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Chapter 406: Racing Against Time, Decaying Battlefield

Raphael's forehead was beaded with cold sweat, as both speculations were undeniably disastrous.

"I'll rush over immediately!"

After deducing the situation with Lynn and the others, Aurora wasted no time and swiftly vanished from her position.

However, Raphael couldn't relax. The distance to Misty Land was considerable, over a hundred and fifty kilometers even in a straight line. Even with the legendary Councilor's speed, it would take at least two hours to arrive, and by then, it might be too late...

Lynn gently touched the magical ring in his hand, initiating the coordinates' calculation using the smart brain. He was preparing to use the magical network to link power and will to Misty Land.

He wanted to personally see what had happened on Harof's side! Lynn had taken some emergency measures before, placing Yeta's wizards in the two other legions. They carried special magical rings with mental decryption exceeding thirty percent. These deep-level soul coordinates could easily locate targets hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away. With the help of the smart brain and magical rings as carriers, long-distance power transmission became achievable.

Strictly speaking, this belonged to the category of psychic magic, far more advanced than electromagnetic wave communication. However, it was taboo in the wizarding world. Lynn had only seen three people with similar abilities.

The first was Herlram, who, using a vast amount of notes left by the dark wizard Merk, cleverly created an imperfect magical network. He even developed the insane Soul Devouring Array, treating the wizards in the 【Faceless】 assembly, whose computing power was decrypted, as a resource to resurrect his daughter.

Now, Lynn was following a similar path. However, his methods were more gentle, advocating sustainable development and a win-win strategy. He provided knowledge, and the wizards offered computing power, a mutually beneficial arrangement without exploiting or overfishing.

The second was Aurora. She had left a magical mark on Lynn's forehead, serving as the coordinate for transmission. However, this type of magic was only for emergencies, demanding high requirements from the caster and not suitable for widespread use.

The third was the pseudo-god, Aila!

Aila could not only bestow divine arts upon priests and bishops but at the level of Archbishop, could even act as a coordinate for transmitting divine power. Legendary divine practitioners were even more remarkable; they could open the gates of heaven and bring Aila's essence over!

Lynn had always suspected that the church's bestowed divine abilities and the art of divine descent had some similarities to his magical network. However, he lacked evidence and had not received confirmation.

"Coordinate 043 has been located. The straight-line distance is one hundred and fifty-nine kilometers. Begin magical power transmission?"

The smart brain's prompt brought Lynn's attention back. Without hesitation, he silently nodded.



Meanwhile, at the border of the Seccas Empire, within Misty Land, a fierce battle was unfolding on the battlefield.

"Kill these devil's minions!" "For the glory of the Lord!"

Knights clad in silver armor charged forward, their eyes filled with fanaticism and the color of slaughter. They wielded long spears, thrusting them repeatedly and killing several gunners who were still loading their rifles.

However, their onslaught quickly encountered resistance. Groups of fireballs sped towards them, and the resulting explosions created flashes of fire and smoke, momentarily halting the approaching cavalry. Soon after, several armored vehicles blocked their path.

The thunderous roar of machine guns echoed in the ears of the soldiers. The tongues of fire leaping from the barrels were like the scythe of death. In their wake, blood and flesh flew, tearing apart both the divine shields bestowed upon them and the sturdy armor.

Under such relentless attacks, the large cavalry quickly dispersed, causing the earth to shake violently.

A towering giant soon appeared before the group of wizards, standing over seven meters tall. Clad in iron armor and wielding a massive iron shield, it defiantly withstood the machine gun barrage, flipping an armored vehicle in the process. However, in the next moment, it was pierced through by several crimson streaks from a distance.

The electromagnetic cannon had undoubtedly scored another victory!

The giant's massive body crashed to the ground, crushing the two battling teams beneath it. Crimson blood sprayed out, staining the surrounding soil red.

In this chaotic battlefield, the transition between life and death happened almost instantly.

However, there was not just one of these towering giants. They quickly appeared all over the battlefield in large numbers. With thick skin, resistance to both physical and magical attacks, and well-equipped armor, neither firearms nor low-level magic could cause significant harm. Even the electromagnetic cannon, after piercing through layers of special shields and armor, failed to deliver fatal blows unless targeted precisely or focusing on vital spots.

Harof utilized force-field magic to tear apart two towering armored giants, but it was not enough to reverse the deteriorating situation.

The Imperial legions' timing was too perfect. Just as they were besieging the city, the enemy suddenly appeared behind them, launching a surprise attack!

Neither airships nor the wizards responsible for sensing detected anything until the Imperial legions approached, and the ground started shaking. By then, it was already too late.

The artillery positions in the rear collapsed under the onslaught of thousands of Divine Punishment Cavalry, and the wizards stationed there were unable to stop the knights, each imbued with the power of beasts.

Not to mention the priests and bishops of the Holy See, mixed among the knights in silver armor, sporadically casting troublesome divine arts.

For the gunners, the most crucial aspect was the formation. Once the formation collapsed, their ability to deliver concentrated firepower would be greatly reduced, especially in a flat area facing a large number of Divine Punishment Knights.

Following their previously conceived tactics, encountering a large enemy force in a plain required relying on armored vehicles for interception, supplemented by machine guns and artillery fire. Combined with the bombardment from airships, achieving air-land integration and keeping the enemy fifty meters away was essential.

Now, this plan had clearly failed. In the disrupted formation, forced to directly engage, their only option was to do their best to preserve their remaining forces and retreat, the only thing left to do.


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