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Chapter 415: Hacker Hunter

A year ago, Luo set up a platform dedicated to selling antiques, named the LuoLing Museum.

The name was chosen by Salin, taking "Ling" from her name, "Bo" from Sabo's name, and combining it with Luo's name to form LuoLing Museum.

Originally, it was called the LuoLing Bo Museum, but it sounded strange, so they dropped one "Bo," finalizing the name.

The dropped "Bo" was from Sabo's name, but he didn't mind.

The website's setup was rushed. Only Luo, Salin, and Sabo were in charge, with no qualified tech personnel, and no promotion. It quietly became one among many unnoticed websites.

Luo, with ample funds, rented a floor in the Hunter Association building from Netero and placed the servers there, completing all formalities to establish the company officially.

Renting a floor in the Hunter Association building is not for everyone. It was only because of Luo's acquaintance with Netero that an exception was made. However, the process of renting the high floor was not easy. Netero even offered Luo a position in the Zodiacs.

Luo found the Zodiac position too troublesome, as it required handling many tasks for Netero and decisions were made by voting with other Zodiac members. So, he refused.

Netero's initial stance was quite firm, but he was eventually persuaded by Luo, dropping the condition of joining the Zodiacs.

Netero went to great lengths to recruit Luo, keeping a Zodiac position open for him. Yet, Luo still doesn't have a Hunter License.

The problem is, Luo takes the Hunter Exam every year and keeps "rescuing" examinees, significantly increasing the graduation rate.

Originally, the pass rate for new hunters was one every three years. After Luo's interference, the pass rate increased tenfold!

Moreover, this guy somehow got hold of a human skin mask and had a blast with it.

Back to the main topic.

The initial setup of the website was done by Milluki, including security programs, antique information input, website aesthetics, and functional programming. All these tasks were coerced by Luo.

At first, Milluki's skills were mediocre, resulting in a site full of flaws. Fortunately, over the year, his skills improved rapidly, making the site visually pleasing and secure.

Milluki's room was large but cluttered with various otaku collectibles, making it feel cramped.

Three computers were piled on the desk, their screens glowing white. Empty chip bags were scattered around, crumbs littering the keyboard, making the whole desk look chaotic.

Milluki was startled by Luo's appearance, falling off his chair but quickly got up and sat back, making a screeching noise.

He rummaged through the chips, finding them all eaten, and tossed the empty bags to the floor, glancing sideways at Luo, asking, "How many rats this time?"

Luo walked over, waved his hand, and his Nen swept the snack debris off the table into the trash bin.

After finishing, he smiled at Milluki, saying, "Would you refuse if there were too many?"

"Uh..." Milluki laughed dryly, "Not really, but I'd like to know what I'm dealing with."

Luo patted Milluki's shoulder, took out a cigarette, and said, "Thirty-six."

"Only thirty-six, that's manageable." Milluki breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it would take about a month.

Luo handed him a receiver, saying, "Old rules, get them all out for me."

Milluki took the USB-like receiver, complaining, "Can't you hire a reliable programmer? Why always bother me?"

"No suitable candidates. How about you come over? Name your salary." Luo lit the cigarette, the tip glowing faintly red.

Milluki rolled his eyes, retorting, "Might as well have my dad kill me. Also, respect my profession."

Saying so, he plugged the receiver into the mainframe, the signal light flashing rapidly.

Luo exhaled smoke, glancing around the room filled with figurines and dolls, thinking how out of place Milluki seemed in the Zoldyck family.

Milluki noticed Luo's deliberate gaze, angrily said, "It's a personal interest."

"Got it." Luo deadpanned, "See if these rats are too tricky."

Milluki's fingers flew over the keyboard, seriously saying, "No matter how tricky, I can defeat them."

Luo watched Milluki, full of killing intent, and asked, "Milluki, have you mastered Nen?"

"Yes." Milluki replied without looking up.

"Related to computers?" Luo asked.


"Interested in developing a computer-related Nen?"

"I'm not crazy. I'm a genius in computers; I don't need Nen." Milluki scoffed.

"Alright, good luck then. I'll wait for good news." Luo patted Milluki's shoulder lightly, ready to leave.

Milluki suddenly stopped, turned to Luo, and asked, "Aren't you afraid I'll just hack a few billion from your account?"

Luo gave a strange look, saying, "If you need money, just ask. It's only a few billion."


Milluki was speechless, his hands moving again.

"By the way, one of the rats might be a professional hacker hunter. If you can't handle it, let me know." Luo reminded before leaving.

"Tch, just a hacker hunter?"

Milluki sneered, focusing on the screen.

An hour later, sweat covered Milluki's face and body.

"What kind of person did Luo provoke?"

Milluki gritted his teeth, his hands moving at top speed, but he was still losing ground against the flood of data. After an hour of fierce battle, he had nothing to show for it and was close to losing his last line of defense.

"No more!"

Milluki roared, painfully cutting his losses, retreating to save his final defense.

"Cheating, definitely cheating!"

Milluki slumped back, drenched in sweat.

The opponent hidden behind the network was too strong...!

"Is it Nen...?"

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