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Chapter 414: Settling Down

White smoke rose from the sea of trees. By a lakeside, Luo built a simple grill with stones, using fruitwood as fuel.

By the lake, on a grassy patch, Alluka chased a butterfly, running back and forth.

Killua squatted by the stone grill, watching Luo take out ingredients from his backpack: two fish weighing around ten pounds each, covered in golden scales, with flat heads, two whiskers, and a bead at the tail.

"What kind of fish is this?" Killua tilted his head, eyes glimmering with curiosity.

"Ropoul fish, living in the highland lakes of Ropoul. They're rare now, a supreme delicacy among freshwater fish." Luo removed his nen from the fish, having kept it fresh by covering it with nen during the journey.

Killua nodded, half understanding. "Anyway, it must be delicious!"

"You're right." Luo ruffled his hair and began processing the Ropoul fish. With a wave, he scaled and gutted the fish in an instant, a magical scene that made Killua's eyes sparkle.

After processing the fish, Luo took out prepared lotus leaves and various seasonings from his backpack.

One fish was placed on the lotus leaves, the other skewered on a stick. Luo then sprinkled the seasonings on the fish, massaging them into the flesh with his hands, using nen to ensure the flavors permeated thoroughly.

There were two fires: a smaller one for grilling, and a larger pit fire.

Luo brought three Ropoul fish, planning to smoke one, cook one using the beggar’s chicken method, and give the last to Maha.

While dealing with Killua’s endless questions, Luo cooked the Ropoul fish.

The grill was for smoking the fish, just requiring attention to the heat.

The pit fire was filled with enough wood, then the fish was wrapped in lotus leaves and coated in mud, not too thick nor too thin, then buried under the burning wood.

After preparing everything, Luo collected the golden scales from the fish.

"Aren't the fish scales smelly? Why not throw them away?" Killua asked.

"Ropoul fish scales can be used as medicine. Don't underestimate them, they can sell for two million." Luo explained.

Killua’s eyes widened. "Then how much can one fish sell for?"

"Thirty million," Luo casually replied.

This was a conservative estimate; many world tycoons would pay double for such a rare delicacy.

Hearing the price, Killua blinked. "How many chocolate balls can that buy?"

"A lot." Luo vaguely replied. The current curious Killua was a stark contrast to his first appearance at the Hunter Test.

"Brother, look!" Alluka ran over, proudly presenting a butterfly to Killua.

"Alluka is amazing," Killua praised, making Alluka beam with joy.

Luo glanced at the two, then looked towards a spot in the forest where Illumi stood, arms crossed, leaning against a tree. He wasn’t hiding completely, enough to elude Killua but not Luo.

Illumi did this intentionally, to let Luo know he was watching, a clear warning.

After a while, the aroma grew stronger.

Killua and Alluka stopped chasing butterflies, squatting by the grill, eyeing the fish hungrily.

Luo took the grilled fish off, placing it on lotus leaves, then handed it to Killua and Alluka.

"Aren't you eating, Luo?" Killua asked, holding the leaves, drooling.

"You eat." Luo smiled.

"Then, let's eat!" Killua excitedly divided a piece of fish, carefully checking for bones before giving it to Alluka.

The two took their first bites.


Stars sparkled in Killua and Alluka’s eyes as they exclaimed, savoring the taste, then started eating voraciously after ensuring few bones.

Luo knew these two had big appetites, so he prepared two fish for them.

The fish buried in the pit wasn’t in a rush to be uncovered. Luo stood up, heading towards Illumi’s hiding spot.

Illumi noticed Luo’s movement but didn’t change position.

Luo walked past a large tree, turning to see Illumi leaning against the trunk. "Not coming over to eat?"

"No." Illumi’s gaze was cold.

"Too bad, it’s Ropoul fish." Luo took out a cigarette, lit it with a finger swipe.

Illumi watched Luo smoke, indifferently saying, "The smell will always give you away."

"Good point." Luo nodded, raising the cigarette pack. "Want one? Tea-flavored, harmless, no addiction, and refreshing."

Illumi remained silent, watching him.

"Seems professional assassins don’t smoke." Luo put the pack away with a smile.

"How long are you staying this time?" Illumi asked.

Luo exhaled smoke, thinking. "A month or so, got some issues to sort out."

"If possible, I hope you leave tomorrow." Illumi said, expressionless. "Stay as far from Killua as possible."

"Sure, beat me first." Luo looked up at the swaying branches.

Illumi's eyelids twitched, remaining silent.

If he could win, he wouldn’t be talking. Six months ago, he couldn’t gauge Luo's true strength, and still couldn’t.

Seeing Illumi's silence, Luo smiled. "Milluki’s hacking skills aren’t strong enough. If you want me gone sooner, push him harder. The problem’s solved, I’ll leave early."

Illumi stayed silent, knowing this wasn’t realistic, then coldly said, "A debt dragged on for six years, surprising you can stay."

The debt was for a dead dragon beast. According to Maha’s request, it must be replaced with an identical one, and Luo entrusted this to Ging, who kept stalling, likely too busy to find a dragon beast.

Thus, six years passed without getting a dragon for the Zoldyck family. Fortunately, Maha didn’t set a deadline, and Luo always brought good stuff during visits, so Maha didn’t press.

Only Illumi would bring it up, just to needle Luo.

"With adorable Killua, how could I not stay?" Luo didn’t care, leaving after a remark, leaving Illumi with a gloomy face.

After two months, Luo was back at the Zoldyck home.

He went to Milluki’s room, opening the door to a room filled with otaku vibes.

Hearing the noise, Milluki turned, seeing Luo, and greeted with a smile, "Hello."

"You're here again!"

Milluki was so startled he fell from his chair, his huge butt hitting the ground hard.

"Look how excited you are. It’s not a big deal, just need you to ferret out some rats." Luo walked in, heading to the cabinet full of figures.

Milluki got up, glaring at Luo, angrily saying, "Last time, and the time before, you said a few. It was sixty! Almost killed me!"

Luo glanced at Milluki’s growing weight, smiling. "Perfect for losing weight."


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