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Dragonblood Warrior.

This is a special profession that gains the blessings, powers, resistances, or curses of dragons through rituals like dragon worship and bathing in dragon blood.

Within the Dragon Worship sect, they have a well-established process for cultivating Dragonblood Warriors.

These mass-produced Dragonblood Warriors are not as formidable as heroes who rely on their own strength to slay dragons and bathe in their blood.

But among ordinary professionals, they are still considered quite powerful.

The Dragonblood Warrior trapped by the vine magic is undoubtedly a formidable one.

He possesses a career level as high as LV14, and the dragon wings soaring on his shoulders indicate that he ranks in the second tier within the Dragon Worship sect, the Dragon Wing level.

As introduced by Hu Yi, the internal ranks of the Dragon Worship sect are from bottom to top: Dragon Claw, Dragon Wing, Dragon Tooth, and the highest level, Dragon Soul.

This can be easily identified from the attire they wear.

Just as Xiong Kuang was rapidly advancing.

Matthew noticed that the black magical light was radiating from the dragon wings on the shoulders of the Dragonblood Warrior.

In the blink of an eye, the green vines that had been entwined around him withered rapidly as if they were being drained of life.

In addition to the Dragonblood Warrior's own resistance, he easily freed himself from the entanglement of the vine magic.

Facing the oncoming Xiong Kuang, the Dragonblood Warrior did not retreat but quickly removed a shield as tall as himself from his back!

Immediately, he charged towards Matthew.


With a muffled sound, Xiong Kuang slapped the shield, and the wooden shield made an unpleasant friction noise. However, the Dragonblood Warrior only stumbled back a half step and quickly regained his strength faster than Xiong Kuang.

The next moment.

The Dragonblood Warrior shouted, and his muscles swelled up, and he forcefully kicked the swampy mud away.

With a thud.

A simple and unpretentious shield strike hit Xiong Kuang's chest. If Xiong Kuang's overall attributes were not stronger than an ordinary brown bear, he would likely have been stunned by this shield strike.

"I didn't expect you to be a shield bearer, quite rare!"

Matthew felt a hint of regret in his heart.

But the next moment, he still rushed forward without hesitation. Xiong Kuang and the Dragonblood Warrior clashed head-on for several rounds without a clear winner.

At this time, Lumière and Bobo also followed suit and assaulted the four Dragon Worship disciples. The earthfire dragons roared and spewed flames indiscriminately, causing chaos in this temporary outpost.

Matthew remained calm, not losing his composure due to the intense hand-to-hand combat with the Dragonblood Warrior but constantly looking for an opportunity.

In the seventh round, Xiong Kuang pretended to be weak, still wanting to use the same trick, and the Dragonblood Warrior had no intention of retreating either. He raised his shield to counter, but at this moment, Xiong Kuang rolled to the side nimbly.

The Dragonblood Warrior went too aggressively and left an opening.

Matthew seized the opportunity and struck with a palm, but the opponent was very experienced, or perhaps he anticipated Matthew's attack trajectory. In the blink of an eye, the Dragonblood Warrior turned his shield horizontally and once again withstood Xiong Kuang's bear paw!

However, this time, he lost his balance significantly and, after taking a palm strike from Matthew, rolled backward.

And during those few seconds of rolling on the ground, the Dragonblood Warrior revealed a flaw that had not appeared in the past few rounds!

A discreet glimmer of a blade quietly flashed by.

The Dragonblood Warrior's body continued to roll on the ground.

But his head, which refused to rest in peace, was firmly cradled by a skeleton wearing a dark red cape.

Matthew successfully cooperated with Afei to defeat the Dragonblood Warrior, and without delay, he directly attacked the group of deformed earthfire dragons.

Afei's one-on-one assassination ability was strong, especially when someone created ambush environments for him, he often made significant kills with each strike.

However, when facing creatures like earthfire dragons, he suffered repeated setbacks.

