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Chapter 429: Hard or Soft

The battle concluded. In fact, both Luo and Saiyu didn't use their full strength, but sometimes battles are like this, you don't need to go all out to decide the winner.

Luo squatted beside Saiyu, tightly gripping his heart, twisted and deformed, showing no signs of relaxing.

The main hall of the wrecked theater echoed with Saiyu's constant screams.

The heart should be a fragile thing, a little force can crush it, but the heart affected by God's Hand was not among them.

Thus, the heart's endurance was nearly infinite, so the pain formed could hardly be measured in degrees, it could increase gradually.

Moreover, the pain transmitted by the heart extracted by God's Hand was several times more than usual.

In other words, once Luo obtained the heart, even words like living hell couldn't describe that experience.

Now, Saiyu had only experienced a minute of hellish pain and was already hoarse, drenched in sweat.

"You have two choices."

Luo loosened his grip, allowing Saiyu to catch his breath.

"First, endure this pain until death. Second, answer my questions honestly, don't even think about lying, your heart is in my hand, this is a natural lie detector."

"When you've answered all my questions, I'll let you die painlessly. Choose."

Luo glanced at Saiyu's bleeding abdomen, not bothering with any hemostatic measures, as Saiyu's physical strength could last an hour with this injury.

Regardless of Saiyu's choice, Luo wouldn't leave him alive.

Saiyu, turned into a stump, lay on his side, chest heaving slightly, face ashen, and said in a low, desperate voice, "I... choose the second."

Luo nodded, unsurprised by Saiyu's choice. After all, his interrogation methods were the most terrifying in the world, even the torturer Feitan would bow down.

"First question, who sent you?"

Then, Luo threw out several more questions, all of which Saiyu answered honestly, the whole process taking only ten minutes.

Beyond, Pariston, teams previously heading to the Dark Continent.

"Kill me."

Having answered all the questions, Saiyu said lifelessly.

Luo said nothing, stood up, summoned a book. On the black and white cover, apart from the Jesus cross pattern and four Chinese characters, there was also a series of numbers: 6258.

Opening the book single-handedly, it automatically flipped to Saiyu's page, pressing the heart into a pattern, then swiftly crossed it out.

Saiyu's body trembled, eyes dimmed, and blood spurted from his limbs.

At this moment, a wisp of black air emerged from Saiyu's corpse, not attacking Luo nearby but heading towards the fallen Golden Staff.

Luo calmly watched the black air move freely. During his travels over the past six years, he had helped many people eliminate the grievances left by the dead to borrow lodging and knew that leaving grievances required certain opportunities.

Saiyu successfully left his grievances, also leaving the materialized Golden Staff.

The black air reached the spot where the severed hand lay, suddenly transforming into a black Nen monkey, picking up the fallen Golden Staff.

The Nen monkey, slender as a bamboo pole with thin limbs, turned the staff black upon contact, emitting a chilling aura.

Raising its head, it roared silently.

The black Nen monkey, holding the Golden Staff, charged at Luo, raising the thickened staff and striking down at Luo.


Luo calmly stepped back, dodging the strike that cracked the ground, then leapt into the air towards the Nen monkey, covering its face with his palm and pressing it to the ground.

The Nen monkey's body tilted back, knocked down hard by Luo's hand, making a deafening noise.

White Smoke font, activate.

Luo murmured in his heart expressionlessly.

His palm seemed to open a bottomless pit, absorbing the Nen monkey in an instant.


The Nen monkey vanished, leaving the Golden Staff behind, which fell to the ground with a clanging sound.

Absorbing this grievance, the six major systems' average value directly increased by 0.5%, making the value break through 75%, just 5% short of 80%.

It seemed like a small increase, but it wasn't easy to achieve.

"Good harvest."

Luo muttered to himself, looking at the Golden Staff on the ground, black patterns flowing on its shaft, with a round head at each end.

Bending down to pick up the black-patterned Golden Staff, the White Smoke font immediately provided brief information.

[Weapon materialized by Nen, named Golden Staff, can be long or short, thin or thick, soft or hard depending on the amount and strength of Nen injected.]

"Keep it, or absorb it?"

Looking at the Golden Staff in his hand, Luo thought for a moment and decided to keep it. After all, it's a materialized item, quite rare.

"Buy one, get one free, huh?" The black panther-shaped black cat placed Killua down and teased.

Luo tossed the Golden Staff over and said casually, "Keep it safe."

The black cat opened its huge mouth, swallowing the Golden Staff.

Luo walked a few steps, finding a mobile phone from Saiyu, then said to the black cat, "Take care of the body."

"Can't we just leave it here?" The black cat glared.

"Stop whining, eat it quickly."

Luo said, opening his Nen circle to collect the flowing blood and severed limbs, placing them with Saiyu's torso.

"Can I not eat it?" The black cat looked disgusted at Saiyu's corpse.

"I don't have time to argue with you." Luo walked quickly to the unconscious Killua, coldly saying, "The explosion just now will definitely attract the police, we can't stay long."

As he finished speaking, he picked up Killua and headed towards the back of the stage.

The black cat gritted its teeth, thinking it earned a hundred pages today, eat it then.

With this thought, it swallowed Saiyu's carefully packaged corpse like a child drinking medicine, then caught up with Luo.

A few minutes later, police cars arrived at the Shakespeare Theater, an old doorman stood at the gate, face filled with fear, surrounded by many onlookers who had heard the explosion.

One by one, armed policemen got out of the cars, silently infiltrating the theater.

A few minutes later, the police force looked at the messy audience area and the stage that had experienced an explosion, all with puzzled faces.

Half an hour later, Luo returned to the hotel suite with Killua and sent a message to Silva.

Killua was still unconscious, Luo placed him on the bed.

His limbs twisted into a horrible arc, showing how ruthless Saiyu had been.

"Need to correct and fix the bones."

Luo raised his fingers, gathered Nen, and cut into Killua's skin, activating the ability of God's Hand!

In the book not materialized, Killua's name was added.

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