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"This is the second sacrifice ceremony we've held recently, and the first time there was a disturbance, but this time there's been no response at all," the old shaman said, his wrinkles almost merging into one.

"This is the first time in my life I've encountered such a situation."

A young, slender figure standing nearby expressed his concern, "The people in the tribe were already skeptical about sacrificing resources to Lumie. After two consecutive failures, the Second Elders may not be willing to compromise further."

The old shaman, Isaro, nodded with a serious expression. "I'll think of another solution."

The old man turned and gazed at the cave lit with candles, sighing deeply. "No need, Isaro. This is my personal advancement ritual, and there's no need to use the tribe's resources anymore."

Lumie, a tall and indigenous figure, responded calmly, "I don't want you to go to any more trouble for my sake, Isaro."

Isaro, the kind old shaman, smiled warmly. "Silly child, you are the future of the Blackthorn Tribe, and it's my duty to do anything for you. I believe in my judgment. Among all the Zhanjgo people, only you have the chance to reach the Fifth Tier, and maybe even become a legend, the King of the Rainforest, Lumie."

Lumie reached out and grabbed the withered hand of the old shaman, his expression sincere. "I'm serious, Isaro. If you believe in your judgment, then you should also believe that the future King of the Rainforest can solve this problem on his own."

Isaro was briefly taken aback, his gaze complex as he looked at the determined young man before him. In that moment, he seemed to see the scene from more than twenty years ago when he had held a crying Lumie as a baby in his arms.

"You've grown up, Lumie," the old shaman said with deep emotion, his hand trembling slightly as he held Lumie's hand. "I believe in you, but you must tell me how you plan to solve this problem on your own."

Lumie's expression remained firm as he spoke. "The spirit of the rainforest has not responded to us, but it might not be abandoning the Blackthorn Tribe. It could be testing me. In the coming days, I will hunt the Two-Legged Skydragons and Spotted Crocs on my own. Every hour, I will offer a sacrifice of this level to the noble Spirit of the Rainforest. I believe in my devotion, and it should be enough to move the Spirit of the Rainforest."

Isaro was deeply moved by Lumie's words and said, "This is very dangerous."

Lumie replied confidently, "The real danger lies in the predators of the rainforest. Don't forget, Isaro, I am the only 'Blood Hunter' in the Blackthorn Tribe."

He released the old man's hands and addressed the young figure named Ajin. "Ajin, take care of Isaro for me. I'll be back soon. When I return, I'll be the 'Son of the Rainforest' of the Fifth Tier. Expect good news from me!"

With that, Lumie leaped up the tree like a cheetah and maneuvered through the branches like an agile ape. In a matter of breaths, his figure had blended into the vast expanse of the rainforest.


Blackthorn Dream.

"Put away all your annoying stuff!" the girl on the throne said angrily. "This is the Blackthorn Dream, and it won't tolerate any desecration by arsonists."

Matthew, still smiling, slowly put away the items. "You've misunderstood, I'm not an evil arsonist. I'm just a humble necromancer. As you can see, I'm seriously injured—well, mainly mentally traumatized and terrified. This is mainly due to your job's mistake. It seems like you accidentally transferred an advancement ritual meant for a Fourth-tier professional to a lowly Second-tier mage like me. That should qualify as an accident, right? I believe that as a responsible Spirit of the Rainforest, you won't just let this slide."

The girl immediately stomped her foot in anger. "Are you blackmailing me? Do you dare to blackmail a Nature Spirit? Do you believe I'll kick you out of here right away?"

Matthew bowed even deeper, appearing submissive. "I believe! I absolutely believe that your authority is unquestionable within the Blackthorn Dream. But what about outside the dream? Perhaps you don't know, but I happen to have mastery over the 'Oak' domain, allowing me to access the 'Nature' domain through it. You wouldn't want the will of nature to know about the accident caused by your negligence, would you?"

The girl widened her eyes, her anger reaching its peak. She stared at Matthew as if she wanted to devour him whole. She clung to her ten delicate toes on her pale feet tightly. Evidently, she was extremely furious.

But by the end of his sentence, her face suddenly turned pale, and after a moment of silence, she asked coldly, "What exactly do you want, detestable Oakman?"

Matthew maintained his humble tone and said, "Just some compensation, that's all."

The girl impatiently said, "Out with it!"

Matthew looked at her with interest and said, "First, I'd like to know your honored name."

Rainforest spirits didn't typically have names, but Matthew realized that this girl was somewhat special, so he wanted to gather more information about her.

However, when Matthew asked this, it seemed like he had touched a nerve with the girl. She jumped off her throne and asked irritably, "Why do you want to know this?"