Matthew saw him darting around the earthfire dragons, his short knives striking like the wind, causing the earthfire dragons to howl and be covered in wounds, but it was difficult to kill them.

Even though his blades were coated with poison, the earthfire dragons had incredibly high resistance, and the poison had little effect on them.

Instead, Afei had to be very cautious, whether it was the flames of the earthfire dragons or their plump bodies, any contact could easily damage his fragile skeleton.

After a dozen breaths.

Lumière decisively broke the necks of the four Dragon Worship disciples. From the clothes they were wearing, it was easy to tell that these people were only the lowest-ranking cannon fodder, the Dragon Claw level.

To end the battle quickly, Matthew had originally planned to transform into the Wind God Winged Dragon and work together with Bobo.

But as the situation unfolded, he suddenly changed his mind. In the next moment, he lightly patted his Mystic Bag of Tricks.

A sweet-faced specter appeared in front of him.

"Go, kill them!"

Matthew gave a command to Afei.

Afei gently nodded and then flew to the tops of the earthfire dragons.

The specter drifted gently for a few seconds, and her appearance visibly deteriorated at a speed visible to the naked eye, a sight that even Matthew, her master, couldn't bear to look at.

The next moment.

A sharp cry erupted from Afei.

The cry was piercing, full of sorrow and anguish, and had an incredibly strong spiritual impact.

Even Lumière and Bobo were almost affected by it!

And those few earthfire dragons that had been the focus of attention were in even worse shape.

After a round of crying, all the earthfire dragons stood frozen in place.

Afei elegantly descended, and during this process, her appearance rapidly restored.

Then, Miss Specter floated lightly past one of the earthfire dragons, made a simple gesture, and captured the soul of one of the silly earthfire dragons in her palm!


"Notification: Your summon, Afei, used the ability 'Soul-Seeking Wail.'

Earthfire dragons failed their saves (Intelligence & Perception & Willpower) and entered a state of stupefaction.

In this state, Afei can use the secondary ability of 'Soul Reaping' from 'Soul-Seeking Wail.'

This means she can directly cross the barrier between realms to take away the souls of those in a stupefied state."


Afei's movements were very agile.

After a few rounds, she had captured all seven souls of the earthfire dragons.

She obediently presented these souls to Matthew. Matthew immediately took out a small bottle from his bag, which he usually used for storing pills. After emptying the pills, he chanted the basic Soul-Sealing Incantation.

White smoke gradually condensed.

Soon, these weakened souls were all sealed in the bottle by Matthew.

On the ground, the earthfire dragons, after losing their souls, were rapidly dying.

Three minutes later.

They had all ceased to exist.

Seeing this, the other three weren't surprised at all. After all, Matthew had openly presented himself as a necromancer. It would be even stranger if he had relied on wild shape to win instead.

"This should be a rearguard outpost."

Hu Yi, who couldn't be found during the battle, emerged as soon as the battle ended.

He diligently searched the area and reported, "I just found a small alarm spell nearby, but the alarm target is not the members in the outpost. It seems that Brolin already knows we're here."

Matthew nodded.

Tracking a grand mage without him being aware was unrealistic. To negotiate with Brolin, Matthew had to make him aware of his pursuit. Matthew had to demonstrate a certain level of strength, or there would be no opportunity to negotiate with Brolin.

"Judging from the hurried style in which this outpost is set up, it seems that he's in a rush to do something, and he doesn't seem to care about us."

Hu Yi speculated, "If that's the case, there must be several similar outposts along the way. Their purpose may not be to obstruct us but to slow down our progress."

Matthew agreed with this assessment.

So they quickly looted the corpses.

Unfortunately, the lower ranks of the Dragon Worship sect looked very poor and likely had to turn over all their money.

Even the Dragon Wing, the Dragonblood Warrior, had only seven or eight gold coins on him.

Matthew had to instruct Afei to strip the clothes, belts, underwear, and shoes from the bodies.

Not because he was being stingy, but because he had too many undead to take care of in his home graveyard.

