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Chapter 408: All Returns to Nothingness—Sunlight Illuminates

Has it darkened?

Joshua furrowed his brow, looking up at the sky, indeed sensing a hint of unease.

"It's magic!" Lucia casually remarked. Under her perception, strong magical fluctuations appeared in the sky a few hundred meters away from the battlefield, spreading towards them.

She hadn't noticed it earlier because the frequent casting by the wizards would indeed increase the magical density in a specific area. It wasn't until the concentration of magic surpassed the threshold that Lucia became aware of it.

But now it seemed too late; Lynn's magic had already been unleashed!

"The sky is darkening!"

This time, not only Lucia sensed it; the soldiers charging on the battlefield also clearly felt it. Over several kilometers, the area directly transitioned from daytime to dusk, making even the most steadfast believers hesitate.

As everyone looked up, they were shocked to discover a massive transparent 'mirror' appearing above them.

It looked like an upside-down, semi-transparent large pot, blocking the midday sun.

Lynn raised his palm, and the brightness across the entire battlefield decreased again. The scorching sunlight from the sky, after passing through the enormous focusing lens, immediately redirected and converged.

"All returns to nothingness—Sunlight Illuminates!"

This ancient incantation emerged in Lynn's mind. This time, all the magical energy sent over disappeared by ninety percent, and Lynn even utilized the power of the magical network to some extent!

The next moment, forming an inverted cone with a diameter of a hundred meters and almost infinite height, a brilliant pillar of light descended from the sky!

The sunlight covering the entire battlefield was compressed into a hundred-meter radius. The intense and glaring light made everyone present struggle to keep their eyes open. Soon after, a wail of misery and screams resounded through the battlefield.


Empire soldiers within the range of the light pillar evaporated on the spot under the temperature comparable to a stellar surface!

"It's legendary magic!" Joshua's pupils contracted.

The speed of light was too fast. From focusing to sweeping, it took no more than a second. Over two thousand Empire soldiers perished instantly before their eyes!

"In the name of the Lord, the Arrow of Judgment!"

Joshua held his staff high, roaring loudly. Hundreds of arrows, shining with divine light, appeared in the void, pointing directly at the giant focusing lens overhead.

These arrows were imbued with a special anti-magic power. The mirror covering the entire battlefield had no possibility of moving or evading!

A dense rain of arrows shot out like meteors, dazzling and soon colliding with the enormous focusing lens.

The mirror was much more fragile than Joshua had expected. Without any resistance, it instantly exploded into countless fragments, scattering in all directions towards the ground.

"It seems to be just a show!" Joshua breathed a sigh of relief, finding it much easier to deal with than he had imagined.

"Not that simple..." Lucia shook her head. Instead of rushing to act, she focused on sensing the caster's position with all her might.

Her current body had significant limitations for her, even though it had been "nurtured" for seven or eight years. Due to the low degree of compatibility, the power she could exert was extremely limited.

As expected, just one second after Lucia spoke, dozens of larger shattered focusing lenses didn't fall. Instead, they hovered in the air, transforming into smaller "focusing lenses."

With Lynn's current computing power, rearranging spells in such a short time was practically impossible. However, with the help of the magical network and the intelligence of the brain, it was different.

The magical model could be entirely driven by the brain to mobilize the computing power of other wizards in the magical network. The entire process was compressed to within one second!

Before the Empire's punitive forces, still recovering from the terrifying sight of the hundred-meter light pillar, could come to their senses, they soon faced the baptism of laser beams!

In an instant, dozens of secondary laser beams spread across the entire battlefield. Although their power was much reduced compared to the previous "Sunlight Illuminates," the attack range expanded by dozens of times!

Several lucky Empire soldiers who had evaded the light pillar were swept by the unexpected laser beams. Before they could react, their bodies were sliced in half from top to bottom. Similar scenes unfolded everywhere on the battlefield.

Joshua's face turned extremely ugly.

"Found her!" Lucia looked towards a distant direction in the sky, extending her right hand and gripping it suddenly.

Relying on polarization magic to hide in the high altitude, manipulating the focusing magic, Lynn, whose entire body began to distort and deform, would probably burst if there were a physical form!

Even so, as the core of the "Secret Ring of Magic" began to crack, the explosion occurred in an instant.

"Good perception!" Lynn was quite surprised. After all, he was now just a mass of magical projection, able to hide well in a magically dense area.

He thought the opponent would need some effort to find him, but unexpectedly, it happened so quickly.

Before the "Secret Ring of Magic" as the basis completely shattered, Lynn, using his last bit of strength, manipulated a massive concave mirror, directing the converging light towards the strongest point of divine magic fluctuations.

That was where Lucia was. Before the beam of light fell, she had already raised her hand. A smooth mirror appeared in front of her, and the powerful laser beam was directly reflected back at an unimaginable speed, piercing through Lynn's body, shattering the "Secret Ring of Magic" at its core.

It seems it can only end here... Lynn thought, but he also saw the woman who had rebounded the laser.

About twenty-three or four in appearance, crowned, dressed in a white holy robe, with star-like sparkling emerald eyes.

Combining the information collected earlier, Lynn immediately guessed her identity. The body formed by magic quickly dissipated without support.


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