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Chapter 434: Boiling

The response attacking "Ging" as a fake product suddenly surged to a hundred. Who knows what this ID did to make so many viewers immediately attack as soon as he showed up.

Luo deliberately opened the profile of this ID to check.

ID: Ging.

Level: Lv99.

Rank: Legend.

Assets: 684551.

Activity: 3544.

Seeing this information, Luo was taken aback. A max-level forum account, with terrifying asset and activity numbers, very much matching Ging's identity as a veteran internet user. But why does every viewer say he is a fake?

In just a moment, the number of replies surged to two hundred, making it the second most popular reply, right under the one from "Not Ugly and Gentle."

Immediately after, another famous god with a max-level ID appeared.

Nighthawk: Reviewing achievements, excluding Luo's real appearance data, the fields involved are roughly the following: Poison Hunter, Bounty Hunter, Plant Hunter, Phantom Beast Hunter, Gourmet Hunter, Exorcist.

So, what does the original poster think about the relationship between [Nightmare Flower and Nightmare Grass]?

In a room with tightly drawn curtains, the only light source was the computer screen, where a middle-aged man wearing thick black-rimmed glasses was typing quickly on the keyboard.

This person was Nighthawk on the forum, ranked among the top in level and fame. In reality, he was a professor at the world-renowned Babard University, specializing in botany, having published many hypotheses that were later confirmed, with considerable prestige.

However, this was on the Hunter forum, where no one knew Nighthawk's real identity.

In fact, the question he raised was still a challenge being tackled by various universities today, and also the subject of research by his team.

Seeing Nighthawk pose such a well-known challenge, the onlookers were suddenly excited, replying under Nighthawk's post and pushing it to the top of the hot replies, making it the most noticeable.

"Finally, someone reliable."

Luo's eyes lit up, ignoring "Ging's" post, and replied under Nighthawk's post: Are the Nightmare Flower and Nightmare Grass you mentioned plants from the Dark Forest of the Demon Domain?

Seeing Luo's reply, the viewers eagerly awaited, hoping various gods would come out and smack the fake's face, then smash him to pieces, unlike "Ging," the tumor who persisted and reached the legendary level.

In the room, the middle-aged man sneered, muttering, "These two plants are extremely rare, only found in the Dark Forest. Asking such a stupid question proves he's a fake."

After muttering, he typed a low-key reply.


Seeing this, Luo pondered how to respond.

The Dark Forest was one of the places he and Linne had visited, where they had encountered Nightmare Flowers and Nightmare Grass, leaving a deep impression.

The Nightmare Flower is a black bone flower with only one petal, growing on the leafless Nightmare Tree. It is considered an ominous thing by the local residents of the Dark Forest, while the Nightmare Grass grows under the Nightmare Tree, a black blade of grass with only one leaf.

The flower can relieve sorrow, and the grass can refresh the mind.

This is the effect of the Nightmare Flower and Nightmare Grass, with the drawback of being somewhat addictive.

Simply put, the flower is one of the materials for making drugs, while the grass has effects similar to caffeine, refreshing the mind.

The local indigenous people despise the Nightmare Tree, but outsiders love the flowers on it, as they are quite popular in the black market.

Luo organized his words, using the relationship of "mother" and "child" to explain the connection between Nightmare Flower and Nightmare Grass, and described the processes of taking root, growing leaves, and flowering in simple language.

Additionally, Luo revealed that the top use of Nightmare Grass is to remove drug addiction, though he didn't disclose the method, as it was a hidden huge business opportunity. Luo wouldn't divulge it.

Incidentally, the cigarettes Luo currently smoked were made from Nightmare Grass. He used the White Smoke font method to eliminate addiction, making it not only a good thing to eliminate physiological dependence on drugs but also purely refreshing.

For example, not sleeping for seven days, just smoking one cigarette can extend it by three days, suitable for various uses, even in war, its effects are not bad.

When Luo's long reply was posted, including Nighthawk, all the onlookers on the forum were dumbfounded.

"Requesting the god to verify the authenticity."

"Why does it seem quite credible, could it be true?"

"Impossible, even the research group established by Babard Academy spent a year with no results, this fake is purely talking nonsense."

"Upstairs, if you think the original poster is talking nonsense, you should bring out something solid, simply denying it is not a good habit."

"Could Luo38 be the real deal?"

"Stop joking, a problem without definite verification, even if he says a lot, it can't be taken as fact until verified."

The onlookers were all stirred up, as Luo's reply, even to those not well-versed in botany, showed some technicality.

Nighthawk's eyes trembled as he stared at the computer screen, his hands hovering over the keyboard also slightly trembling.

Thirty percent of the information in this ID named Luo38's reply was the result of their research group's year-long efforts, and the lack of progress news was just to brush off the outside world.

In other words, whether the remaining seventy percent of Luo38's statements were correct or not, it could be confirmed that the thirty percent was correct.

"The real deal?"

Nighthawk muttered two words with quivering lips, then hurriedly copied Luo's long reply and posted it in their research group's confidential chat room, then got up, quickly prepared, and rushed out.

He had to... verify it as soon as possible.

On the forum, many viewers were calling for Nighthawk, but he didn't show up even after fifteen minutes, as if he had fallen into the toilet.

They all knew Nighthawk was a true god in the plant section, with over two thousand successful answer posts, but for some reason, he went silent.

Seeing Nighthawk's continued silence, some viewers began to doubt, could what Luo38 said be true?

Feeling strange, Luo replied: I am Luo, any more questions?

The constantly rolling post fell silent for a few seconds at this moment, then a series of challenging questions from various fields were thrown out.

At this moment, the Hunter forum ushered in a long-awaited boiling moment. Many people around the world watched this scene through their screens. This was a rare free exchange conference, not to be missed!

Poison Hunter Geru, Plant Hunter Cluck, Ancient Book Hunter Piyon, and many members of the association were drawn to this hot post.

"Time to get busy."

Luo sighed lightly, knowing that to reach the level of exclusive certification, it was just beginning.

Clack clack!

His hands flew across the keyboard, answering the questions he knew.

In the office area, Sabo also watched, smiling, "Go for it, go for it."

Luo ignored him, focusing on replying.

An hour later, the bell rang.

Luo stopped typing, picked up the phone, and saw it was Ging's private number, then casually answered.

"Is the Luo38 on the forum, who is frantically beating the gods, you?"

"Yeah." Luo replied, suddenly asking, "Is the ID being attacked as a fake yours?"

"Yes." Ging lazily said.

"Are you full?" Luo felt speechless. If those people knew the fake they attacked was actually real, he wondered what they would think.

Ging changed the subject, asking, "Why did you suddenly show up on the forum?"

"To promote the Luo Ling Museum, no more talking, I'm busy." Luo replied and hung up the phone.

In the GM control room of Greed Island.

Ging put away his phone, watching the live broadcast of ID Luo38 frantically beating various gods with Elena through the virtual screen.

"This guy is getting more impressive." Ging sighed.

The silver-haired girl in the peculiar helmet, Elena, asked curiously, "Is it Luo?"


Ging nodded in response.

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