Matthew calmly smiled and replied, "If it's not convenient, you don't have to say."

The girl pursed her lips and reluctantly said, "Suya."

A name with a pronunciation structure somewhat distant from the common language, Eindor.

Matthew's interest was piqued. "Suya? Not something like Suyah?"

Suya snorted, confirming, "It's Suya. Not Suyah or anything else."

Matthew continued, "Who gave you your name?"

He knew that the naming of nature spirits was highly significant. Ella's name had been bestowed by the Moon Goddess, and those qualified to name a rainforest spirit were far from ordinary. Furthermore, this name's structure was strikingly similar to that of the southern Su tribe people.

Naturally, he was quite curious.

Suya stubbornly refused to answer, saying, "I won't tell you! Why do you care what I'm called, you stinking Oakman?"

"Alright," Matthew didn't press further. "Let's discuss the issue of compensation."

Suya crossed her arms, her gaze sharp. "Tell me what you want, but you better know your limits."

Matthew casually stated, "I want all three of the abilities within the Rainforest domain."

Suya's expression, which had just calmed down, instantly twisted. "You shameless Oakman! How can you be so greedy? You want all three domain abilities?"

"You're truly a disgusting Oakman! You don't even know the basic concept of shame."

Matthew remained unperturbed. "You can insult me with harsher words, but it won't change the fact that I'm just requesting a little compensation."

Suya decisively refused, "It's impossible! This violates the rules set by the will of nature."

Matthew smirked playfully and said, "But you've already violated the rules set by the will of nature."

Suya's face turned pale as she struggled to explain, "Th-that wasn't intentional."

Matthew shrugged. "I doubt the will of nature sees it that way."

Clap! Suya slumped weakly on the Blackthorn throne, her gaze somewhat vacant.

After a moment, she propped herself up on the throne with difficulty. "At most... two of them."

"Deal!" Matthew agreed cheerfully.

Suya looked at Matthew, bewildered. "You... you..."

Successful in his endeavor, Matthew tried to make his smile appear warm and friendly. "I'm actually a very reasonable Oakman."


[Hint: You have gained the domain abilities "Vigorous Energy" and "Arrow Frog Poison."

You have obtained "Poison Vessel (Arrow Frog Poison)" * 1]


Matthew now held a small wooden vessel, resembling a miniature potion bottle, except it was made from hollowed wood with a stopper.

The vessel was empty, but in seven days, Matthew would be able to acquire a potion made from the venom of the rainforest arrow frogs. It was genuine, deadly poison!

Except for the rainforest's native creatures or extraordinarily venom-resistant individuals, the arrow frog poison could be fatal to almost anyone or any monster.

Unfortunately, it was only a small quantity, and he would have to accumulate it slowly.

Nevertheless, it represented a significant upgrade for Matthew's hand crossbow.

In addition to the two domain abilities, Matthew also gained a permanent status called "Predator" and a temporary one.


[Predator: When you go on the hunt in the wild form, successfully hunt and fully consume a medium-sized or larger creature, you can digest it within 60 seconds and gain additional stamina, mana, and health replenishment (Cooldown: 6 hours).]

[Irate Soul: When deeply consumed by anger, anger will also grant you strength (In the state of anger, all attributes +1). You can also transfer this power to your summoned creatures.

Duration: 120 days]

"Predator" was an incredibly useful recovery method.

Even though it was limited to the wild form, that was precisely when the recovery process was slowest after sustaining injuries!

"The Wind God Pterosaur or Moon Bear, combined with Predator, makes for quite the enduring combatant."

"The more troublesome aspect is the requirement to consume a medium-sized creature, at least something like a cow or sheep. At the beginning, you might find it a bit unsettling."

Matthew contemplated the scene of devouring a creature, and a shiver ran down his spine.

But he knew that it would just take some adjustment. The wild form was different from being human, and he had to overcome this aspect.

As for "Irate Soul," it was relatively ordinary.

As a temporary status, it not only outperformed what the Oak had granted, "One's Harvest Doubled," but also surpassed what the Undead had granted, "Pallid Hand," by a large margin.

A global increase of +1 in all attributes was genuinely a potent boost. In some sense, it could be used to save attribute upgrade scrolls.

However, the issue was that Matthew had a very mild temper!

He rarely got angry, let alone furious.

"Even if the duration of this ability is 360 days, I probably won't need it," Matthew sighed in his mind.

By this point, Matthew had already ventured into five domains: Oak, Undead, Restraint, Dragon Slayer, and Rainforest.

