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Chapter 431: No Need

Because he needed to cook some dishes, he hung up the phone when it came to an important topic.

This man, who was so deep in thought that even Ging found him troublesome, gently placed the receiver down, still wearing his everlasting smile.

He pondered for a moment, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Beyond's number.

After a while, the person who answered was not Beyond but a female voice.

Pariston was not surprised and asked, "Is he available?"

"Yes," replied the gentle and calm female voice.

After a few moments, Beyond's rough voice came through the phone, "What is it?"

Pariston paused, then explained the matter regarding Saiyu and Luo, including the potential impact after Luo reported to Netero.

Beyond listened silently and then responded indifferently, "Do as you see fit. Anything else?"

"No," Pariston replied calmly.

"Then I'll hang up," Beyond said and ended the call.

Pariston looked at the phone with a busy signal and sighed softly.

He knew that Beyond's meaning was to let him handle it autonomously. That nonchalant attitude was Beyond's unique style, or rather, it was the supreme confidence he had regarding something.

Netero had placed a restriction on Beyond. No, the real restriction was the mutual understanding between Beyond and Netero, which was the true reason preventing Beyond from going to the Dark Continent.

The restriction was: Beyond could only go to the Dark Continent after Netero's death.

In other words, only when Netero died would the restriction on Beyond be lifted, allowing him to go to the Dark Continent.

If we think about it from this angle, if Netero knew about Pariston and Beyond's relationship...

Normally, one would think that Pariston infiltrated the Zodiacs to eliminate Netero, thereby lifting the restriction on Beyond and then riding the wave to the Dark Continent.

However, Netero wouldn't think that way.


Perhaps, deep down, Netero genuinely hoped his son Beyond would challenge him in a death match...

This guess was unfounded, but Pariston gleaned some information from Beyond's attitude.

Compared to this, what Pariston dreaded most was not his identity being exposed but the subsequent impact that might cause him to lose his position as vice-chairman.

"I... haven't even started playing yet."

Pariston murmured to himself.

He diligently took on the role of vice-chairman, partly due to Beyond's orders and partly to engage in a different kind of game with the chairman, which could also be called "play."

If Luo's interference caused him to lose this opportunity to play, it would be troublesome.

"Although, I don't think Netero would remove me from my position..."

Pariston slowly got up and walked towards the office door.

Before Luo called back, he needed to check on Saiyu's current situation and find the body if possible.


In the hotel suite, the dining table was filled with plates only smeared with oil.

Killua patted his full belly, squinting his eyes with satisfaction.

After eating, he belatedly asked, "Where's that monkey guy?"

"He's dead," Luo replied, paused, and then added, "Sorry, he came after me, trying to use you to threaten me."

"I thought it was a family enemy," Killua realized, then showed a cat-like expression and said, "I don't accept apologies."

"And then?" Luo glanced at Killua.

Killua said slyly, "You have to compensate me properly, stay with me for half a year, no, three months will do!"

"Forget it."

Luo shook his head, gathering the dishes, then suddenly paused, sensing two people outside the room.


The approaching aura was not hostile and not intentionally hidden, but they didn't seem to plan to enter either.

Luo suddenly released his En, scanning the outlines of the two outside the room, Silva and Tsubone.

"Not planning to come in?"

Luo thought silently but didn't expose it. He put away the dishes and went to the kitchen.

"One month, is that okay?"

Killua followed, pitifully saying.

"No, I have a lot of things to handle. I'll leave tonight or tomorrow," Luo refused again mercilessly.

"How could you!"

Killua rolled around, throwing a tantrum, but Luo ignored him.

After washing the dishes, Luo wiped his hands, looked towards the door, noticing that Silva had left, but Tsubone stayed behind.

Coming specifically to confirm in person but not wanting to show up.

Luo shook his head slightly and said to Killua, "I'm going out to handle something. You rest well in the room."

After saying this, regardless of Killua's reaction, he left the suite.

The corridor was empty, but Luo knew Tsubone was nearby. Since she didn't intend to show up, he ignored her, taking the elevator straight to the hotel's top floor.

The rooftop was empty, with no one in sight.

The wind was strong, whistling past his ears.

Luo expanded his domain, isolating the wind noise, then took out his phone and dialed a number.

He didn't call Pariston back but directly dialed Netero.

Regarding Pariston's tempting proposal, Luo actually didn't care. He wasn't Ging, who had been tricked by Netero. If he wanted to go to the Dark Continent, there was no need to go through official channels.

In other words, if he wanted to go to the Dark Continent, the issue wasn't those four harsh conditions but having a ship capable of crossing the months-long journey and reliable partners willing to go.

As for the ship, he could have Ellie's shipyard build one for him. Recently, she seemed to be facing financial issues. Once he had some free time, he would check what was going on.

As for partners, that was the real problem. The Dark Continent wasn't a place everyone wanted to go.

The phone rang several times before it was answered.

"Rare for you to call me. Linne is here with me. Want to come over?" Netero's teasing voice came through.

"You have a son?" Luo didn't beat around the bush.

"No," Netero replied sincerely.

"Then I'll hang up and call Linne, or you can give the phone to Linne," Luo said seriously.

Netero was silent for a moment, then curiously asked, "How did you know?"

Luo replied, "I not only know you have a son but also who your son is and what he's planning. I also know that Pariston is your son's man."

"Oh?" Netero's surprised sound came, possibly surprised at how much Luo knew, especially that Pariston was Beyond's man.

"Listen, I'll tell you all the information I have now," Luo said calmly.

"No need, what you've said is enough."

Netero let out a chuckle. The Pariston he found difficult to deal with turned out to be Beyond's man. This made things more interesting.

"Are you serious?" Luo was surprised.

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