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Chapter 435: Clearing Doubts

On the cover of the book "God's Hand," the number reached over six thousand, representing Luo's experiences over the years.

Intentionally or unintentionally, some of the things he did were spread by others in various ways.

His appearance could change, but his name had always been a single character: Luo.

On the forum, where daily active users were numerous, the debate between ID Luo38 and various prominent figures lasted for several hours, drawing more and more spectators.

Luo had the universal identification function of the White Smoke font. Over the years, everything he came into contact with had turned into deep memories in his mind. After reading all the books in Linne's collection, his knowledge reserve was considerable.

Over several hours, he perfectly answered most difficult questions. For those he didn't understand, he didn't pretend to know and directly stated that he didn't.

Gradually, whether it was the questioners or the onlookers, they all faintly felt that this ID Luo38 was likely the real Luo.

Three hours and twenty-five minutes later, the questioning ended.

The number of online users on the forum reached a high peak, and they all remembered the ID Luo38, just as Luo himself said, it was exclusively certified.

Luo lay back in his chair, rubbed his temples to soothe his slightly aching head, and took a cigarette from his homemade case, putting it in his mouth.

"Well done."

Sabo came over and placed a freshly brewed cup of coffee on Luo's desk.

He had been watching the whole time, witnessing Luo convincing one renowned figure after another on the forum. He truly admired Luo's knowledge, a testament to Linne's teachings.

Luo glanced at Sabo and said, "Next is the promotion."

"If you want to post a promotional thread, you need at least fifty thousand points. You currently have zero points," Sabo reminded.

"Points are not a problem." Luo immediately thought of Ging, who had a lot of points. He could easily ask him for tens of thousands.

Sabo nodded slightly and said, "Promotion is to increase the website's traffic and visibility. But to get buyers interested in purchasing antiques, it's best to partner with a well-known professional third party, which can avoid many troubles."

"I know, that's Salin's job, right?" Luo lit a cigarette and eased his slightly throbbing head.

Hearing this, Sabo looked at Salin, who was immersed in ancient books, and silently smiled wryly, shrugging, "You go push her for that. I can't do it."

"Okay." Luo sighed. Sabo, as an older brother, was so afraid of his sister that he didn't dare to handle even a small urging task.

"Let me remind you, if you don't get the website up and running within three months, the company will go bankrupt. Otherwise, transfer some antiques to Yorknew for sale," Sabo said, walking towards his desk.

"Three months, that's enough."

Luo stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray, took a sip of coffee, and sent a private message to Ging through the forum's communication function.

"Send me fifty thousand points."

After a while, Ging replied.

"No way. If you want points, earn them yourself by answering questions."

"You have so many points, what's fifty thousand to you?"

"I earned those points through my skills. Why should I give them to you?"

"Punching emoji."

Luo didn't expect Ging to be so stingy, unwilling to spare even fifty thousand points.

"Forget it, I'll earn them myself."

Luo withdrew from his popular thread and moved to the Q&A section.

This section was dedicated to solving difficult problems through rewards, a major area for experts to earn points.

Almost any difficult question could be found in this forum. By the way, the three-star problem-solving hunter Kido from the Zodiacs was a permanent expert here, with assets hidden from view but likely terrifyingly high.

A promotional post required a base of fifty thousand points, so Luo needed to earn at least that much in the Q&A section.

The Q&A section covered many categories, including some acquisition information and intelligence needs.

It was Luo's first time in the Q&A section. He casually flipped through numerous posts, among which three prominent posts offered rewards ranging from tens of thousands to millions of points.

"Hmm? Kurta Clan?"

One post, with a reward of up to a million points, caught Luo's attention.

The post wasn't long, just a few words, roughly seeking the exact location of the Kurta Clan.

The post had been up for three years, indicating that the question remained unsolved, and the poster was not stingy with points, keeping the post up for three years.

"The intelligence circulated on the Hunter forum is among the best online. A million-point reward could be worth billions in private transactions, yet no one has completed it in three years."

Luo clicked on the post, and below were many unhelpful replies.

"I also want to find the exact location of the Kurta Clan. If even such a high reward can't get results, what other methods can there be?"

Luo stroked his chin. He didn't want the Phantom Troupe to massacre Kurapika's clan. If they couldn't find the Kurta Clan's location, he had to find a way to deter Chrollo from wanting the Scarlet Eyes.

Enough of that. The urgent task was to earn points.

Luo exited the post and began to sweep through the Q&A posts. Whatever he knew, he took on, regardless of the points, and provided correct answers.

The rewards varied, with some low and some high. The gap between the minimum and maximum was significant, making it hard to pinpoint an average value. The posts Luo took on had an average reward of five hundred points each.

In this way, Luo crazily swept through the Q&A section, his actions gradually attracting the forum's idle users.

They noticed Luo's shift and followed him, watching the constant stream of notifications about Luo taking on and completing rewards in the Q&A section.

First a crazy debate, now a crazy sweep through the Q&A posts—it was terrifying.

Luo ignored them, taking on rewards while calculating his accumulated points.

The rewards wouldn't be credited immediately, with a twenty-four-hour verification period.

Two and a half hours later, night had fallen, and Luo finally earned fifty thousand points.

"Finally done."

Luo exhaled, logged out without a word, and shut down his computer.

The points would be credited after twenty-four hours. Then he could post the promotional thread. By making his ID exclusively certified, he could maximize the promotional effect.

In the office area, Sabo seemed to have gone out for a stroll, while Salin was still reading. Since leaving the Kendia Desert, she had become obsessed with reading about archaeology and history, crazily absorbing knowledge.

Luo got up, walked over, and knocked on the table, interrupting Salin's reading.

"You're disturbing me."

Salin put down her book and bluntly reproached.


Luo smiled awkwardly and said, "We need you to quickly resolve the cooperation with professional third parties."

"Our chosen partner is Curator Clover of the Ohara Museum. He's an authoritative figure in the industry. With his cooperation, the antique sales process will be much smoother." Salin calmly closed her book and said, "However, he never engages in commercial collaborations."

"Do you have confidence in securing him?" Luo raised an eyebrow.

"No, but in half a month, the Ohara Museum will hold a grand exchange meeting, which is also a famous appraisal conference. If I can make good use of this event, there might be a chance," Salin pondered.

"All right, it's up to you," Luo summarized.

Salin said nothing more and continued reading.

The Ohara Museum was private, owned by Curator Clover, with many genuine ancient artifacts. Its most famous collections were well-preserved ancient books.

Beyond Clover's credentials and authoritative representation, Salin likely chose Clover for his ancient books and the upcoming appraisal conference.

At that time, many well-known collectors would bring precious collections to the conference.

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