On the Tai Chi symbol, there were two small commas added to the left green comma. They symbolized Nature and its two sub-domains: Oak and Rainforest.

On the right side, Undead had one more small comma: Undead.

Dragon Slayer and Restraint were represented by outer small commas, symmetrically surrounding the Tai Chi symbol, reminiscent of stars orbiting a moon.

Following the current trend, Matthew was bound to become a master of domain integration sooner or later!

However, he didn't get conceited.

Ronan had said that domains were only tools, and one shouldn't delve too deeply into them.

This was exemplified most extremely among the gods. They had elevated domains to divinity, gaining incredible power. But this also meant that they had painted themselves into a corner, and even without the arrival of the Cataclysmic Mage, the gods' path might not proceed smoothly.

"Thank you for your blessings."

After collecting his rewards, Matthew politely prepared to take his leave. "But before I go, I have one small request."

Suya, who sat on the throne, no longer held the sharpness she had at the beginning.

She replied listlessly, "Go on."

"Next, I'll be traversing the rainforest. Although I've just entered the domain, it's not entirely safe. So, I hope to receive a small blessing."

Matthew's demeanor was quite candid.

Suya stared at him incredulously. "Do you think I'm your slave, here to grant your every wish?"

Matthew sighed, "If you say that, you'll just make me sad. I happen to have the 'Oak' domain..."

Clap! A beam of white light shot out from Suya and swiftly entered Matthew's body.


[Hint: You have received the blessing of Rainforest Spirit Suya, "Suya's Delight."

Suya's Delight: When you walk in the rainforest, most plants and creatures will exhibit friendly behavior toward you.

Duration: 18 days]


"Now, give it to me and get lost!"

The young girl almost spat out that "get lost."

Matthew, having received a benefit, had no reason to refuse. "As you wish."

A flash of intense light enveloped him.

Matthew's body dissipated into nothing like foam.

Atop the throne, the girl's body curled up slightly. Her slender neck involuntarily arched backward, and her face flushed deeply. Beads of sweat glistened on her forehead, her hands hanging limply.

After a long while, a satisfied moan resonated.

The humiliation and helplessness that once adorned Suya's face had vanished, replaced by intense delight.

At this moment, a small flying squirrel dropped from above the Black Banyan tree, gazing at Suya in bewilderment.

"Suya, why did you intentionally transfer the ritual? Why let him threaten you?"

Suya looked at the small flying squirrel, her face flushed, and scoffed, "What do you understand? He carries the scent of Oak, and I detest nothing more than Oak! I can sense that the Oak Spirit by his side has not yet taken form. This is my golden opportunity; I intend to snatch him away from the Oak!"

The little flying squirrel looked pensive and asked, "So, you still haven't gotten over that incident from years ago, have you?"

Suya glanced at him and then suddenly gave him a swift kick, sending the little flying squirrel flying a great distance.

After a while, a second little flying squirrel calmly leaped down from the Black Banyan tree, looking curiously at the throne.

"Suya, if you want to steal that man, why not be more straightforward?" the squirrel asked.

Suya, one hand cradling her chin, still exuded disdain in her tone. "What do you understand? The most skillful hunters often appear in the form of prey. Besides, I am the Rainforest Spirit. If I want to steal a man, it's either by conquering him or being conquered by him; there's no third option!"

The second flying squirrel nodded, certain. "So, you were conquered."

Bam! Suya expertly kicked the second flying squirrel, sending it soaring into the sky.

After a while, the third flying squirrel descended. This one looked relatively modest and was dutifully reporting, "Suya, the people of the Black Banyan tribe have conducted two sacrifice ceremonies, beseeching you to perform an advancement ritual for a blowgunner named Lumiere."

Suya's big eyes rolled upward as she said, "Make him wait; I'm too busy."

The third flying squirrel hesitated. "But this Lumiere fellow is determined. In the past few hours, he's continuously hunted and sacrificed eight double-winged flying dragons or monsters of the same level."

"Playing hooky like this is not good. Besides, what's so special about that man? Why don't you look at me? Is there something he has that I don't?"

The third flying squirrel puffed out its chest, its gaze intense as it stared at Suya.

Suya inspected the third flying squirrel and let out a disdainful laugh. "You're too small."

With that, she got up from the throne, her gaze now unkind. "Don't kick me, I can fly myself."

The third flying squirrel hadn't even finished its sentence when there was a "thump!" It turned into a dark mass and was kicked far away, even outside the Black Banyan Dreamland!

Suya stood on the throne, her gaze gradually becoming sharper. "No one or nothing can stop me from taking a man!"

"Did you hear me?!"

