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Chapter 438: Various Paths

This teleportation mechanism, based on Nen, reminded Luo of the way to enter Greed Island; the two share similarities.

Surrounding him was a green prairie, with a few white sheep wandering around. The sky was a blue sky with white clouds, all composed of block elements, except...

Luo looked at the unchanged appearance of Ikusebe, then extended his hands to check them. Everything was normal, completely out of place with the block world around him.

"Where is this?" Luo asked Ikusebe.

"This is my world, the computer world."

Ikusebe raised his hand, pressed the void, and data streams danced at his fingertips, conjuring a set of table and chairs in an instant.

"Please sit."

Ikusebe sat on the chair. This time, instead of holding a sign, he spoke directly, his voice sounding like an electronic tone.

Luo sat down as invited, looking around with interest. Being inexplicably dragged into the computer world, he wasn’t the least bit panicked but rather marveled at the wonders of Nen. Not to mention Jin's Greed Island game, even this so-called computer world was quite peculiar.

Ikusebe looked at Luo and sighed, "Jin's first reaction when he entered the computer world was quite similar to yours."

"Really." Luo was indifferent, retracting his gaze from observing the surroundings and looking at Ikusebe, curiously asking, "Is the computer world created by your Nen?"

"No, I can only open a unique space in the computer world, which is my home." Ikusebe shook his head and continued, "If you want to become a resident of the computer world, I can help you with the immigration procedures."



Luo quickly refused. He found the computer world interesting, but he didn’t want to become a resident.

Seeing Luo's resolute refusal, Ikusebe didn’t mind, and asked, "You mentioned earlier that you had a request?"

Luo, who had set the fastest record in Super Mario, had earned Ikusebe's respect. At this moment, Luo had not mentioned it again, but Ikusebe brought it up himself.

"Yes." Luo nodded, getting straight to the point, "Didn't you attack the Roland Museum some time ago? I want you to write a highly protective security program for me. If possible, it would be even better if you could serve as the programmer for the Roland Museum."

"No problem, as long as you can beat me in a game."

Ikusebe agreed readily but, as Jin said, the condition was to win against him in a game.

Despite being a hacker hunter, he had an immense passion for games.

"Even if it means becoming my programmer?" Luo probed further.

Ikusebe tilted his head, thought for a moment, and refused, "I don’t want to work."

Luo was speechless. If that was the reason for his refusal, then no matter what he tried afterward, it wouldn’t work.

If it doesn’t work out, that’s fine. As long as the Roland Museum can be safeguarded against all cyber attacks during its operation, it would be enough.

"Ikusebe, why did you attack my Roland Museum some time ago?" Luo suddenly asked.

"Curiosity." Ikusebe replied.

"Just because of curiosity?" Luo raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, you can rest assured, I just took a tour of your website’s database without planting any trojans or viruses." Ikusebe said.

As expected... The program written by that little fat guy, Milluki, couldn’t stop a skilled hacker hunter. The hacker accessed everything without even triggering a warning.

Thinking of this, Luo felt the urgency to secure a reliable security program for the Roland Museum and immediately said, "Let's play a game. If you lose, you’ll write the most secure program for me!"

Ikusebe jumped off the chair excitedly and said seriously, "Of course, but I won’t lose!"

Luo smiled, realizing Ikusebe’s genuine love for games. It seemed that even if he lost, Ikusebe would keep giving him chances to play together until he won.

Simply put, writing a security program wasn’t difficult for Ikusebe. What he wanted was a highly skilled player to play games with him.

Luo’s condition actually had a hidden trap for Ikusebe.

The most secure program essentially tied Ikusebe to the security chariot of the Roland Museum.

"Can I choose the game?" Luo asked.


Ikusebe made a gesture of interruption with his hands.

"Alright, you choose then." Luo shrugged.

Then, Ikusebe mentioned a game.

Surprisingly... it was a circus game.

However, it wasn’t an ordinary cartridge game.


The next morning, Sabo woke up, got up to wash, and casually made breakfast. He then brought it to the office area, only to see Luo's computer still on.

"Really, didn’t even turn off the computer."

Sabo glanced at Luo's tightly closed room door, shook his head, walked over, and shut down the computer, then sat at his place.

He took a sandwich and held it in his mouth, then took out his phone and sent a message to Salin.

[Salin, where are you now?]

[Above the territorial sea.]

[How long until you reach Bit City?]

[The day after tomorrow evening.]

After a brief chat, Sabo put down his phone and started his daily work.

Above the territorial sea, a spaceship was flying above the clouds.

Salin put away her phone and reopened her book.

Outside the window was a vast blue sky, looking down was a sea of clouds.

In two days, the spaceship would arrive at Bit City, a first-tier city where the Ohara Museum is located, only six hours’ drive from Yorknew City.

On the other side, many spaceships were also heading towards Bit City from different places.

With less than five days left until the conference at the Ohara Museum, various collectors and celebrities were converging on Bit City by different means of transportation.

The Phantom Troupe, reuniting after a year and a half, also boarded one of the spaceships.

In the VIP Western Restaurant, the thirteen members of the Troupe occupied the largest table, filled with delicacies.

If Luo were here, he would recognize only eleven people; there were two he had never seen before.

These two members were the fourth and eighth members of the Troupe, recruited by Chrollo from Meteor Street.

Thirteen members make up the standard configuration of the Phantom Troupe, representing the spider’s head and twelve legs.

Machi, with her elbow on the table and her hand supporting her cheek, fiddled with her phone with the other hand. Since last night, she had sent several messages to Luo, all sinking into the sea without a response. She also made several calls, but none went through.

"What is he doing now?"

Machi tilted her head slightly. They usually communicated through telecommunication, and it had been a long time since they met in person.

She knew Luo liked antique stuff. This time, planning to rob the Ohara Museum, she intended to pick some valuable antiques for Luo.

Two days later, the spaceship landed.

Salin disembarked and took a car to the Ohara Museum.

There, it was the private property of Croba, and Croba's mansion was also there.

With two days left until the appreciation conference, Salin planned to visit in advance.

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