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Chapter 436: Ohara Museum

The next day, adhering to the principle that even the smallest gain is still a gain, Luo finally received the fifty thousand points he earned yesterday. He then posted a promotion for the Luo Ling Museum website.

The fifty thousand points were essentially the promotion fee, and the promoters were selected and certified, mostly media professionals. After accepting the promotion task, they would disseminate the information through various channels.

Of course, the primary dissemination channel was online, which was sufficient since the Luo Ling Museum was similar to an online trading website like Earth's JD.

After posting the promotion, Luo casually earned another ten thousand points in the Q&A section. When he looked back, he found that less than half of the fifty thousand points he injected into the promotion remained, indicating an impressive rate of consumption.

Normally, even for promotional posts, those highly professional media personnel would be selective. The rapid consumption of points was actually due to the effect of Luo's exclusive certified ID.

"It seems the promotion is working well. To get the website on track within three months, it all depends on Salin now." Luo thought to himself as he watched the backend notifications pop up.

Antiques are most feared to be fake. For well-known auction houses like Yorknew, entry fees, handling fees, and auction prices are two to three times higher than elsewhere, but they are reputable enough to attract collectors every year.

The antiques Luo brought back from the Kendia Desert were valued between fifty to eighty billion. The trading price of antiques fluctuates greatly, and if managed well, the value might increase.

If these genuine goods were sent to Yorknew, they could indeed earn money while sitting, but a lot of money would be lost invisibly.

However, Luo wanted to create a website not because of money loss, but because he wanted to grow it and eventually turn it into an information channel.

Moreover, to enhance his strength quickly, the fastest ways were unexplored ruins, where ancient artifacts could be found, and A-grade ingredients, both of which could be converted into money after enhancing his strength.

Once the Luo Ling Museum was established, it could be used to convert artifacts and ingredients into money, creating a unique platform that includes information trading and artifact transactions.

In short, if it reached the expected level, its value would not be less than Ging's Greed Island game.

Money is useful everywhere, including the Hunter world.

Luo had discussed plans to enter the Dark Continent with Ging. According to Ging, the team shouldn't be too large; quality over quantity was the principle, and each member must possess unique skills to deal with the unknown and harsh conditions.

This was one point. The other was equipment and supplies, which would require funding exceeding hundreds of billions.

So, to assemble a capable team to venture into the Dark Continent, money was essential.

Time passed, and ten days flew by.

During this time, Luo's main task was earning and spending points.

The promotion post had its effect, with the website traffic skyrocketing. Despite having thousands of detailed descriptions of various artifacts, no orders were placed, let alone auction processes.

Without authoritative certification or something like authenticity verification certificates, a website claiming to have thousands of genuine artifacts had credibility comparable to a street stall in most people's eyes.

"The promotion problem is solved. Next is the security issue. I need to meet Pe as soon as possible. Even if I can't recruit him, I can ask him to design a high-level security program. As for the cooperation with Director Croba, I'll leave that to Salin."

Luo stood up from his desk and stretched.

He rarely sat here for ten days.

"Luo, I strongly suggest hiring two customer service specialists. I'm about to die from frustration." Sabo looked exasperated.

"We'll discuss it later."

Luo brushed off Sabo's suggestion with a light remark.

There were five days left until the Ohara Museum appreciation conference, and Salin had already booked a flight to the Yorbian Continent for tonight.

The appreciation conference would attract many wealthy and collectors to participate. It was held annually between June and August, and always before September, which was the peak time for Yorknew.

In other words, this appreciation conference was essentially a prelude to providing valuable items to Yorknew. Of course, among the participating collectors, some genuinely came to show off.

The value of collections represented the face of the collectors, and the appreciation conference was a great opportunity to showcase it.

That evening, Luo sent Salin to the airport.

"Senior Sister, have a safe journey."

Luo personally saw Salin onto the plane.

"Aren't you coming? It's a rare opportunity." Salin's eyes sparkled.

"I'd love to, but the website's security program needs immediate attention." Luo replied with a smile. After solving the promotion issue, he needed to find Pe.

Salin was silent for a moment, then sighed, "You really value the Luo Ling Museum."

"Don't you?" Luo countered.

Salin smiled charmingly at his words, waved at him, and boarded the plane.

After watching Salin board, Luo left the airport and returned to the Hunter Association.

The company was rented in the Hunter Association's building, so there was no need to guard against physical threats, but online threats were fundamental.

Back at the office area, Luo sat at his computer, logged into the forum, and posted a message.

"I bet there's no player faster than me at clearing Super Mario!"

Seconds later, a user named Pe replied...

Night fell, and the breeze was gentle.

The city's lights stretched like a dragon, extending far and wide, resembling blooming roots spreading out.

Cars flowed through the illuminated streets, viewed from above, the city lights' scene was unparalleled.

The contrast between the bustling city and the quiet suburbs was stark. In an abandoned building where an investment had failed, one building had lights on.

A group of people with varying appearances, body types, and outfits gathered around a candlelight, either sitting or standing.

A young man with short black hair stood on the second floor, wearing a black casual suit with a white bandage on his forehead. His eyes were bright, and the scattered candlelight around couldn't dim his spirit.

Below, twelve people spread out.

"Has it been a year and a half since we last gathered?" asked a short man in a black trench coat covering half his face.

"Yeah." Someone responded.

This group was the Phantom Troupe, and out of habit, their gathering spots or temporary bases often related to abandoned buildings.

"Boss, what are we stealing this time?" asked the short man in the black trench coat, Feitan, looking up at Chrollo standing on the second floor.

Chrollo, hands in his pockets, looked up through the unfinished roof at the starry sky. Hearing Feitan's question, he slowly lowered his head and said calmly, "Ohara Museum."

"Another museum?" Uvogin said disinterestedly.

Chrollo looked at him calmly, "This time is different."

Uvogin curled his lip, "What's different? Can this target's security take a punch from me?"

"Maybe." Chrollo replied.


Uvogin's eyes lit up.

A blonde baby-faced young man explained, "The Ohara Museum is a private museum, but its security is top-notch in the industry. The owner is quite wealthy and has hired many professional Hunters."

The blonde youth, named Shalnark, was a Manipulator expert.

"Boss has his eyes on the Ohara Museum because of this year's appreciation conference, right? I heard someone's bringing the Seven Beauties this year to show off." Shalnark looked at Chrollo.


Chrollo nodded slightly, saying softly, "But I prefer books..."

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