With her resounding proclamation, more and more flying squirrels leaped down from the Black Banyan tree, forming a cascade of flying squirrels.


In the depths of the rainforest, by the river.

Matthew had reunited with Lorant through Aila's guidance.

The moment Lorant saw Matthew, he gave him a big hug.

This filled Matthew with a touch of warmth.

"I'm so glad you made it. I was worried you died just like that, and then I'd never get answers to my second question!" Lorant joked.

Matthew inquired, "So, what's the second question?"

Lorant shrugged. "You're a necromancer, the real deal, but I've noticed that you can use several wild forms. This can't be explained by a stroke of luck, can it? Of course, I'm just curious. If this is related to your secrets, you can refuse to answer."

Matthew smiled, "It is indeed my secret, but I was going to tell you later on. Saying it now won't hurt. I seek life as well as death. I comprehend the Undead, and I am accompanied by the Oak Grove. To others, this may seem like an unconventional path, but for me, it's the best destination. This is my path to legend."

Lorant stared at Matthew in astonishment, but before he could speak, a quivering voice came from the nearby forest:

"Wait, is there still a practitioner of the Path of Balance in this world?"

Matthew suddenly turned around, and there stood Old Gito, disguised in jungle attire, gazing at him with a complex expression.

The little flying squirrel seemed deep in thought and said, "So, you still haven't moved on from that incident back then, have you?"

Suya cast him a glance and then suddenly kicked the squirrel, sending it flying a long way.

After a while, the second little flying squirrel confidently leaped down from the banyan tree. It looked at the throne with curiosity and asked, "Lady Suya, if you want to steal that man, why not be more straightforward?"

Suya rested her chin on her hand, her tone still filled with disdain, "What do you understand? Truly skilled hunters often take the form of their prey. Furthermore, I am the Spirit of the Rainforest. If I want to take a man, it's either by conquering him or being conquered by him; there's no third option!"

The second flying squirrel nodded approvingly, "Then you were probably conquered."

With a resounding thud, Suya adeptly kicked the second flying squirrel, sending it soaring into the distance.

After some time, the third flying squirrel landed. This squirrel appeared more earnest and diligently reported, "Lady Suya, the people of the Black Banyan Tribe have conducted two sacrifice ceremonies, beseeching you to perform an advancement ritual for a blowgunner named Lumiere."

Suya's large eyes rolled upward, and she responded, "Make him wait; I'm too busy."

The third flying squirrel, looking troubled, added, "But this Lumiere fellow is determined. In the past few hours, he's continuously hunted and sacrificed eight double-winged flying dragons or creatures of similar rank."

"Neglecting your duty is not good, and what does that man have that I don't?" the squirrel earnestly inquired. "Shouldn't you consider me? Is there something he possesses that I don't?"

The third flying squirrel suddenly puffed out its chest, its eyes intense as it looked at Suya.

Suya sized up the third flying squirrel and then chuckled with a scornful tone, "You're too small."

As she said this, she stood up, her gaze turning hostile. "Don't kick me. I can fly on my own."

The third flying squirrel hadn't finished its sentence when there was a "whack!" The squirrel transformed into a dark shadow and was kicked far into the distance, even out of the Black Banyan Dreamland!

Suya stood on the throne, her gaze gradually sharpening. "No one or nothing can hinder me from stealing a man!"

"Did you hear that?!"

With her assertive declaration, more and more flying squirrels leaped down from the banyan tree, forming a cascade of flying squirrels.


Deep within the rainforest, by the river.

Matthew had successfully reunited with Lorant through Aila's guidance.

The moment Lorant saw Matthew, he embraced him tightly.

This gesture moved Matthew slightly. "It's great that you're alive. I was worried you had perished just like that, and then I wouldn't get the answer to my second question!"

Lorant teased, "So, what's the second question?"

Matthew asked directly, "What's the second question?"

Lorant shrugged, "You're a necromancer, the real deal, but I noticed you can use several wild forms. That can't be explained by mere chance, can it? Of course, I'm just curious. If it's related to your secrets, you can refuse to answer."

Matthew smiled, "It is indeed my secret, but I was going to tell you later on. Saying it now won't hurt. I yearn for life and chase after death. I understand the Undead, and I'm accompanied by the Oak Grove. To others, this might seem unconventional, but for me, it's the best path. This is my legendary way."

Lorant stared at Matthew in amazement, but before he could speak, a trembling voice came from the nearby woods:

"Wait, is there still a practitioner of the Path of Balance in this world?"

Matthew turned suddenly, and there stood Old Gito, disguised in jungle attire, gazing at him with a complex expression.

Chapter 67 >>

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