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Rumblestone Town, Lord's Manor, Study.

Reiga, dressed in a robe, yawned as he pushed open the door from the corridor. As expected, an incredibly handsome man was already neatly seated at the desk, waiting for him.

"Wait, I asked Lady Wesley to brew me a pot of coffee," Reiga said as he poked his head out from the side door of the study, calling out the maid's name.

After he obtained the coffee from the servant and walked over to the table, Zeller had already placed a letter in front of him.

"Matthew's letter," Zeller said.

"Who?" Reiga blew on the hot coffee, his expression filled with confusion.

"Matthew, your spell advisor," Zeller reminded.

Reiga looked extremely surprised, his expression exaggerated, "I have a spell advisor?"

"The guy who applied for a paid leave of absence on his first day of work?" Zeller chuckled. "That was me who helped him apply."

Reiga plopped into a soft chair and took a sip of the steaming coffee, saying somewhat indistinctly, "Just let him be!"

"What does the letter say?" he asked, taking another big sip of coffee.

"He probably wants to extend his leave," Zeller hadn't finished his sentence.

Reiga then sprayed coffee all over half of the desk, exclaiming, "Leave is fine, but no more salary!"

Reiga ranted indignantly, "Just a while ago, Durin and the others asked me if I needed them to recommend a spell advisor. I declined their offer politely, but in reality? I've had several magic-related questions recently, and I can't find anyone to ask!"

Zeller handed him a clean white handkerchief and said, "Maybe you can write to him."

"No need. You reply to him, tell him to enjoy playing outside for as long as he wants, and it's best if he never returns to Rumblestone Town!" Reiga grumbled as he wiped the desk.

His eyes were filled with resentment.

Seeing this, Zeller cleared his throat and added, "Matthew mentioned in the letter that he's encountered some trouble."

Reiga gave a "I knew it" expression, "I've always known, necromancers are trouble wherever they go!"

Zeller countered, "But he's been planting trees in Rumblestone Town for three years without causing any trouble."

Reiga snorted twice and, unable to argue with Zeller, shouted outside, "Lady Wesley? Lady Wesley! Get me another cup of coffee!"

His voice was quite loud, but there was still no response from the corridor.

"Damn, Lady Wesley's ears are getting worse day by day. I'll have to fire her sooner or later!" Reiga cursed and raised his voice.

After a while, a stout elderly woman came from the corridor, carrying a coffee pot, and poured him another cup.

"Lady Wesley!" Reiga said loudly in her ear, "Wipe the table and then have Mason wake up Sef in her room. If Sef is not in her room, send Mason to find that damn minotaur skeleton, and make sure she brings Sef back to the Lord's Manor before noon, understood?"

Lady Wesley nodded slowly.

Once everything was arranged.

As she left with the tray in hand, she suddenly said to the lord, "Reiga, speak more quietly next time; my ears work just fine!"

Reiga turned to Zeller and chuckled, "Deaf people always think they have great hearing!"

With a slightly raised voice, he continued, "Lady Wesley, considering you organize the maids for card games during your lunch break, I've decided to cut your salary!"

The old lady quickly showed a puzzled expression, "What are you saying, Reiga? I can't hear you, speak up!"

Reiga shrugged, then whispered, "I saw your husband and son going into the brothel on Waterpipe Street together yesterday."

The old lady immediately gave him a scathing look, "Reiga, show some decency. You're over 40; don't make childish jokes. You presided over my husband's funeral yourself, don't forget that!"

Having said that, she left without looking back.

"I knew she was faking her deafness! She just wants to avoid work!" Reiga muttered angrily, "I'm firing her next week."

Zeller chuckled, "You've been saying that for two years; everyone knows you won't really dismiss Lady Wesley. She watched you grow up."

Reiga, expressionless, sipped his coffee, "I'm serious this time!"

"By the way, where were we with that letter?" Zeller reminded, "Matthew has encountered some trouble, and I think we need to offer our help."

Reiga asked, "Why?"

Zeller explained, "He's intelligent and skilled, but he's too young. That's why we can assist him. Don't forget he's the one Roan singled out."

Reiga fell silent for a moment and then nodded, "Alright, tell me. What kind of trouble did he get himself into? I'll consider offering assistance."

After taking another big sip of his coffee, Zeller suddenly fell silent.

Reiga swallowed all his coffee and asked in surprise, "Why stop now?"

"I was waiting for you to finish drinking. I was afraid you might spray it again," Zeller teased, "Because the trouble Matthew encountered involves Brinken of the Dragon Cult."

Reiga's eyes widened, and he looked at his cup, saying self-deprecatingly, "Thank goodness for your foresight. I might have had to change my pajamas."

"So, this kid steps out the door and immediately provokes a legendary mage?" Reiga asked.

Zeller corrected him, "Almost legendary, fifth-tier peak, level 20. Brinken has been stuck at almost legendary for many years, and I suspect it's closely tied to the Dragon Cult. If he can't create a dragon lich, he might never ascend to legendary."

