such as Judge Joshua.

After a moment of contemplation, Aurora suddenly inquired, "Master Arad, tonight, I trouble you to verify whether those captured priests and bishops can still perform divine arts!"

This was undoubtedly the best method to assess the enemy's current state.


The restless night quickly passed, but the impact of the nuclear blast magic intensified.

The entire western borderlands of the empire felt a strong shock, and the massive mushroom cloud rising in the night sky could be clearly seen from dozens of kilometers away.

The closest Duke, Popo, immediately dispatched messengers to investigate. However, these scouts returned utterly frightened. After hearing their descriptions, Duke Popo, too, was scared, hastily packing up and fleeing to the Holy City.

With the defeat of the Holy See's punitive force and the news of the death of Saint Lucia spreading like wildfire among the fleeing imperial soldiers, chaos engulfed the Holy City.

Inside the city, the once eternally blooming flowers, blessed by the power of the gods, began to wither and decay.

The higher-ranked bishops could feel this unrest more acutely.

Soon, tens of thousands of bishops gathered inside the Tower of the Firmament, anxiously awaiting an explanation from His Holiness, the Pope.

And their received command was simple: immediately conduct the selection of a new Holy Maiden and the baptism ceremony!

This order was abrupt because the Holy See had never had a precedent of two Holy Maidens unless the previous one had either ascended to the heavenly realm or met an unfortunate accident.

The baptism ceremony, usually witnessed by tens of thousands of believers, had to proceed quickly now. A new Holy Maiden had to be selected at the fastest possible pace!

Under the operation of the church, a young, beautiful, and talented girl was quickly chosen, entering the Tower of the Firmament to the admiration of the onlookers.

The fervent prayers soon resounded throughout the tower.

With pure thoughts, aspirations, and devout faith in the Lord, the innocent girl stood in the center of the magical array.

As the divine power poured in, a terrifying pressure surged within the tower.

In an instant, a colossal divine light pierced the sky, enveloping the girl. Her body gradually floated in the air, her gown swaying in the wind, and her eyes, filled with yearning and devotion, began to shine like stars.

"Great, holy, just, and merciful Lord, you are the most radiant star in the heavens, the creator of all things!" "Praise to our Lord, I implore you to forgive my sins so that I may enter the kingdom of God after death!" "Please grant me the power to overcome evil..."

Various confessions and prayers continuously echoed in the girl's mind. Her eyes were initially chaotic, but soon these voices became increasingly faint, and the divine light that permeated the heavens and the earth suddenly disappeared.

The suspended body slowly descended from midair!

"Holy Maiden, we bow to you!"

The high-ranking members of the Holy See still present in the Holy City all knelt down, paying their respects.

The girl seemed to have not fully recovered from the previous impact on her consciousness. Her brain was in chaos for about three to five seconds before her eyes gradually cleared. She looked at the people and spoke.

"You did well, Alves. Choosing you as the Pope was indeed the right decision!"

If a few hours later, her consciousness would probably have been corroded by the poison of faith, completely submerged in endless prayers.

The power of belief from tens of millions of people was not easy to endure!

Even with her abilities, she couldn't resist the impact of such a massive consciousness.

"I only followed your will and did what needed to be done," Pope Alves replied respectfully, with no intention of taking credit.

On the side, Saint Randall was puzzled and asked, "Lord, what exactly happened? How did you..."

Initiating the selection of a new Holy Maiden again only had one meaning— the former Holy Maiden had died!

But... how was that possible? Who could kill the Holy Maiden, the incarnation of the Lord?

"Do those wizards really have such powerful abilities?" Randall was horrified.

"No, their power is nothing to be feared," Alra shook her head. She had clashed with those legendary wizards, and even their peculiar beam magic was not enough to pose a lethal threat to her.

"Only that spell is an exception!" Speaking here, the eyes of the Holy Maiden became sharp and dangerous.

Pope Alves's heart sank, suddenly realizing something.

In the evening, Duke Popo, the Earl of the borderlands, arrived at the Holy City after a day and night of rushing and brought a laughable piece of news— those wizards pulled the sun from the sky!


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