Most of them didn't have any decent clothes or equipment on them, so how could Matthew dare to waste extravagantly?

The group continued to move forward.

But the further they went into the swamp, the more difficult the path became.

In the afternoon, a thick fog descended, reducing visibility to near zero. They couldn't even distinguish their direction, let alone pursue their targets at high speed.

Walking in the dangerous marshes in such conditions required extra caution. Stepping into a pit in this environment could be extremely perilous. Even for professionals, there was a constant risk of death in the muddy swamp.

Matthew remained patient, keeping calm, and urged everyone to move slowly.

With the heavy fog shrouding the area and the sun's rays significantly weakened, Afei had more room to maneuver.

Specters were perfect beings in a swampy terrain like this.

Afei gracefully advanced, scouting ahead and pointing out possible mud or traps in the path for the group.

Like this, even though their progress was slow and difficult, the group never lost the trail of the Dragon Worship sect.

Three hours passed.

They had ventured deep into the swamp, but along the way, they hadn't encountered many undead, just dismantling three rearguard outposts of the Dragon Worship sect.

The defenses of these outposts got stronger one after another. By the time they reached the last one, there were even two archers stationed there.

If it weren't for Matthew having elite assassins like Abing and Afei with him, these two archers hidden in the trees could have caused them considerable trouble.

In the end, after a fierce battle, only poor Bobo was hit by an arrow on her knee and helmet. Her armor had strong protection, but the archers were no amateurs. The arrows they shot had a lot of force, leaving bruises on her forehead and knee.

This made the dwarf quite angry, and she immediately threatened to blow up the Dragon Worship sect's base.

During these three battles, the most outstanding performance undoubtedly belonged to the newly recruited part-timer, Afei.

Specters possessed a semi-invisible state, high speed, ruthless killing, and two powerful abilities, Physical Damage Immunity and Soul-Seeking Wail.

This made Afei often seem like she was in a world of her own when facing the Dragon Worship sect's rank-and-file. After a few in-and-out kills, she would usually completely disrupt their formation.

What followed was naturally a happy harvest time.

Seeing this, Matthew was initially very pleased, but he soon felt a bit frustrated.

Although he had gained a powerful part-timer, the front-line lineup under Matthew was still weak.

Leaving aside the cannon fodder zombies and skeletons, the contracted summonings:

Peggy, as the hardworking head of logistics, Matthew generally didn't want to send her to the front lines.

Feylorius had some combat abilities, but he was not very cooperative, and every time he was summoned, he demanded overtime pay. This made Matthew both love and hate him.

Abing? An assassin.

Afei? Also an assassin!

Looking around, Matthew realized that among his team members, only he could take on the role of a meat shield!

"Could it be that in future battles, I'll be transformed into a Werebear, carrying the front, while these guys sneak around in the back for ambushes?"

Just thinking about the possibility made him feel frustrated.

"I'm already at Tier 3 now. Once I learn magic back home, I can start learning how to create Dark Knights!"

"In the future, if I don't have seven or eight Dark Knights by my side, I simply won't be able to leave the house!"

That said, after these several battles, Matthew reaped a lot.

Besides the substantial amount of loot they acquired, the task of driving out or killing the members of the Dragon Worship sect continued. The deaths of these sect members also contributed two new spells to Matthew.


"Magic Trap: You can create a circle with a radius of two meters on the ground or floor using a rope.

When you complete the casting, the rope disappears, turning into an invisible magical trap.

From this point on, when someone or something (no larger than Large size) enters the trap, the rope will automatically fly up, binding them securely. At this point, the target will make an Agility check.

If the target passes the Agility check, your Magic Trap fails, and the target safely exits.

If the target fails the Agility check, they will be suspended in mid-air in a hanging position and remain in that state until the spell effect ends.

Your 'Magic Trap' can currently last for 72 hours.

Once triggered, the spell effect lasts for 6 minutes (varies depending on the specific situation)."