Reiga sighed, "Even if it's not legendary, it's still dangerous. Are you telling me to willingly confront a fifth-tier mage with powerful connections to the Dragon Cult?"

"If it weren't for the fact that you're a warlock yourself, I'd think you were seduced by that kid!" Zeller said.

Reiga replied, "We've killed our fair share of fifth-tier mages before—back in the Abyss, we all know the gap beneath legendary isn't that big. With proper preparation, a fifth-tier mage can be quite vulnerable."

Seeing Zeller's expression, Reiga's heart skipped a beat, and he resisted, saying, "Not again, I don't want to hear you talk right now!"

He tried to cover his ears, but Zeller forcibly removed his hands, saying, "No, you must listen; it's important. Matthew mentioned in the letter that he had a confrontation with the Dragon Cult and Brinken in the rainforest south of Watershadow City. He provided a detailed account of his plans and hopes we can point out any flaws. His first step is to negotiate with Brinken. This is what I admire most about him: he not only wrote to us but also seeks negotiation with the enemy. Most boys his age are fools, always looking for fights and getting jealous. His problem-solving skills are already quite mature. He understands that violence carries risks and should be the last resort to solve problems. I'm willing to help this young man with great potential, and I believe you are too, Reiga."

Reiga nodded involuntarily but then hesitated, "So, who do we send? Richard? He keeps saying he's retired and won't bother with such a small matter. Durin and Asma just returned to Rumblestone Town a few days ago; they don't know Matthew and dislike necromancers. It wouldn't be suitable to send them. Li Weiqi is an option. Since we blew up all the passages to the Dark Domain, he's been idle, wandering aimlessly in Matthew's forest, complaining about boredom every day. I don't know how he maintains his discipline; this monk's rules must be flawed."

Zeller crossed his arms and confidently said, "Li Weiqi and you! If negotiations fail, there's a high chance of a brawl, and only Li Weiqi can deal with a fifth-tier mage. Although Matthew mentioned he has a fifth-tier Jungle Elf and a combat engineer with unknown strength, I have no confidence in them. So, it has to be you."


Reiga immediately jumped up from his chair, exclaiming, "I'm the lord of Rumblestone Town. Is this kid's letter enough to make me walk through fire for him?"

"It's precisely because you're the lord of Rumblestone Town that you should consider its future," Zeller said sternly. "The world is changing, Reiga. The peace of the past is long gone. Durin and Asma told you about their experiences overseas when they returned. The civilization enigma that Matthew mentioned is being unraveled, and people's ambitions are growing. I suspect that this continent will see many wars in the next twenty years. Signs of tension are already appearing in White Rock City and Torrent Rapids City. Even if Ronan can return from the Astral Plane, his true base is in Gem Bay. Rumblestone Town needs a guardian, a trustworthy archmage. You and I both know Matthew's potential, and now, the opportunity is right in front of you. Believe me, Reiga, there's no better investment in this world than helping someone in need."

Reiga struggled with the decision and said, "Damn it, Zeller, I knew it would come to this. I was almost convinced by you! It's always like this! If you can give me one more reason, then I'll go!"

He seemed almost resigned.

Zeller smirked, "You're the laziest among all the high-ranking members of Rumblestone Town. Is that reason enough?"

Reiga slumped back into his chair and said, "Fine, I'll go."

"Be careful, and remember to remind Li Weiqi," Zeller said, taking two frog plushies from his waist and handing them to Reiga. "I know you're not afraid of necromancers, but in this world, you can't afford to be careless."

Reiga accepted the plushies and chuckled, "I knew I couldn't hide anything from you."

"I've always been watching you, Reiga," Zeller said gently. "I know that you've invested a lot of effort into developing the ability to counter necromancers. It's the very reason you can tolerate Matthew, isn't it?"

Reiga fastened one of the plushies to his waist and swung the other, saying, "I'll give this to Li Weiqi, but he probably won't need it."

"By the way, how do we get there? It's quite far from the rainforest here, and a single Giant Eagle can't carry both of us."

Zeller chuckled once again, "The owl that Matthew sent to deliver the letter is a high-ranking devotee of the Moon Goddess. When there's moonlight tonight, she will take you into the realm of the Moon Goddess. After that, Matthew will provide a coordinate anchor point for the Goddess, and you can teleport directly to his location. The price is that he owes the Moon Goddess a favor. This kid is sly. He outlined his plans and sought advice in the letter but gave no hint of asking for help. However, he clearly wrote down a method for a swift journey, and he even claimed he would greet the Moon Goddess. What a cunning and shameless kid! He's already learned how to utilize his network effectively. So, what were you doing at his age, Reiga?"

Facing Zeller's question, Reiga replied without hesitation, "Ah, back then, I was still in Little Horse Town, fighting and brawling with the thugs from the Turtle Gang every day, occasionally getting jealous over pretty girls..."

As he spoke, he suddenly realized something was amiss and stopped abruptly.

Zeller couldn't help but burst into laughter.


"Notification: Your summoned creature (Minotaur Skeleton) has reached level 13! Peggy has acquired a series of new abilities."


