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Chapter 433: Hunter x Hunter Forum

Online information is concentrated in three tiers.

The first tier contains easily accessible information, often mixed with fake content, and it's very likely to find false information.

The second tier consists of information that requires payment to access, and its accuracy is 100%.

The third tier contains information that money cannot buy. For example, information about Ging is classified and remains confidential no matter where you search.

To be as low-key and mysterious as Ging, making one's information classified requires two conditions: the authority of a national leader and a large amount of money.

Sabo's suggestion to Luo was the complete opposite of Ging’s approach—it was to be thoroughly high-profile.

If the goal is to establish the Luo Ling Museum quickly, Luo personally doesn't mind being high-profile online.

However, since his exposure to the internet, he has always been a lurker, rarely showing his face or speaking out. His reputation on the famous forum was built by others. If he suddenly revealed his identity, the result would be obvious.

In fact, many people have posed as Luo on that famous forum, and many experts lurk there. Any impersonator claiming to be Luo is inevitably overwhelmed by a group of experts.

Luo remembered Ging mentioning he also had a high-level account on that forum, but he didn’t know the ID.

"An antique collection worth over 50 billion is not as useful as a few stacks of cash. The association’s rent is so expensive, if you don’t come up with a solution soon, the company will go bankrupt."

Sabo was typing away rapidly, having become quite adept at using the computer in recent years.

Luo scratched his cheek and looked at Salin, who was reading a book. She noticed his gaze but ignored him. Her position in the company was primarily as an appraiser, and since the company hadn’t taken off, she was mostly idle.

"I got it."

Luo moved a few steps and sat down at an unused computer, leaning back in the chair. He asked Sabo, "Where’s Buhara?"

Sabo replied without looking up, "He went to help Xiaoling find a book."


Luo turned on the computer, ready for a long battle.

If he wanted to reveal his identity on the forum, the first step was to engage in a battle of wits with a group of experts. He had once witnessed an impersonator being overwhelmed by experts while lurking.

At that time, he found it quite amusing, but thinking back now, schadenfreude is best avoided.

The computer screen lit up, and after about ten seconds, it reached the main interface.

Luo opened a login software, entered his account and password, and after logging in successfully, opened the browser and entered the famous forum’s URL.

【Hunter x Hunter】

This is the forum’s name, with the purpose of exchanging and solving questions. Here, every user can post questions, either for a fee or for free.

The forum is a mix of various users. If you pay for answers, you can ensure accuracy. If the answers are free, you might be misled and think you’ve gained something valuable.

The forum’s currency is points, which can be used to get answers, buy information, or even trade with other users for real money, making it very versatile. Thus, the forum has a high number of active users daily.

Among these users are many active professional hunters and numerous experts with real skills. Their levels are clearly visible on the forum, and they are well-known.

Besides exchanging information, the forum has many other uses. Many of the world’s top tycoons sometimes use the Hunter x Hunter forum to acquire items.

Luo logged into the Hunter x Hunter forum, and his personal information popped up in the top right corner of the forum.

ID: Luo38.

Level: Lv0.

Rank: Novice.

Assets: 0.

Activity: 0.

When Luo first encountered the forum, he immediately registered an account. However, the single-character ID “Luo” was taken, so he tried adding a “1”, but it was also taken. He kept adding numbers until he reached “38” and successfully registered. It was a sad story.

The account was registered half a year ago. Assets refer to points, and activity is the number of posts. From his assets and activity, it’s clear Luo is a super lurker. In fact, he only logs in to check information, so his online time isn’t long.

"If the forum had a verification feature, it wouldn’t be so troublesome."

Luo opened the post-editing page, muttering a few words.

He didn’t consider that online users would deliberately hide their real information, so they wouldn’t agree to verification.

【Hello everyone, I am Luo. From now on, please respect the real ID and refrain from impersonating.】

Luo casually edited a post and published it.

Within a second, someone replied.

Shajiji: Luo38?

Corpse Under the Tree: I’ve seen Luo1 to Luo199, but never Luo38. The poster is quite something!

Crunchy: Every now and then, a clown pops up to embarrass themselves. Everyone, don’t reply and let this post sink.

No Bottom Line: Snacks ready, calling all experts to start the battle, eagerly waiting.

【Discovered Rot Spider Detoxification Method】

【Analysis of the Connection and Secrets Between Happiness Mushroom and Misfortune Toad】

【Single-handedly Slaughtering the Sand Thieves in the Kendia Desert】

【Unconditionally Sharing the Method to Eliminate Landmine Grass】

【Uncovering the Truth About the Headless Horse】

【Detoxifying Seventy-eight Types of Poisonous Plants in the Shadowy Forest】

【Discoverer of the 600-year-old Ruins of the Davy Ancient Kingdom】

【Solving the Eating Problem of Sea Urchins Using Star Grass and Suction Cup Bugs】

【Eliminated the Threat of a Haunted House That Claimed Hundreds of Lives】

【Created Dishes That Amazed the Head Chef of a World-Famous Ten-Star Restaurant】

【Mysterious Rescuer in the Hunter Test】

【Saved Thousands of Patients in Disaster Areas】

An ID user named Not Ugly but Gentle listed most of Luo’s achievements across various fields and then replied: Which Luo are you?

Seeing this reply, Luo responded below: Undoubtedly, all of them are me.

This overconfident reply immediately caused an uproar among netizens.

Initially, they thought it was just a joke, but the ID “Luo38” was too shameless, and it went too far.

Cat God: Waiting for the famous experts to show up.

Zilanse de Zhu: Good show coming up.

The user Not Ugly but Gentle only replied with a row of sneering emojis.

The post’s popularity soared within ten minutes, reaching the top of the day, with over five hundred replies, mostly derogatory comments towards Luo.

"Where are the experts?"

In front of the computer, Luo calmly stroked his chin, thinking this wouldn’t work. Without the appearance of famous experts, he would be completely dismissed as a fake.

Until the 528th reply, Luo suddenly saw a reply from an ID named Ging.

【I know Luo. He wouldn’t use such a ridiculous name. Please respect yourself, poster.】

Seeing this reply, Luo was stunned. Could this be Ging’s ID, registered directly with his name?

With this guess, Luo saw that Ging’s reply was also attacked, with most comments pointing out that “Ging” was also a fake.

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