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Chapter 432: Operations

Netero didn’t care at all; otherwise, he wouldn’t have arranged for Pariston, who always troubled him, to be the vice-chairman, despite being surprised that Pariston was Beyond’s man.

However, one thing was clear: Beyond would not use any despicable means to threaten Netero’s life.

Given Beyond’s style, if he wanted to remove restrictions, he would openly come to take Netero’s life. But with his identity as 【The Son of Man】, he wouldn’t kill Netero for any reason.

On the contrary, Netero, lacking the consciousness of 【The Father of Man】, expected Beyond to hunt him from a hunter’s standpoint, but he knew this was impossible.

After all, they were father and son, understanding each other well. Under such mutual understanding, their reactions and attitudes were surprisingly consistent.

If Netero and Beyond were at the top, then at this moment, Luo and Pariston would be at the bottom. They both didn’t know this, otherwise, their attitudes would definitely change.

“It’s been a long time since you played with this old bag of bones, how about coming over for a few days?” Netero directly changed the topic, letting Luo see his attitude.

Since Netero himself didn’t care, Luo didn’t persist, replying, “I definitely have to go to the association, but not now.”

“Linne is also there, it’s a rare opportunity. You haven’t contacted her for three months,” Netero offered a mild threat.

Luo wasn’t swayed, responding casually, “Then ask Linne if she wants me to come. If she does, I’ll go immediately.”

Netero actually went to ask, and the answer was: No interference.

Then, the call ended with Luo’s laughter.

After hanging up, Luo pondered whether to follow through with the decision he made earlier.

“Let’s see. I’m really not interested in the Zodiacs’ position, and worrying about Netero seems unnecessary.”

Luo muttered to himself, shaking his head and heading towards the stairs.

The reason he considered joining the Zodiacs was partly out of concern for Netero handling it poorly and partly because of the company set up in the Hunter Association.

Hmm? Did I forget something?

Forget it, I don’t want to think about it.

That night, Luo bid farewell to Killua and left the hotel.

With Tsubone around, Luo could leave with peace of mind. He took a taxi to the airport.

*Hunter Association, Vice Chairman’s Office.*

Tick-tock, tick-tock...

A clock on the wall beside the bookshelf showed the hour hand nearing “12.”

Pariston clasped his hands under his chin, quietly watching the clock. In another minute, the hour hand would point to midnight.

“Cooking a few dishes wouldn’t take that long.”

Pariston knew Luo wouldn’t call again, nor would he call Luo, as Luo not calling back already indicated his stance.

Throughout the day, he discovered the battlefield between Saiyu and Luo was at the Shakespeare Theatre, and the day was enough for Chairman Netero to do something.

Yet, nothing happened.

This was Pariston’s real feeling.

Everyone has a 【selfish】 side, manifesting in various ways.

Pariston was sure that Netero wouldn’t remove him for two reasons: one was the difficulty of execution, the other was Netero’s personal selfish need.


Half a month passed, expecting something to happen, but it remained calm.

That day, Luo left the hotel, boarded a ship, and headed back to Kukuroo Mountain.

The next day, he suddenly remembered what he had forgotten – to call Pariston. But then, he thought it unnecessary and destroyed Saiyu’s phone, pretending nothing happened.

Back at Kukuroo Mountain, Luo waited for Milluki for half a month, finally obtaining results. Except for Pe, all the rats were caught.

While handing over the results, Luo saw the fighting spirit in Milluki’s eyes.

He knew who this fighting spirit was directed at, and considering the harsh reality, he pondered for a long time but didn’t tell Milluki the truth.

He was worried that if Milluki knew the truth, he would be greatly shocked, abandon his computer, lose weight, and become a professional killer, ruining Milluki’s future comfortable life.

Thinking of the possible chain reaction, Luo kept the truth hidden, took the results, and left the Zoldyck family, heading straight for the Hunter Association.

Two days later, he arrived at the association building in casual attire and walked straight in.

The association rented the sixteenth floor. Not needing to transfer elevators in the association’s office area was the most comfortable thing.

Luo arrived at the elevator entrance, waiting for the elevator to descend.

After a while, with a ding, the elevator door opened, and Pariston, dressed in a yellow suit, appeared ghost-like.

Luo was momentarily stunned seeing Pariston, and Pariston was also surprised seeing Luo, seemingly not faking it.

“What a coincidence.”

Pariston reacted, showing his signature smile, like a painting smeared with ink, impossible to clean off.

He was going to buy coffee and afternoon snacks, unexpectedly running into Luo.

“You’re going down, right? You can come out.”

Luo looked at Pariston in the elevator, doubting this coincidence. The problem was, Netero indeed didn’t target Pariston because of his identity, puzzling Luo about the old man’s intentions.

Pariston nodded, stepped out of the elevator. Luo entered directly, silently pressing the 【close door】 button.

As the elevator door slowly closed, a hand suddenly reached in, pulling the door open.

“Ah, I forgot my wallet. I can’t buy coffee without it.”

Pariston said in an annoyed tone and walked back into the elevator.

Luo watched Pariston re-enter the elevator, saying lightly, “I’m curious, why do you always complicate straightforward actions?”

Pariston tilted his head, pinching his chin, puzzled, “Do I?”

“Forget I said anything.” Luo watched the ascending red numbers.

When the floor number reached eight, Pariston asked curiously, “Seeing me alive and well, aren’t you surprised?”

“Pariston.” Luo called his name.

“Hmm?” Pariston’s eyes flickered, turning to Luo.

“I really hate trouble, do you understand?” Luo slowly turned his head, the light in his eyes like sharp swords piercing Pariston’s eyes.

The atmosphere became silent.

A few seconds later, with a ding, the elevator door opened, reaching the sixteenth floor.

Luo withdrew his gaze and walked out without looking back.

Pariston silently watched the closing elevator door, the corners of his mouth curving up.

Spending a significant amount of money, he rented the entire sixteenth floor of the association building, placing the ancient relics brought from the Kendia Desert in a large safe.

Luo headed straight to the office area. The large space, aside from a few computers, was filled with bookshelves and books.

Salin quietly read a book, while Sabo worked on a computer, his hair messy, seemingly not having cleaned for a while.

Seeing Luo, Salin glanced up, then continued reading.

Sabo said, “You finally showed up, you idle boss.”

“How’s the website?” Luo ignored Sabo’s sarcasm, smiling as he walked over.

“Traffic is still low,” Sabo replied.

“Same as always, it seems a complete marketing strategy is needed.” Luo touched his chin. The website’s low traffic was due to a lack of professional talent and suppression.

“You should actively create momentum,” Sabo suggested.

“I’ll think about it. The latest batch of rats has been caught; you handle it.” Luo scratched his cheek, handing over the 【terminal】.

Sabo took the 【terminal】, saying, “What’s there to think about? With your reputation on the forums, just spreading the word is enough. And if you reveal your exorcist identity in high circles, it’ll be even easier.”

“Easy for you to say.” Luo rolled his eyes.

In recent years, he and Linne had traveled around, gaining considerable fame by helping with exorcisms for lodging.

To the wealthy, his exorcist identity was like that of a ghost master.

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