Is she only one level higher than me again?

When he was at level 5, Peggy was at level 9 without flinching.

Matthew was a bit puzzled, considering he and Peggy had made the most basic pact with the undead. If there were any seals involved, it would have nothing to do with their contract. This strange occurrence could only be attributed to Peggy's peculiar nature.

He decided not to dwell on it too much. Peggy had her share of unusual traits, and this was just one more to add to the list.

"Perhaps it's not a seal but an advancement or some other action that activated her hidden potential?" Matthew mused.

At this moment, the four of them stood neatly in front of the throne, receiving Suya's blessings. Beams of white light descended upon them.

Suya sat solemnly on the throne, her expression akin to being untouched by the profane.

Since they left the Dark Fig Dreamland, she had been like this, exuding an air of elegance and sanctity that was beyond comprehension.

This stark contrast was truly impressive.

Matthew had expected her to take the opportunity during the blessing ceremony to taunt him.

So he held his breath in advance, clenching his teeth and bracing himself.

However, right up until the end of the blessing ceremony, not a single teasing act he had anticipated came to pass.

It relieved him while also making him feel a faint sense of loss.

As he was about to leave the Dark Fig Dreamland, Matthew glanced back at Suya on the throne.

Her face gradually became blurry.

In the dim and distant space, it was as if he saw her smiling at him.

Then, the surroundings began to blur.

A gentle force propelled him out of the Dark Fig Dreamland.


Morning, on the outskirts of the Bitterwater Marsh.

Lysanna, bent over, carefully examined the tracks on the ground. "Their marching speed is quite fast; they should have reached the depths of the marsh by now. There are no signs of battle nearby. Strange. With such commotion, haven't they attracted the undead from the swamp?"

Matthew said seriously, "Brincon is a powerful necromancer himself, so it's normal for him to have a way to appease the undead. What's strange is why he's coming in this direction. Could it be related to the dragon's tomb that the Bitterwater Marsh and the Dragon Cult are looking for?"

Huey pondered, "I've heard something about the previous owner of the Bitterwater Marsh. A necromancer named Daniya, who was the lord of White Rock City for two generations. She was a registered archmage in the Alliance, a relatively upright one among necromancers. There shouldn't have been much interaction between her and Brincon."

Matthew nodded and said, "Regardless, we need to catch up to Brincon first. Everyone, be cautious. As we enter the marsh, we can track them along their footsteps, but let's try not to step on their prints."

Experienced marchers usually leave dangerous spell traps in their own tracks. Many trackers have lost their lives that way.

Upon Matthew's signal, Lysanna took the lead. She pushed aside a clump of reeds and walked alongside the footprints.

Matthew, Bobo, and Huey followed in order. They hadn't gone far when a zombie suddenly appeared from the tall grass.

The zombie couldn't contain herself when she saw Lysanna. She rushed towards her uncontrollably.

Lysanna was about to act when Matthew whispered, "Back away!"

He didn't hesitate and quickly stepped aside.

Matthew softly chanted a spell, "Spell: Pacify the Dead!" Under Matthew's soothing spell, the zombie gradually lost her desire to attack. She staggered beside the group, following them until they had all passed, continuing to stumble along.

Bobo asked, "Does that zombie recognize you?"

Matthew looked at the bewildered zombie lady and sighed gently, "We had a one-night stand."

Huey and Lysanna were taken aback.

Matthew quickly pointed at Bobo, explaining, "She was there that night too."

Bobo seemed to recall and nodded emphatically, "Yes, yes, I was there too!"

It took Huey and Lysanna a while to regain their senses.

Huey coughed and shifted the topic, embarrassed, "Mr. Matthew, I see several undead along the way. If we keep pacifying them, it might affect the speed of our pursuit."

Matthew waved his hand, "No worries. We'll stop pacifying them. If we encounter more undead, I'll use this to clear the path."

Saying that, he took out "Ussur's Reprimand" from his bag and held it firmly in his hand. This time, they only gave the whip's long, dark shape a quick glance and didn't say much.

A dozen minutes later, on a slightly elevated area at the outskirts of the marsh.

A sturdy Dragonblood Warrior was leading four Dragon Cultists and overseeing the patrol of seven or eight Earthfire Dragons.

"It seems that Brincon has set up an outpost here to guard against pursuers," Huey said softly when they discovered the outpost not far away. "What should we do? Should we bypass them, Mr. Matthew?"

Matthew replied matter-of-factly, "Of course, we go all out and take them down!"

Huey hesitated for a moment, "But didn't you say we should negotiate first?"

Matthew chuckled, patting Lysanna and Bobo on the shoulders. "This is how I negotiate!"

With that, he was the first to charge out of the reeds. His body swelled dramatically, and in the blink of an eye, he transformed into a Moon Bear!


The Moon Bear ran while growling.

"Instinctive Casting: Vine Magic!" In an instant, two thorn-covered vines grew rapidly from the ground and ensnared the Dragonblood Warrior tightly.

Chapter 82 >>

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