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In a world composed purely of energy fields, there were only two colors: black and white. But Matthew, at this moment, could sense the immense difference between things that were either all black or all white.

Notably, this difference was also presented in the form of colors in their perception.

It was a feeling that was difficult to describe. It was like constantly shifting between "colorful black" and "monotonous and dull black."

He could distinctly perceive the "Elemental Fields" composed of the four fundamental elements: earth, fire, wind, and water. These fields maintained the stability of every inch of space in the material world, and they were clearly distinct from each other, making them easy to differentiate.

The Elemental Fields served as the foundation for the existence of energy fields.

Above them lay the somewhat ambiguous "Aether Fields," also known as "Magic Fields."

Most of the processes through which spellcasters manipulated magical energy and cast spells occurred here.

Matthew gazed around, and in the Aether Fields, large-scale advanced spells were constantly playing out: world-ending meteor showers, time reversals, chaotic disasters, mass malevolent transformations, and reality reshaping. However, these spells were self-triggering within the micro-environment of the Aether Fields.

The spells in the Aether Fields demonstrated the instability of magic.

Their impact on the real world was minimal, but occasionally, someone unfortunate could be affected. For example, a magic apprentice conducting a basic alchemical experiment might not have done anything wrong, but suddenly, a bottle on their table would fall over, leading to a laboratory fire and a series of disasters.

People might assume the tragedy was due to the apprentice's carelessness, but in reality, it could be the rare self-triggering of some legendary spell hidden in the micro-environment that lightly affected the material world.

The wonder of this world lay in this unpredictability.

Magic could create, destroy, create and destroy again, and destroy and create.

Above the Aether Fields were the "Elemental Fields," with more units and more intricate colors.

Elements formed the basis of the domain, and they were controlled by the Aether Fields. When spellcasters harnessed the power of the Aether Fields to cast spells, they also harnessed an equivalent number of elements for cooperation.

However, when a significant accumulation of elements occurred in an object or a living being, a special "Domain" window would appear.

Those who possessed a Domain could harness the power of the Aether Fields and even the Elemental Fields in a top-down manner, using elements as intermediaries. This was the origin of "Domain Abilities."

The gods bound domains, using them to seal their own power, but in doing so, they inadvertently bound themselves.

Matthew could clearly see the domains he controlled within the "Elemental Fields." They took on various forms, from ellipses to triangles, large and small, but describing them as windows was quite fitting.

When looking downward through the domains, the units within the Elemental Fields were unmistakable.

However, looking upward, everything became blurry because that was the realm of the real material world.


All these perceptions occurred in a flash.

Once Matthew activated his equilibrium perception, he immediately noticed the anomalies in the Aether Fields and Elemental Fields. He saw at least six figures nearby, distributed from far to near.

There was a significant surge of magical energy among these figures!

"Water Mirrors, all six of them!"

Matthew realized suddenly.

The farthest distance between any two Water Mirrors was no more than 500 meters, and the farthest one was about 2.4 kilometers away.

Blunkin himself was probably near the farthest Water Mirror.

He had established a magical energy connection between the six Water Mirrors, using this link to remotely control his spells!

This action undoubtedly consumed a lot of energy but offered safety.

Matthew also noticed that the Water Mirror that appeared in front of him and the others was noticeably different from the central mirror used to transfer magical energy. It had real combat capabilities.

Blunkin relied on this "Terminal Combat Mirror" to control the "Sphere of the Dead."

If he dared to approach recklessly, Blunkin would undoubtedly cast a spell filled with negative energy right in his face.

However, the central mirrors were different.

Perhaps to save on magical energy costs or to enhance energy transmission efficiency, Matthew judged from the fluctuations in the Aether Fields that these mirrors were nothing more than "power poles"!

They had the effect of transmitting and harnessing magical energy but were incapable of reacting promptly to the surrounding situation.

This provided Matthew with an opportunity.

"Blunkin summoned this dense fog not only to conceal the Sphere of the Dead but also to hide his Water Mirror transmission chain!"

Matthew's heart burned with determination.

A regular third-tier mage would never have been able to pinpoint the existence of the Terminal Mirrors in such a short time.

The powerful features of the Equilibrium Messenger profession were showcased to the fullest at this moment.

Matthew deactivated the energy field.

Suddenly, his brain spun violently, leaving him feeling extremely dizzy.

Fortunately, he steadied himself after a few sways, and his mental strength began to slowly recover.

"That was a massive drain! I got completely lost in it," Matthew thought to himself. It was possible that it was his first time using the Equilibrium Perception, but in just a few seconds, his mental energy had nearly been drained by this ability.

At his current state, without external interference, he would need at least a 15-minute break to regain stable spellcasting capabilities.

Fortunately, the Wild Transformation was more akin to "innate spellcasting."

Matthew steeled himself and once again transformed into a raven, flying towards the location of the second mirror.

In less than half a minute, Matthew successfully found the Water Mirror hidden behind two banana leaves.

