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Chapter 410: The Neighboring Fat Aunt

From the Forbidden Zone to Elba, it took a month, mainly because the team had many burdens, but everyone was safely brought back to Elba without any major incidents.

Regardless of how many years people had lived in the Forbidden Zone, or those who had been captured by the Sand Thieves, they were all moved to tears and speechless with joy upon entering Elba.

Luo naturally did not join in the celebratory atmosphere. Standing aside, he noticed that Salin let out a sigh of relief. Perhaps she had taken the responsibility upon herself, and now she could finally relax.

Geru silently approached Luo, seemingly having something to say, but it was not the right time to speak.

Among the captives, Miria frequently glanced at Luo, but he pretended not to notice and left with Salin, avoiding the group that had finally returned to human civilization.

"What are you following me for?" Luo asked bluntly, turning back to look at Geru, who was quietly following him. He had already taken off his mask.

Since he had already brought Geru out of the Forbidden Zone, their deal was now complete, and they had nothing to do with each other anymore.

Geru bit her lip and remained silent. Being confronted so directly, she felt embarrassed. After all, she was indeed following him shamelessly, but this guy was really blunt.

Buhara, indifferent to the situation, was eating a large bowl of bug stew he had bought from the street and was enjoying it immensely. He seemed to like bug stew even more than the locals.

Salin's gaze wandered between Luo and Geru, a smile flashing in her eyes. She said, "Junior brother, you can't treat girls like this. Be careful, or you'll never find a partner."

Then, she turned to Geru and smiled, "We have plenty of empty rooms at home. If you don't mind, you can stay for a few days."

"Sure!" Geru's eyes lit up. She was worrying about how to stay close to Luo and ask him about the fusion of toxins. Salin's offer was a perfect opportunity.

"No rooms left. Some rooms have been turned into storage by Sago. If she goes, there will be no place to stay." Luo interjected.

Geru glared at Luo, feeling targeted.

Salin rolled her eyes at Luo and said, "Can't we just clear out a room?"

"But the storage rooms are filled with your stuff. Are you willing to throw it away?" Luo quickly corrected himself after almost saying the wrong thing.

"Do I need you to worry about it?" Salin raised her hand, pretending to slap Luo.

"Are you a yuri?" Luo shrank back, muttering softly.

"What did you say?" Salin caught the word "yuri" but didn't understand it.

"Nothing. I'll go ahead. You know the way, right?" Luo didn't explain and ran ahead. Buhara followed him.

Salin looked around the surroundings and breathed out lightly, murmuring, "I could find the way with my eyes closed."

She ignored Luo, who had run off, and turned back to Geru with a gossiping smile.

"Uh?" Geru felt a bit uneasy under that smile.

"Do you like Luo?" Salin asked, her smile full of gossip.

"Impossible!" Geru's eyes widened, and she waved her hands vigorously.

"Oh, oh." Salin looked deeply at the overreacting Geru.


Geru felt a sense of unease from Salin's reaction. She really didn't!


Luo and Buhara returned to Sago's shop first. On the way from the entrance to the shop, Buhara had already finished the bug stew and grabbed a spider from a stall to eat.

Sago, who was dozing in a chair, suddenly opened his eyes. He raised the fan in his hand, ready to hit Buhara, but stopped when he saw who it was.

"You're finally back." Recognizing Buhara and Luo, Sago yawned and said, "I thought you had died in the Forbidden Zone."

"Is that how you talk? I brought you a big surprise!" Luo shook his head.

Sago's expression changed, his voice almost breaking, "Did you find it?"

"Found it." Luo smiled.

"Give it to me." Sago extended his hand, staring intently at Luo.

"It will come to you automatically in a while. Just wait here. I'm going to see Linne." Luo used Nen to teleport past Sago.

"What do you mean?"

Sago reacted quickly, turning to look at Luo, who was already on the stairs.

"Just wait here."

Luo smiled mischievously, leaving Sago puzzled.

Going up to the second floor, he went straight to Linne's room.

As the door opened, a gaze immediately fell upon him.

Luo looked over to see Linne sitting upright on the bed, indicating that her back injury had healed.

"Is your back better?" Luo walked over and sat on a chair.

Linne nodded and asked, "Did you go?"

"Yes." Luo smiled, "Gained a lot and saw many things."

"Then continue training tonight," Linne said calmly.

Luo thought for a moment. Since the following plans would take some time and wouldn't delay his training, he agreed.

He then started telling Linne about the encounters in the Forbidden Zone, including the various strange creatures in the mountain paths and the ant swarms on the grasslands. Linne listened intently, even showing a nostalgic expression.

Perhaps listening to Luo's stories reminded her of the days traveling and adventuring with Netero and the others.

After about twenty minutes, a scream of disbelief suddenly came from downstairs, like a girl being cornered by a burly man in an alley.


Luo knew what was happening and couldn't help but laugh.

"What is it?"

Linne frowned. Without using En, she couldn't know who had returned to the shop.

"Salin is back." Luo laughed.

"Hmm?" Linne was surprised.

That evening, Luo cooked and prepared a feast for everyone. Under Salin's invitation, Geru also stayed. The unfortunate part was that Luo had to clear out a room for her.

Sago sat beside Salin, looking distracted. Every few minutes, he would reach out and touch Salin, making her speechless, though she also found it amusing that her brother hadn't changed at all in decades. The biggest issue was...!

"Why aren't you married yet? Do you want our generation to end with you? Tomorrow morning, you will go find a wife. You have seven days to get married and start a family plan."

Salin put down her chopsticks and said seriously to Sago.

"Cough, cough." Sago almost choked.

Linne squinted her eyes, and Buhara's hand froze mid-air.

"At his age, can he still have children?" Luo whispered.

Sago, hearing this, threw his chopsticks at Luo, but Luo used Nen to stop them and put them down.

"Just in time for Teacher Linne to officiate the wedding," Salin glared at Luo and then turned to Sago.

"Little sister, don't joke like that?" Sago was on the verge of tears. Finding a wife and getting married in a week was impossible.

"What? Have you lived this long without anyone having a crush on you?" Salin frowned.

Sago's mouth twitched, pointing to himself, "Look at me. Who would want me?"

A flicker of sadness crossed Salin's eyes. She had never stopped practicing Nen and still looked around thirty, while Sago already looked sixty, probably because of her.

"The neighboring fat aunt," Luo said casually.

"Go to hell!" Sago roared.

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