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Chapter 428: Talk Rather Than Fight

Even though he had timely mobilized his Nen power to use [Ko] for defense, he was still pierced by that Nen bullet.

In shock, Saiyu, who was sent flying backward, suddenly noticed something strange. There was a small hole in his right abdomen, but he felt no pain, and there was no blood.

Something’s wrong.

It wasn’t a penetration; it was more like the part of his body hit by the Nen bullet had been separated, including nerves, blood vessels, bones, and flesh.

"Did it miss..."

Luo squinted his eyes, looking at the glowing light equipment overhead.

According to the original plan, that Nen bullet was meant to hit Saiyu's heart. Because it missed, it turned into a minor injury.

If it had successfully hit Saiyu's heart, protecting his heart would have become a crucial hindrance in battle. Conversely, without hitting the heart, it was a wasteful attack of Nen power.

This is the unavoidable downside of God’s Hand; if it hits a non-critical part, the damage is almost zero. Moreover, after the opponent fails to use [Ko] defense, hitting them next time would generally require close combat.

However, this person is destined to be a member of the Zodiacs in the future, proving his formidable strength. Whether it’s his strategic thinking or the advanced techniques of Nen he used in the brief exchanges, they are all first-class.

"So... to make this attack meaningful, I can use the Black Cat." Luo thought silently.

Saiyu landed, extending his finger through the hole in his abdomen. After a few tries, he confirmed his earlier guess.

No blood, no pain, it was an exchange of substantial damage for extreme penetration. No wonder even [Ko] couldn’t block it. But now he must be even more careful!

"You also know the Divine Symbols."

Saiyu stood firm, coldly staring at Luo.

"I have an unreliable friend who is quite proficient in Divine Symbols, so I learned a few tricks from him." Luo, while sensing the position of the Black Cat, looked at Saiyu and said indifferently, "Although I don't use them well, they are more than enough to deal with you."

Upon hearing this, Saiyu snorted coldly.

Not good at using them?

He took nearly fifteen minutes to draw each of the Divine Symbols in two locations using Nen abilities. Yet, Luo drew a Divine Symbol in less than five seconds just now, right?

Originally, Divine Symbols are abilities used to assist Nen, though diverse, mostly reflecting the word [Enhance].

However, since drawing Divine Symbols consumes a lot of time and their effects are generally limited to narrow areas, they are useless in immediate combat. Combined with the high difficulty of training and mastering, many Nen users, even if they know about Divine Symbols, are reluctant to spend the effort to learn them.

I specifically learned Divine Symbols due to the unique abilities of hearing monkeys, speaking monkeys, and sight monkeys. Even so, it takes fifteen minutes to create a Divine Symbol while preserving the effects of [Solidify] and [Enhance].

Therefore, this guy’s proficiency in Divine Symbols is not low, but this is not a point that needs to be feared.

Just now, that slapping action not only sent the chairs flying but also disguised the act of drawing Divine Symbols. The flying chairs distracted me from noticing the Nen energy flow when Luo was drawing the Divine Symbol.

A terrifying guy...

No wonder Netero specifically reserved a place in the Zodiacs for him.

Saiyu's mind raced, and he did not continue to attack, waiting for the hearing monkey who went to turn on the lights to return.

Luo did not move either, waiting for the Black Cat to arrive.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

About eight seconds later, Luo suddenly shouted at the air, "Black Cat, if you're not dumb, you should know what I'm thinking."

Saiyu was slightly startled and secretly vigilant, coldly saying, "What tricks are you playing now?"

Luo remained silent, pointing at the hole in Saiyu's abdomen, smiling, "You noticed it too, didn't you? The wound isn't bleeding and doesn't hurt, but it is still a part of your body. Not looking for it immediately is negligence."

Hearing Luo's words, Saiyu's expression changed drastically as he realized something, but it was too late.


Blood suddenly gushed from the hole.

Saiyu groaned lowly from the sudden intense pain.

"Alright, let me guess why you specifically had your Nen beast with a gun turn on the lights." Luo raised his hand, pointing at the lights above, saying, "Do you lack vitamin A? Are you a sunshine boy? Are you bad at night battles?"

Saiyu gritted his teeth, feeling a retreating impulse.

"No, your initial fierce attack was because you knew that Killua was a hindrance to me in battle. Therefore, it is unreasonable to have the Nen beast leave now just to turn on the lights."

"Though this move saved your life, it can only be attributed to luck."

"In other words, turning on the lights is more important than missing the opportunity, and your Nen beasts are two monkeys, making the enemy lose the ability to speak and hear."

"So, are there monkeys that make the enemy lose the ability to see, smell, and touch?"

Listening to Luo’s words one after another, Saiyu forced himself to remain calm, but his apprehension towards Luo deepened.

"Honestly, I'm not sure if this guess is correct because the things you said in the hotel were based on the premise that the butler lost his hearing. Therefore, the accuracy of your self-reported ability is somewhat convincing."

At this point, Luo shook his head slightly, seriously saying, "Whether you have two Nen beasts or five, it doesn't matter anymore."

Nen energy surged slightly, flowing from the ground to Saiyu's feet, suddenly leaving the ground and heading straight for Saiyu's chin.


Saiyu was highly alert and reacted quickly. Noticing the Nen energy flow formed by an Emitter heading for his chin, he immediately raised his hand to guard his chin.

The energy flow hit his palm, but the force still made Saiyu’s hand hit his own chin, the impact making him look like he took an uppercut, tilting his body backward.

"Fifty meters, you're just on the edge of the danger zone."

Luo chuckled lightly, without hesitation, used [Shun], quickly approaching Saiyu, intending to take his heart while he lost his balance.

"You don't care about that kid?"

Saiyu roared, Nen energy surging, a monkey with a big eye appeared beside him, pouncing towards Luo.

Almost simultaneously, the hearing monkey that went to turn on the lights returned, directly pouncing on Killua who was placed on the ground by Luo, seemingly intending to take Killua hostage.

Luo noticed the hearing monkey’s action but did not react. At this moment, a shadow darted out from the side.

The hearing monkey missed, and the shadow took Killua away.

The materialized sight monkey was shattered by Luo’s Nen bullet. Saiyu lost his balance, and Luo had already gotten close. His palm surged with Nen energy, materializing a golden cudgel, and swung it down.

The advantage of a materialized weapon is its ability to appear and disappear at will, often achieving unexpected effects in battle.

"As long as I hit him once! This is my only remaining chance!" Saiyu was ruthless but disappointed.

Luo dodged the cudgel. Before Saiyu could steady himself, Luo used a hand knife to cut off Saiyu's limbs and took his heart, then retreated without killing Saiyu immediately.

Before killing Saiyu, there were some things to be clarified.

Saiyu fell to the ground, limbs scattered, face ashen.

Luo flipped a Nen bullet, shattering the hearing monkey, then lightly pinched Saiyu’s heart, calmly saying, "Whether your talkative behavior is genuine or not, I’ll give you a chance to speak freely now."

As soon as the words fell, he squeezed hard.

Saiyu screamed in agony from the indescribable pain in his heart, nerve-wracking.

"By the way, the things I said earlier were just to distract you. Now it seems you do have more than two Nen beasts. Sometimes words can indeed help in battle."

"Though, there's a saying about dying from talking too much..."

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