As he approached, the Water Mirror seemed completely unaware, staring blankly in the direction of the Terminal Mirror, with an arcane emblem on its forehead alternately flashing red and blue.

Without hesitation, Matthew drew his hand crossbow, taking a close-range shot.


The bolt easily pierced the Water Mirror's head, leaving a hole about the width of a finger. However, the mirror itself remained undamaged, and the hole was quickly sealed as water gushed out to repair it.

Matthew noticed that during this process, the arcane emblem on the mirror's forehead emitted a strong red light.

"Is the red light a reaction to a malfunctioning energy network?" Matthew pondered.

He realized that Blunkin probably sensed that he was causing trouble and needed to act swiftly.

The hand crossbow wouldn't work, so Matthew took out a charged wand and fired five consecutive arcane missiles. To avoid a repetition of the bolt situation, he deliberately targeted different areas.

The arcane missiles ruthlessly pierced the Water Mirror's head, neck, chest, thigh, and abdomen, creating five equally proportioned holes that immediately started gushing water.

The red light on the mirror's forehead intensified!

But before long, it once again completed self-repair.

This time, Matthew was starting to get anxious.

He rummaged through his bag with his right hand, unsatisfied with the various items he touched, until he felt something warm.

Matthew finally smiled.

In the next moment, he tossed out his last bottle of Blaze Gel and half a bottle of Dragonfire Oil.

A bright flash of fire.


The damp banana leaves nearby ignited instantly, and the roaring flames engulfed the Water Mirror. This time, it was genuinely leaking water from all over its body.

However, it was to no avail.

The Blaze Gel, combined with the Dragonfire Oil, instantly evaporated the mirror completely.


"Hint: You've destroyed Blunkin's Water Mirror, breaking his 'Super-Distance Conduction' spell ritual!

Warning: 'Sphere of the Dead' has lost its controller and may autonomously attack any nearby targets!"


"The tools of an arsonist are really useful!" Matthew thought. He considered that in the Rolling Stone Town prison, there were several arsonists locked up, and it might be a good idea to talk to Zeller about having them work to produce more Blaze Gel.

These items were available outside, but their quality varied, and the prices were sky-high. Often, if you bought the cheap ones from unscrupulous vendors, they turned out to be expired and wouldn't ignite. Even when they did, the flames were weak and far less powerful than the homemade versions of the arsonists!

After taking note of this, Matthew quickly transformed back into a raven and returned to inspect the battlefield.


In the swamp, the violently rolling flesh orb suddenly stopped its motion.

The undead on its surface wailed madly, reaching out towards Lumiere, attempting to grab him and make him one of their own.

However, the flesh orb could only move forward and backward at this moment, nowhere near Lumiere and Bobo.

"It stopped? Matthew did it!" Lumiere's face lit up.

Bobo, on the other hand, looked pale and tapped Lumiere's shoulder. "Now put me down, I feel like I'm about to throw up."

Lumiere immediately began lowering Bobo.

But when he was about halfway there, the flesh orb suddenly started rolling again, and this time, it was faster and more violent than before!

Lumiere was startled, but his reaction was swift. He grabbed Bobo with one hand, ignoring her pained exclamation, and ran.

The flesh orb chased them frantically for a while but got distracted by a passing crocodile at the edge of the swamp, shifting its course.

The crocodile hadn't figured out what was happening before countless hands pulled it in, and the outer shell made up of the undead began to squirm violently. It didn't take long for it to be reduced to a half-fleshed skeleton.

A few nearby zombies were still frantically clawing at its flesh.

The angry crocodile opened its enormous mouth, but soon, all that was left of it was a bare skeleton.

Lumiere and Bobo, who had run some distance, watched this scene with a shiver.

But quickly, an unstoppable anger welled up in Bobo's eyes.


A red light flickered over her head, and she screamed towards the sky.

At that moment, a raven flew over.

Without a word, Bobo reached into her backpack, pulled out a small black object, and threw it into the air.

Matthew hurriedly caught it in his mouth. As he looked down, he realized it was a joystick-controlled remote!

"Can we blow up that thing?" Bobo shouted loudly.

Matthew tossed the remote back up, saying, "You can blow it up any way you like!"

After holding onto the remote, he added, "Very well."

Bobo handed a bomb from her backpack to Lumiere. "When it gets closer, put this in the belly of that abomination. See it? It's right at the top of the shell."

Lumiere weighed the bomb and agreed readily. "No problem."

Bobo rummaged around in her backpack again, this time producing two larger-sized gloves.

She attached the medium-sized gloves to her small ones and then the largest gloves on the outside. With these gloves stacked, the one emitting a blue light was as big as a watermelon!

Afterward, she limped toward the flesh orb.

Lumiere held the bomb, circled around to the side.

Matthew found a high place to land and transformed back into a human, gripping the remote tightly.

He didn't say anything. Right now, he only needed to follow Bobo's orders.

Miss Mechanic might look unreliable, always blowing up something on the way, but she had never caused an actual explosion.

Matthew had full trust in her.

