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Chapter 437: My World

The time was 8:35 PM. Not many floors of the Hunter Building were lit, and the sixteenth floor, where Luo was, was one of them.

In the office area, only two or three lights were on. The far distance was shrouded in darkness, while the nearby area was adequately illuminated.

Luo sat alone in front of his computer, looking at Pe's reply on the screen, which was just a question mark. There were no other users replying to the post.

"Three minutes."

Luo glanced at the time in the bottom right corner of the computer interface. Three minutes had passed since Pe's reply, and the post remained silent. Maybe Pe had used some means to make other users unable to see or reply to the post.

"Ging was right. Posting such a message will make Pe show up immediately."

Luo muttered to himself, thinking that Pe had gone silent after posting just a question mark. What would his next move be?

As he thought this, a yellow door appeared on the blank desktop screen, about the size of a palm.

Seeing this, Luo remained calm. After all, Pe was a hacker hunter that even Elena and Ida couldn't defeat together, so his entrance was bound to be extraordinary.

The yellow door was composed of block elements and appeared suddenly, like Doraemon's Anywhere Door.


The sound of the door handle turning came from the computer monitor. Then, the door slowly opened, and a miniature person walked out from it.

This person looked peculiar, with Mickey Mouse ears, no hair, no eyebrows, no nose, just a pair of eyes taking up a third of his face and a mouth almost spanning the entire width of his face.

A round stamp was on his forehead, with the characters "Pe" in the middle. He wore a black short-sleeved shirt on top, white capri pants on the bottom, and a pair of black leather shoes.

The overall appearance was in black and white, with the ears and irregularly moving eyeballs giving a robotic vibe.

This is... Pe?

After Pe appeared, he casually conjured a sign that read: "I checked, there's no record of you clearing Super Mario."

Of course not. Luo had only played in single-player mode and hadn't registered on the official site, so there would be no record. He was confident, being a loyal player of cartridge games.

Luo operated the mouse to create a notepad and typed: "I was introduced by Ging. I have something to ask."

Pe's large eyeballs moved up, down, left, and right. The words on the sign were magically erased and replaced with: "Just speak, I can hear you."

Luo was slightly taken aback but quickly realized it was the microphone device in the all-in-one computer capturing his voice and transmitting it to Pe.

"No matter who introduced you, if I can't find your presence in the clearing records in ten minutes, face the consequences." Pe's sign changed again, with a tone that became very unfriendly.

The phrase "face the consequences" from his mouth was indeed very intimidating, at least to Luo Ling Museum.

Luo didn't speak. He opened the Super Mario record website. The fastest clearing time was 4 minutes 59.07 seconds, with the player ID being Ging, while the second fastest time was 4 minutes 59.08 seconds, an almost negligible difference, with the ID being Pe.

Regarding the experience of speedrunning Super Mario, he had challenged it on Earth, with his fastest clearing time being exactly 4 minutes 59 seconds.

At that time, he spent an unknown amount of time creating that record, while the fastest player on Earth had a clearing time of 4 minutes 57.69 seconds.

However, he had tried several times recently and had already broken the clearing record to 4 minutes 57 seconds, possibly due to his improved body coordination and mental explosiveness.

Seeing Luo open the Super Mario website, Pe's sign had already turned into a countdown timer.

He gave Luo ten minutes, which meant Luo had at most one chance to play the game. If he couldn't break the record, it didn't matter if he was introduced by Ging; Pe would destroy Luo Ling Museum with overwhelming force.

"Breaking the record is a good start."

Luo silently thought, finding the controller, connecting it to the computer, and then opening the game process, a dialog box for entering the ID popped up.


After entering the ID, Luo began playing Super Mario.

Super Mario is a side-scrolling game where you avoid obstacles and monsters, running through maps and ultimately defeating the boss to save the princess.

To clear the game in five minutes, the chosen routes and shortcuts must be identical. From the top 100 clearing records, the difference between the first and the hundredth place was only about three seconds.

Choosing the same routes and shortcuts was one common point, and there were a few others: not taking items, avoiding monsters, and maintaining top speed...

Throughout the game, only one spot required a brief pause to avoid a monster, and whether he could break the record depended on this spot.

Ging's record was so fast, probably due to some trick he used at this spot.

"I'm starting."

Luo gripped the controller and spoke to Pe on the computer screen.

Pe was silent, his eyeballs shifting to one side, obviously watching Luo's game screen.

With the pleasant opening music, Luo controlled the game character, starting a nonstop run. High jumps, stomp jumps, back jumps, all kinds of jumping techniques were used, easily passing the first level.

Seeing Luo's displayed skills, Pe was sure that even if Luo couldn't break the world record, he could compress the clearing time to within five seconds, based on his proficient jumping techniques and timing.

Time ticked away. At 3 minutes and 32 seconds into the game, Luo had no mistakes, maintaining the fastest speed.

The crucial spot was approaching at 3 minutes and 45 seconds. How would he avoid that flying turtle without pausing?

Pe thought Ging must have done something here to surpass his record. What would Luo do?

At 3 minutes and 45 seconds, Pe saw Luo control the game character to jump onto a cannonball fired from behind, using the added rebound force to leap over the flying turtle without pausing.

In an instant, two stars appeared in Pe's large eye sockets.

So that's how it is...!

4 minutes and 57 seconds exactly. That was Luo's clearing time. At the end of the game, his record ranked first, pushing Ging's record to second.

This was the fastest time. No matter how many times Luo tried again, he couldn't surpass 4 minutes and 57 seconds.

Pe excitedly lit up the sign, which read: "I am Ikusebe. Please come to my house as a guest!"

Luo instinctively asked, "How do I get there?"

The sign's content changed: Yes or no.

Luo understood immediately and whispered, "Yes."

In an instant, a surge of nen power emanated from the computer screen.

The rules of transmission activated at this moment, and the nen power, non-offensive, adhered to Luo's body.

[My World]

These four words flashed in Luo's mind. Then, his body turned into a beam of white light, entering the computer and disappearing.

The view changed in a flash of white light, lasting less than a second. A world composed of block elements appeared before Luo's eyes.

Then, he saw Ikusebe, whose height reached his chest.

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