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Suddenly, the surroundings fell quiet.

The rainforest was always bustling with life.

But at that moment, Matthew felt a rare sense of tranquility.

It was as if all sounds had been swallowed up.

With his hearing muted, Matthew's other senses became exceptionally sharp.

He could feel the flow of the wind and see the morning dew on a colossal flower 30 meters away.

Thanks to the Jungle Eye's effect, he could survey his surroundings without turning his head.

This sensation was truly extraordinary.

It was as if Matthew was making eye contact with every leaf and tree in his 360-degree field of view.

He saw the Tyranno-Rex disappointedly turning away.

He saw the massive splashes caused by a spotted giant crocodile as it submerged into the water.

He saw a few flying squirrels soaring away from the treetops.

He saw a native Jango person vigilantly perched high in a banyan tree, gazing in his direction.

He saw two man-eating plants viciously fighting over territory.

He saw several large blue flash butterflies fluttering near the ground.

He saw a group of completely transparent glass frogs patiently waiting for prey.

He saw a giant otter by the river flipping over but accidentally falling into the water.

Ah, the rainforest!

"So, this is the rainforest."

The humid breeze brushed over Matthew's face.

He suddenly snapped out of that mystical state he had experienced just moments ago.

At this moment, two bright beams of light descended from above, piercing through the lush foliage.

The first beam struck the Wind Spirit Pterosaur's lifeless body, which soon disappeared without a trace.

The second beam landed on Matthew.


"Notification: The Soul of the Rainforest invites you to enter the 'Blackthorn Dreamland.' Do you wish to enter?"


Matthew didn't rush to accept the invitation from the Soul of the Rainforest.

In his mind, he was replaying the intense battle he had just fought with the Wind Spirit Pterosaur.

Strike while the iron is hot. He planned to review the seemingly straightforward but actually heart-pounding battle.

This was Matthew's first experience of such an exhilarating battle.

His current sense of awe stemmed from this.

Despite the entire process lasting for only a short while, Matthew, with his second-tier strength, had fought a difficult and harrowing battle against a fourth-tier opponent.

Matthew closed his eyes and focused on reviewing the fight.

Soon, he identified two crucial turning points and one area that required reflection.

The first turning point was his successful transformation into a Moon Bear and the subsequent capture of the Wind Spirit Pterosaur.

The Wind Spirit Pterosaur was the ruler of the sky.

It had inevitable advantages over other fourth-tier lords, such as an incredibly robust life force and exceptionally high biological armor.

Matthew speculated that, even with the life bars of the Tyranno-Rex and the Spotted Giant Crocodile, it would have taken him over ten minutes to inflict significant damage.

Even scarier was the fact that with regular weapons, breaking through their defenses might not even be possible.

This was thanks to the "Biological Armor" inherent in lord-level super-giant creatures.

They were like mobile biological fortresses, devastatingly powerful and nearly indestructible.

This was a significant reason why Matthew had never dared to entertain the idea of taking on these two.

But the Wind Spirit Pterosaur was different.

The darling of the skies was destined not to have as high a biological armor as the terrestrial overlords, which gave Matthew an opportunity.

Back in the aerial combat, Matthew had discovered that his transformed Moon Bear form could break through the Pterosaur's biological armor.

Keep in mind, the Moon Bear's biological level was LV11.

It was evident that the Wind Spirit Pterosaur was rather fragile.

Its cautious nature probably stemmed from this, as once it lost air superiority, the Wind Spirit Pterosaur became no different from an ordinary third-tier creature.

Nature was fair.

It bestowed you with certain special abilities but took away others.

In summary, when the Moon Bear rode on the back of the Pterosaur, the outcome of this battle was already determined. The Moon Bear's weight was 880 kilograms, while the Wind Spirit Pterosaur weighed only about 550 kilograms. Even with its innate control over airflow, in an aerial brawl, the Pterosaur was at a disadvantage in terms of size and tonnage.

Its long neck and claws tucked beneath its belly were simply not suited for close-quarters combat.

The best-case scenario was for it to meet the same fate as the Moon Bear.

The second crucial point was Asiya's timely reminder.

This prevented Matthew from getting injured. With the Moon Bear's robust physique, they would, of course, survive the fall together, but they might also be severely injured.

Damage incurred in the Wild Form would, to some extent, be reflected in the original body.

This move by the Moon Goddess was undoubtedly more beneficial than adding a cherry on top.

"I owe someone a small favor."

Despite always maintaining caution towards the Moon Goddess, Matthew was still appreciative. He would keep this favor in mind, and when the time was right, he would return the favor.