"Human Paralysis: Cast this on any human you see (the target must make a Perception check). On a successful cast, the effect lasts for up to 2 minutes. During this time, you can do anything to them other than attack.

Once you attack the paralyzed target, they will break free from the paralysis.

Note: Up to 4 uses per day."


Of these two spells, the Magic Trap was decent, serving a certain purpose, but Human Paralysis was a real gem.

The success rate of this spell wasn't particularly high, but it made up for that with its fast casting speed and short incantation time, making it ideal for random draws.

If it didn't work, so be it, but if it did, it was like hitting the jackpot!

Even though the target would be freed from the paralysis as soon as they were attacked, having over two minutes of free time meant you could do quite a bit to them. In most cases, it meant death for those with mortal bodies, while tough characters who could withstand various lethal attacks wouldn't be easily paralyzed by it.

Having acquired these two spells, Matthew was in high spirits and wanted to have more heart-to-hearts with the Dragon Worship sect members.

However, after dismantling the fourth outpost, there were no more signs of people in the deep swamp.

They walked for a full hour. Not to mention the Dragon Worship sect members, they hadn't even seen the undead that should have been wandering in the swamp!

Looking around, the thick fog stretched endlessly.

Anxiety spread among the group.

"Something's not right, it's too quiet. Matthew, I can't shake the feeling that the footprints on the ground seem deliberate. Should we retreat for now?" The one speaking was the ace spy, Hu Yi. At this moment, his face was pale, and he had already fallen back to the rear of the group without anyone noticing.

Matthew nodded, considering ordering Afei, who was leading the way, to turn back.

Suddenly, they all felt that the light overhead was dimming.

Due to the fog, they were insensitive to the change in light, but at this moment, the sky had turned completely dark!

Everyone felt that something was amiss. They looked up, and just then, a gust of wind blew through, dissipating the slight mist above their heads.

Matthew looked up and saw something incredibly horrifying:

It was a massive sphere, as large as a small hill. It was precisely because it had slowly passed over their heads that the light had abruptly disappeared.

The spherical form was extremely terrifying. People could see it clearly, and around the edge of the sphere were countless undead!

Skeletons, zombies, ghouls, and even abominations!

Countless undead beings had been drawn together by some strange power, struggling and pushing, but they couldn't break free from the powerful attraction emanating from the center of the sphere!

Even Abing and Afei, as the sphere flew over a group of people, were involuntarily lifted into the air.

Matthew quickly increased his mental support, and Abing sidestepped into the Shadow Realm, while the specter hurriedly flew into Matthew's bag.


"Warning: Brolin has cast a fifth-tier spell, 'Forbidden Curse: Death Orb'!

Death Orb: It uses a carefully crafted orb of negative energy as the core, providing powerful negative energy attraction and blending a large number of undead into a massive spherical shape. If the caster's mana and mental power are sufficient, they can lift the orb high into the air using the incantation, slowly propelling it. Along the way, the orb will attract all nearby undead.

The caster can hurl the orb toward any area, causing an impact like a negative energy meteorite. This move can be repeatedly used until the orb disappears.

The Death Orb constantly releases negative energy, deceleration aura, aging aura, weakness aura, and other debuffs.

Special Warning: If living beings are too close to the Death Orb and are grabbed by the undead on its surface, they will immediately become new undead on the Death Orb's 'Undead Shell'."


No wonder the undead in the swamp have all disappeared! Matthew's mind flashed with a spark of insight. In times like these, there's no need to read text descriptions.

He instinctively roared, "Run!"

The celestial sphere slowly descended.

Matthew tapped his chest, and the emblem on his chest lit up with moonlight. With this enchantment, he quickly transformed into a raven and soared into the sky.

Lumiere and Hu Yi fled even faster.

Matthew's biggest concern, Bobo, stomped her feet, and flames erupted from under her, propelling her like a torpedo to the side.


Bobo slammed into a tree, luckily saved by her helmet, narrowly escaping the crushing blow from the celestial sphere.

