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Chapter 407: Lynn Maxwell: The True Executor of Magic is the Sun!

"Lords of the Council, we can't wait any longer. Let us stay behind to hold them off," Sanchez urgently suggested as he witnessed the array they had painstakingly assembled being crushed once again.

In their current state, waiting for reinforcements seemed unlikely, and the optimal solution was to leave a contingent of elite forces to fend off the enemy. Otherwise, they would all perish on this battlefield.

"No, relying solely on you might not be enough to stop them," Harof solemnly remarked.

The Imperial Legion that suddenly appeared behind them numbered five to six thousand, undoubtedly including legendary divine practitioners—perhaps more than one. Harof was cautious, not recklessly expending magical power but being prepared for any adversary.

With the power of Sanchez and the others, it was likely insufficient to hinder the enemy even a bit. The only one capable of holding the rear was Lynn himself!

Just as Harof was about to speak, a voice unexpectedly sounded in everyone's ears.

"You retreat first; I will block them!"

Harof and the others immediately turned to look, surprised to see an unexpected figure before them. According to intelligence, Lynn, who should be in the Steel City of Seltoden, had appeared here.

"Master Lynn?" Sanchez exclaimed with pleasant surprise. "Excellent, you've arrived just in time! Has Lord Aurora and Lord Victorio also reached here?"

If reinforcements arrived, uniting the Lords of the Council, they could launch a fierce counterattack. Harof, however, quickly deduced that Lynn was not physically present but probably projecting himself through magic, much like Aurora's projection.

As expected, Lynn soon clarified, "No, the reinforcements have not arrived yet. The two Lords of the Council will take at least two to three hours to reach here. If we wait for support from the other two legions, it will be even later."

Although they had airships for transportation, mobilizing large armies was no easy task.

"In your current state, how much power can you unleash?" Harof couldn't help but interrupt.

While acknowledging Lynn's strength as a four-ring wizard, Harof wondered if Lynn had brought the ingredients for casting a nuclear explosion spell.

Thinking of this possibility, Harof raised a glimmer of hope, only to have it shattered in the next moment.

"In fact, with this projection, I can only cast a four-ring spell once, that's it!" Lynn honestly stated, cutting off any questions before they arose. "But I believe it should be enough!"

Seeing the confidence in the magical prodigy, Harof, despite having many questions, refrained from immediate rebuttal. Instead, he straightforwardly asked about Lynn's plan.

"Anyway, I need some assistance from all of you... to separate the enemy and us, avoid friendly fire," Lynn rapidly explained. He then glanced at the chaotic battlefield and sighed. "Looks like we'll have to sacrifice some of our own!"

Under organized command, the scattered wizards quickly gathered, launching the largest counterattack possible. Everyone unleashed their magic without reservation!

Harof took the lead, channeling massive magical power into the ground. The next moment, the entire battlefield rapidly crumbled, creating a deep chasm. The earth split open, forming a profound rift that quickly expanded to both sides.

From above, the entire battlefield appeared as if the earth had been torn in half.

Changing the terrain and dominating the entire battlefield, this was the power of legendary magic!

The entire process was completed in just over ten seconds. Harof, slightly panting, had depleted almost half of his magical power. Casting such a large-scale legendary spell was no easy task.

Following Harof, Sanchez and others consecutively cast various spells. Ice, fire, and thunder forces intertwined, striking the enemy formation with tremendous force.

"By the will of the Lord, evil will be dispelled!"

At the same time, a mighty sacred voice echoed across the battlefield. An invisible curtain appeared in the air, blocking the magical rain. Although it was quickly shattered by hundreds of spells, it significantly reduced casualties.

Harof understood that it was the legendary divine practitioners of the Holy Church taking action. Their goal had been achieved; the entire battlefield was temporarily divided.

The charging cavalry slowed their pace, and a few dim-witted giants directly tumbled into the chasm, dizzy and struggling to climb out.

"Bombard them with magic one more time, then retreat! The next step depends on Master Lynn..." Harof sighed, having done all he could.

Sanchez hesitated to speak but felt that putting all their hopes on Lynn's projection was somewhat risky. Nevertheless, he followed orders because there was no better alternative at the moment.

At this moment, Lynn, utilizing light-bending magic to conceal his form, floated high in the sky. Magic surged like waves, spreading over a range of hundreds of meters.

Normally, such conspicuous magical fluctuations would alert the enemy, but Lynn wasn't worried. The entire battlefield was already filled with traces of magic, thanks to Harof and the others going all out, not just for splitting the battlefield but also for concealment.

"The weather is really nice today!" Lynn looked towards the sky, where a proud red sun shone brightly.

August was the hottest time within the empire, and the midday sun would undoubtedly enhance Lynn's magic for the upcoming spell.


"It seems the battle is about to end!" Within the ranks of the Holy Church, Joshua observed the incoming magical rain and calmly remarked.

Despite the fierce counterattack, Joshua saw it as a last-ditch effort. Once they depleted their magical power, these people would lose their ability to resist.

As for the grand chasm dividing the battlefield, he didn't need to intervene. Under the combined efforts of several archbishops, they had created broad bridges using divine arts.

Beside him, Saint Lucia also watched the scene. The extravagant use of magic by Harof and the others, despite its effectiveness, made her vaguely sense that something was amiss. She then lifted her head, gazing at the sun in the sky, and murmured,

"Do you feel it? The sunlight seems to be dimming."


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