Moreover, strictly speaking, Matthew's ability to climb onto the Pterosaur's back in his Moon Bear form was also due to the blessings of the Goddess.

Transforming without a casting delay was simply incredible!

"Joining the Moonlight Society was indeed worthwhile."

Matthew summarized with a sense of contentment.

As for the point worth reflecting, it wasn't about Matthew himself but about his enemy, the Wind Spirit Pterosaur.

Matthew learned from his enemies and reflected on himself.

"If it had been more level-headed and taken a few more precautions, the outcome might have been different."

"Of course, this also relied on the divine assistance of the Soul of the Rainforest. If it hadn't been so fixated on ascending, I wouldn't have been able to kill it so smoothly."

The Wind Spirit Pterosaur's pitiful fate told Matthew:

First, as long as you haven't established an overwhelming combat power, it's always a good idea to be more cautious.

Second, whether it's in battle or any other aspect, always stick to your own plan. If you let others interfere with your rhythm, the final outcome will undoubtedly be miserable!

Coming back to his senses, Matthew suddenly found himself bathed in the radiance of eight spotlights.

The notification panel was filled with messages inviting him to enter the "Blackthorn Dreamland."

"My, they're rather impatient."

Matthew chuckled and, before the ninth beam of guidance descended, chose to accept.

A light, airy sensation rose from beneath Matthew's feet, lifting him into the air, turning him into a bubble in the radiance.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in the Blackthorn Dreamland.

Gigantic banyan trees were everywhere, and the humid air was mixed with a mild warmth. Vines clung to the branches of the banyan trees, some of them adorned with small white flowers.

Following the guidance, Matthew passed through the forest and arrived in front of a towering Blackthorn tree.

Beneath the tree, there was an altar.

Above the altar, there stood a throne built from plant vines and animal skulls.

Sitting on the throne was an impatient-looking young girl. Her skin was fair, her face cherubic, but her eyes held a hint of killing intent.

The girl wore a garment woven from leaves. Her slender legs were well-proportioned and her fair feet and toes dangled attractively from the throne.

"Your movements are so slow, Necromancer. Hurry up and choose your prize. This is my gift to you!" The girl's tone was quite cold.

As she spoke, the ethereal forms of three miniature lord-tier monsters appeared on the altar.

The Terrifying Thunderclap Dinosaur.

The Spotted Giant Crocodile.

The Wind Spirit Pterosaur.

Except for the Wind Spirit Pterosaur, which was represented as a corpse, the other two were alive and moving. Matthew could even see them walking and foraging.

"Pick one out of the three. I guess you won't consider other creatures, so I can't be bothered to bring them before you," the girl urged. "Hurry, don't dawdle, act like a man!"

Matthew's gaze wandered between the Terrifying Thunderclap Dinosaur and the Spotted Giant Crocodile, and his eyes filled with delight.

After hesitating for a moment, he resolutely approached the ethereal form of the Terrifying Thunderclap Dinosaur.

However, just as his finger was about to touch the ethereal form, a strange feeling rose in his heart.

Matthew instantly realized that it was his Domination Domain ringing an alarm.

"Yes, why do I have the right to choose the Terrifying Thunderclap Dinosaur? I don't even have the courage to face it," he thought.

The Spotted Giant Crocodile was the same.

Although according to the Soul of the Rainforest's promise, he could choose the Wild Form from any of the creatures involved in the siege, it clearly did not align with the spirit of the rainforest.

Matthew raised his eyelids and happened to see a smug, mischievous smile fading rapidly from the girl's face.

"You're taking too long, what are you doing? Make your choice already!" The impatience of the Soul of the Rainforest confirmed Matthew's suspicion.

With this thought in mind, he no longer hesitated and directly reached past the Terrifying Thunderclap Dinosaur and the Spotted Giant Crocodile, extending his hand toward the Wind Spirit Pterosaur.

"I choose it!" Matthew said.

The next second, Matthew's fingertip made contact with the ethereal form of the Wind Spirit Pterosaur.

A profound memory rushed into his mind.

He saw the blue sky, white clouds, cliffs, and strong winds. He saw the dense rainforest on the ground, the silvery rivers, and the tyrannosaurus raging through the jungle.

Then, his perspective dropped, and a black shadow rapidly streaked through the rainforest. In an instant, he felt something heavy in his clawed grasp.

Matthew lowered his head to take a look.

It was a juvenile tyrannosaurus.

Soon after, a furious roar from an adult tyrannosaurus resounded deep within the rainforest.

