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Chapter 430: Call

On the soft bed lay a body dismembered into many pieces.

To properly reconnect Killua's broken bones, Luo had cut Killua's body into many pieces, then carefully straightened each bent part, heh heh heh... cough cough.

After some effort, Luo finally reconnected Killua's broken bones perfectly, ensuring a rapid healing process without any sequelae, even separating the swelling on his face.

"Mission accomplished."

Looking at the restored Killua, Luo silently picked up his phone, opened the camera, and took several photos of the unclothed Killua.

"These are useful for blackmailing Killua," Luo grinned mischievously.

After covering Killua with a blanket, Luo sat on the sofa, while the black cat had already finished all the food in the fridge.

Luo didn't mind, taking out Saiyu's phone and scrolling through the contact list. There were only five numbers, one belonging to Pariston, and the other four were Saiyu's hunter friends, evident from the text message records.

Hunters, being in a high-risk profession, maintained regular contact with each other to ensure their safety.

This meant that in a week or half a month, Pariston would learn of Saiyu's death.

Luo's fingers moved, stopping at Pariston's name.

Earlier at the theater, he had asked Saiyu many questions and learned of Saiyu's intentions towards him.

Recruit or kill.

Saiyu chose the latter, so he died at Luo's hands.

However, this action was Saiyu's decision alone and had nothing to do with Pariston's team. But Saiyu's actions were still somewhat related to Pariston.

"A team aiming for the Dark Continent..." Luo pondered, thinking that Ging would be delighted to know this, considering the sudden emergence of many competitors targeting the Dark Continent.

But the team leader, named Beyond, was actually Netero's son.

At this thought, Luo didn't immediately ask Netero about it but sent a text to Ging.

【Did you know? Netero has a son.】

Moments later, Luo's phone buzzed with a quick reply from Ging.

【That old guy can still have children?】

Reading Ging's reply, Luo found it oddly familiar, feeling he had heard it somewhere before. But that wasn't important. The issue was Ging's misunderstanding.

【Never studied it. What's your take on Netero having a son?】Luo replied.

【I'm more curious about Netero's son's age and who the mother is.】Ging's reply.

Looking at the message, Luo felt discussing this with Ging was a mistake. He quickly typed another message.

【I'm also curious about who Gon’s mother is.】

After sending this, there was no reply, as if a stone had sunk into the sea.

Ging seemed to have cast a Grand Silencing Spell, with no further response.

"I wanted to discuss Beyond's team with him. Forget it, next time."

Luo muttered, picking up Saiyu's phone and dialing Pariston's number.

Among the many issues, one particularly tricky one was Pariston's identity.

Currently, there was a vacancy in the Zodiacs, and Pariston was the Vice Chairman, holding a crucial position, yet he was one of Beyond's men.

The main question was whether Netero knew about this and whether Luo should inform him.

The phone rang three times before being answered.

On the other end, there was silence.

Luo raised an eyebrow, intrigued, and remained silent.

Five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen seconds, thirty seconds, Pariston spoke.

"It seems Saiyu died miserably."

"Not too bad," Luo replied earnestly. "I only let him experience inhumane treatment for a minute, so he must have been relieved when he died."

"You're so kind."

Hunter Association, Vice Chairman’s Office.

Pariston rested his chin on one hand, holding the phone with the other.

Saiyu's stored number was a landline, and Pariston's desk had two phones, one black and one white, for internal and external calls.

"So, how much did he reveal?"

Pariston's face showed a deathly smile, thinking of criminal investigation from the phrase "inhumane treatment." He trusted Saiyu's integrity but knew trust had its limits.

"Probably... enough to make you and Beyond uneasy," Luo said.

Pariston sighed, "He revealed everything, Mr. Luo's methods are truly terrifying."

"Likewise, your kind reminder was the real reason for Saiyu's death," Luo implied.

Pariston smiled modestly, "May I ask, how did you kill Saiyu in the end?"

Answering this would confirm that Luo killed Saiyu, absolving Pariston.

"I cut off his limbs first, then crushed his heart," Luo answered bluntly.

"Wow! What a terrifying death, poor Saiyu," Pariston said softly.

"Indeed, he died quite worthless. Had he not come here, he could have stayed in the Zodiacs for a few more years, serving you as a spy. By the way, I might take his spot," Luo said calmly.

"That's wonderful, your addition to the Zodiacs would be like adding wings to a tiger," Pariston raised his voice, expressing joy.

"You're quite calm," Luo sighed.

Pariston was silent for a moment, then hinted, "I believe you're more suitable for this position than Saiyu. No, your abilities far exceed his."

"Are you recruiting me?" Luo asked.

"No, no, this is an invitation," Pariston's soothing voice continued, "You know the four conditions to go to the Dark Continent, right?"

Luo remained silent, knowing well about the four necessary conditions for going to the Dark Continent, which even Ging couldn't fulfill after years of effort.

"Permission, qualification, means, and contract, all indispensable," Pariston said softly, "Among them, the voyage permit is the most crucial. Even if you have the other three, without the permit, you can't go to the Dark Continent."

"And the V5 permit office won't give you a ticket."

"I usually avoid using the term 'absolute,' but here, I'll use it twice."

"I know you want to go to the Dark Continent, but you'll never get the permit from the office, only Beyond can take us there."

Listening to Pariston, Luo stroked his chin, still silent.

At this moment, Killua suddenly woke up, checking his injuries as his first reaction, and was surprised to find his broken limbs completely healed without any damage.

Surprised, he saw Luo on the sofa and immediately felt relieved.

I'm saved!

The thought popped into his head.

"Luo, I'm hungry," Killua said.

Luo pressed his hand on the phone's mic, gesturing for Killua to be quiet.

Killua nodded obediently.

Luo moved his hand from the mic and said, "I'll cook a few dishes first and call you back later."

With that, he hung up.

Vice Chairman’s Office.

Listening to the dial tone, Pariston's face slowly formed an interesting smile.

"Not as important as cooking a few dishes, huh..."

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