The flesh orb, having devoured a few crocodiles lurking in the swamp, was once again attracted by the human presence. It rolled vigorously towards Bobo.

Bobo wasn't afraid. She walked and adjusted her gloves at the same time.

The metallic gloves, with a silver-blue sheen, occasionally emitted a flickering blue light, giving a sense of tranquility mixed with madness.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between them was less than fifty meters.

Bobo dropped to one knee, pressing her right glove against the ground.

At the same time, mechanical noises came from inside the glove. "Start charging level one!"

In an instant, the blue light on the glove changed from light blue to nearly navy blue.

The ground nearby began to tremble slightly.

The flesh orb rolled closer.

Lumiere, on the side, took the opportunity and quickly approached, stuffing the bomb into the abomination's mouth. He even heard the sound of its teeth being broken by something before he turned and left.

The flesh orb veered slightly towards Lumiere, but he was running too fast. It then rolled towards Bobo.

Bobo struggled to her feet and gave her all to punch the Abomination's outer shell with an impressive uppercut!

While she struck, she screamed, "Matthew!"

Her scream was hysterical, echoing through the swamp and the forest, startling countless birds into flight.


The massive undead sphere was sent soaring into the sky by the powerful uppercut!

Matthew fixed his gaze on the sphere's trajectory. As it neared its zenith, he pushed with all his might.

Two seconds later.

The flesh orb exploded without a sound.

Countless undead fragments rained into the sky, resembling splattering mud.

In the next moment.

Inside the Undead Sphere, a pitch-black spherical crystal, shaped like a black hole, spun rapidly and came into view for everyone.

The violent explosion destroyed the crystal, triggering even more powerful air disturbances.

In an instant.

A black tornado formed at the center of the explosion.

The undead fragments, originally affected by gravity and about to fall, were instantly sucked upward and enveloped by the tornado's edge!

Roar, roar, roar!

A powerful windstorm swept through the swamp.

Everyone watched in amazement at the sky.

In the sky, the tornado grew larger and larger. Zombies and skeletons danced frantically at its edge, accompanied by the heads of the Jango people, the tails of the Naga, the hearts of giants, and countless pieces of flesh and bone from who knows where.

"My goodness!"

"I can't believe I was carrying that thing just now!"

Lumiere looked at his hands with a shudder, gazing at the sky.

The tornado lingered in the air for a few minutes, carrying the remains of countless undead and branches, then moved rapidly to the southwest.

Ten minutes later.

Evening at Wind Pier.

Old Ali was dozing off, leaning against a coconut tree.

Little Rock, who was originally playing with crabs, saw the tornado in the distance and yelled in shock, "Grandpa, Grandpa! Look over there!"

"My word, you won't believe what I've just seen!"

Little Ali's shouting woke up his grandpa, who frowned and changed his position. "Don't make a big fuss, kid. I've lived for a lifetime; what haven't I seen?"

Little Rock was at a loss for words and just kept pointing at the horizon, repeating, "Tornado! Zombies! Zombies! Tornado!"

Ali was irritated by the noise, so he turned to look at the horizon. In the next second, he jumped to his feet!

Staring blankly at the horizon for a few seconds, Old Ali suddenly ran toward the pier.

"Get up, Xunkun! You won't believe what I've seen!"

He yelled as he ran.

On the shore, a giant turtle buried its head in the water, blowing bubbles contentedly.

"Don't make a big fuss, Ali, I've lived for hundreds of years; what haven't I seen?"

But he still turned his head in curiosity.

When he witnessed the tornado carrying hundreds, even thousands of undead passing by in the distance, leaving behind some zombie remnants, animal bones, entrails, resin, or mud along the way, his neck suddenly extended to about twenty meters!

"I've truly never seen this before!"

Xunkun exclaimed and hastily dived into the water. There was a faint voice coming from the water, "Darling, you won't believe..."

That day, in the evening.

The undead tornado swept across the northern coast of the Golden Coast.

It wasn't until night that the tornado turned southwest into the Aru Inner Sea, gradually disappearing from view.


"Hint: You destroyed Blorken's Undead Sphere and Negative Gravity Crystal.

Blorken's mental power is damaged.

Hate of the Bai Long Sect +10!


You unintentionally created a meteorological wonder, the 'Undead Tornado'! Several Jango people and an elemental descendant witnessed the entire process of the Hero Team's (you guys) battle against the Undead Sphere. They might spread this battle in an oral form. It won't take long for stories about the 'Undead Tornado' to become more popular. Bards will sing your praises, and aspiring young heroes will look up to you. Influential powers will also consider recruiting you.

Your team (Lumiere, Bobo) has gained +1 reputation in the Southern Legend;

Your regional reputation (Rainforest +3 & Golden Coast +1 & Marshwater City +1 & Naga Tribe +1) is increased."


"Well done, for destroying my Undead Sphere, I'm willing to have a conversation with you before I get completely angry. I'll give you three chances."

"Now, begin."

A dark figure appeared rapidly in front of the three.

Blorken spoke with a sinister expression.

Chapter 84 >>

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