However, this was just the beginning.

After the massive sphere landed, all the undead on its surface extended their hands towards the group.

Eerie sounds filled their ears, sending shivers down their spines.

The giant mass of undead in the shape of a fleshy ball rolled through the swamp.

Perhaps they knew that Matthew, Lumiere, and Hu Yi each had escape methods. The first target of the fleshy ball was none other than Bobo. After the recent fall, her mobility was noticeably reduced, and despite getting up and taking a few steps, her feet were still emitting blue light, making her movements less smooth. It was truly worrisome.

Matthew flew in the air, overlooking the entire situation. Soon, he spotted a figure in a black robe fifty meters ahead of their previous route.

Seeing this, he quickly shouted, "Lumiere, save her!"

In truth, there was no need for him to remind Lumiere, who was already on the move. He emerged from a nearby reed thicket, carrying Bobo, helmet and all, on his shoulder.

At that moment, Lumiere's knees bent involuntarily, but within half a second, he had adapted to the weight. Carrying Bobo, he ran like a whirlwind.

Lumiere's exceptional physical abilities were on full display at this moment.

The fleshy ball chased closely behind, and the undead extended their withered hands in an attempt to grab them. But Lumiere managed to maintain a certain distance from the fleshy ball, which gave the undead on its surface a feeling of not being too close or too far, as if their prey was within easy reach.

"I'm not rushing you or anything," Bobo said with a pale face, "but can you go a little faster? I'm feeling a bit... you know..."

Lumiere calmly responded, "I can't go too fast. That way, I won't be able to attract its attention."

As he spoke, he glanced up at the sky. The raven that had been following them had immediately turned back after realizing that the two of them were safe and was flying towards the southwest of the swamp.

By now, the heavy fog had partially dissipated. Even Lumiere could clearly see the figure of the black-robed individual.

It was none other than Brolin, a 20th-level death mage and a priest of the Dragon Worship sect with the Dragon Soul profession!


The airflow in the sky was turbulent.

Perhaps the raven was too fragile, but Matthew's heart was pounding.

He slowly approached the black-robed Brolin and circled three times above him.

However, the latter didn't even spare him a glance, which was quite disheartening.

Just as Matthew was about to interfere with Brolin's spellcasting, he suddenly caught sight of something wet beneath the black-robed figure's feet. The swamp was naturally damp, and such water stains were common. But what was between Brolin's feet was clearly freshly formed, resembling someone who had wet their pants. It wasn't much, but it was definitely there.

This discovery was possible because of Matthew's keen perception and careful observation. Without them, this detail would have gone unnoticed.

"Of course, Brolin went all out to deal with the few of us, even casting a fifth-tier forbidden curse. The thick fog earlier was most likely to provide cover for the undead celestial sphere. How could this guy be so cautious and just stand in front of us to cast a spell?"

Matthew calmly observed Brolin's actions.

Once again, he spotted a hint of rigidity.

"It's a Water Mirror!"

Matthew made a decisive judgment.

"But to control a spell like the Undead Celestial Sphere, he can't be too far away, even for a 20th-level mage, a one-kilometer distance is the maximum."

He scanned the surroundings, but the fog hadn't completely dissipated, making it difficult to see clearly.

He looked back at Lumiere's situation. Seeing that Lumiere was handling it well, he let out a sigh of relief.

"I must find Brolin's real location!"

With that thought, Matthew landed on a thick tree branch.

After reverting to human form, he couldn't afford to rest. He jumped to the ground, knelt on his left knee, extended his right palm, and gently pressed it onto the soft soil.

"Ability: Balanced Perception!"

In an instant, the world lost all its color in Matthew's eyes.

A brand new picture unfolded slowly before him.


Suya's character card is now available. This book features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique qualities. If you have any favorite characters, be sure to show your support by giving them a thumbs-up in the character list. Characters with higher popularity will receive more screen time. Thank you for your support.

Chapter 83 >>

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