However, at this moment, the Wind Spirit Pterosaur he was possessing had already soared high into the sky and disappeared on the horizon.


"Prompt: You have acquired the Wild Form 'Wind Spirit Pterosaur.'

Wind Spirit Pterosaur: Prehistoric Relic Species / True Dragon Bloodline (Diluted) / Sky Overlord / Descendant of the Gale.

The Wind Spirit Pterosaur possesses the ability to dominate the skies, but remember, you are not truly invulnerable.

The Wind Spirit Pterosaur has innate spells 'Air Manipulation' and 'Gale Power.'

As a first-generation bloodline dinosaur, the Wind Spirit Pterosaur is not recognized by true dragons. It is even shunned by some giant dragons. In areas where giant dragons roam, please remain vigilant.

Due to your professional level, the creature level of the Wind Spirit Pterosaur you transform into is adjusted to level 12."


Gaining a brand new Wild Form, and one as powerful as the Wind Spirit Pterosaur, left Matthew feeling quite content.

He didn't mind the adjustment in creature level.

The maximum level of a Wild Form couldn't exceed four levels higher than his own professional level; otherwise, it would be restricted.

But as long as Matthew completed his advancement, this issue would naturally be resolved.

After making his choice, Matthew looked at the girl on the throne and found her pouting, looking quite cross.

Unable to contain his curiosity, he asked, "What would have happened if I had chosen the Terrifying Thunderclap Dinosaur just now?"

The girl replied with a hint of resentment, "Of course, a Terrifying Thunderclap Dinosaur would have appeared and challenged you to a fight to the death! You thought you could obtain its Wild Form without personally killing a rainforest creature? You were daydreaming!"

Matthew frowned, "So, your previous promise was a lie?"

The girl replied indifferently, "Deception is also a facet of the rainforest. The final choice is also part of the trial. I've been kind enough to you. I even sent the Wind Spirit Pterosaur to give you a helping hand. Are you still not satisfied?"

Matthew was taken aback, "A trial?"

"Otherwise, what is it? Aren't you currently undergoing a Wild Form trial?" the girl countered. "And it's the highest-standard domain trial. Although you offended me, I have to admit that you've successfully passed the trial. I won't be stingy with your reward. Next, it's the domain you desire most."

With that, a green radiance rose from beneath her throne and settled on Matthew's body.

"Prompt: You have passed the Domain Edition of the Wild Form Trial from the Soul of the Rainforest. You successfully entered the 'Nature' sub-domain 'Rainforest' and stayed there briefly.

As a reward for entering the domain, you can choose one of the following abilities:

Vigorous Energy (your energy recovery speed increases by 100%).

Master of Creatures (you can instantly gain a large amount of knowledge about rainforest creatures).

Blessing of the Poison Dart Frog (every seven days, you can obtain a small amount of poison extract from rainforest poison dart frogs)."


"So, it was because I entered the domain that I saw so many rainforest creatures when I was lost in thought," Matthew suddenly realized.

However, he quickly became conflicted because he wanted all three options.

Which man doesn't love increased energy?

Knowledge of the rainforest was crucial!

Arrow frog poison suited Matthew's taste.

After a moment's hesitation, he decided to take a bold step.

"Why are you so slow!?" the girl impatiently urged. "Just pick one and get out."

However, the next moment, she heard Matthew say earnestly, "I can't make a choice."

The girl became furious. "Why not?"

Matthew replied, "Because I never initiated a Wild Form Trial in the first place. I'm just a traveler who recently entered the rainforest, trying to have the most basic communication with nature."

The girl was puzzled. "What are you saying?"

Matthew calmly explained his experience, swearing that he never requested a trial from the Soul of the Rainforest.

After hearing him out, the girl furrowed her brows, looking perplexed.

"Then, who on earth initiated the trial request to me?"

Matthew smiled and said, "That's not important."

The girl retorted, "Are you trying to threaten me?"

Matthew shook his head. "No, that's not a threat; it's just stating facts."

With that, he took out Incendiary Gel, Dragonfire Oil, and Molotov Cocktails from his backpack, shaking them in front of the Soul of the Rainforest.

"Now, this is a threat."


Several kilometers away, inside a mysterious cave, three native Jango people walked side by side.

One of them was an elderly rainforest shaman, his face covered in oil paint.

He looked puzzled as he gazed into the depths of the rainforest. He turned to the tall man beside him and asked, "Why didn't we receive a response from the Soul of the Rainforest during our ritual? Did it really abandon us?"

Chapter 66 >>

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