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Chapter 246: Ambush

The one-eyed criminal cultivator led a group of criminal cultivators back along the original path, hiding in the bushes at the foot of the hill. They looked up.

They saw only four people on the quiet hill.

Ji Qingbai and the others were covered in blood and still meditating to heal their injuries. The little cultivator stood guard beside them with a vigilant expression.

"Not running, waiting here to die?" Diao Laosan sneered.

The one-eyed criminal cultivator frowned. "I'm afraid it's a trap."

"Should we use our spiritual senses to check?" suggested another criminal cultivator.

"They'll notice."

"But there's no Foundation Building cultivator among them. We can check carefully."

"It's that little brat; his spiritual sense is ridiculously strong. If we probe with our senses, he'll definitely notice."

"How is that possible?"

"Would I lie to you?"


The criminal cultivators argued for a while. The one-eyed cultivator asked, "Big brother, what should we do?"

The bald criminal cultivator pondered, "Ji Qingbai is an outsider. He doesn't have many connections in Tongxian City, so not many cultivators would help him."

"As for that little brat, he looks like a local demon hunter, but he's too young to know many people."

"Even if there's an ambush, it won't be many."

"We have enough people to kill them all!"

The one-eyed cultivator nodded, flattering, "Big brother, you're wise!"

The bald criminal cultivator's gaze turned cold. "We're in the business of licking blood off knives. Even if the meat is on the knife's edge, we have to eat it."

The criminal cultivators all grinned sinisterly, their eyes greedy.

"Attack!" ordered the bald criminal cultivator.

Over twenty criminal cultivators swarmed up the hill like hungry wolves, spreading out quickly to surround Mo Hua and the others, preventing them from escaping.

One criminal cultivator stepped forward to capture Mo Hua, but as soon as his foot touched the ground, an explosion of fire erupted.

The criminal cultivator was blasted to the ground, half his body charred, writhing in agony.

"An array?"

The criminal cultivators' hearts skipped a beat. They looked at each other, hesitating.

The power of the array was no small matter. No one could be sure who had set it up or how many there were.

The atmosphere grew tense, and the two sides began to confront each other again.

Mo Hua's expression showed a trace of fear and nervousness, but Diao Laosan didn't believe it. This little brat was too cunning to show such an expression.

His gaze turned venomous as he coldly said, "Brat, stop pretending. Call out your hidden people."

The fear and nervousness on Mo Hua's face faded. He scratched his head, "Was my acting that bad?"

He thought he had done a decent job.

Diao Laosan's eyelid twitched. "You're about to die, and you're still joking."

"How do you know I'm about to die?"

Diao Laosan raised his dagger, its blade glinting with a chilling light. "When I cut your throat and blind you, you'll understand."

Mo Hua showed no fear. "Then come over here."

Diao Laosan wanted to step forward but hesitated.

He didn't know if there were more arrays on the ground and didn't dare act rashly.

The one-eyed cultivator frowned. "Something's wrong."

This little cultivator was too calm.

Why was he so calm? Was it just because of the few arrays on the ground? Or did he have other support?

At this point, they had surrounded Mo Hua and the others. They weren't afraid of alarming anyone, so he wanted to use his spiritual sense to check.

As soon as he extended his spiritual sense, he sensed the surrounding auras. His face changed dramatically, and he felt a chill all over.

"Big brother!" the one-eyed cultivator urgently called.

Before he could say more, shadows of demon hunters appeared all around the hill, surrounding the criminal cultivators in a dense crowd, numbering over two hundred!

The one-eyed cultivator's face showed terror, and the other criminal cultivators' faces went pale.

So many demon hunters!

How could there be so many demon hunters?  

Mo Hua raised his delicate eyebrows, pointing at the criminal cultivators with a clear voice, "You're the ones who are doomed!"

As he spoke, the demon hunters charged down the hill like a dark cloud pressing down, overwhelming in their momentum.

"Big brother! What do we do?" the one-eyed cultivator cried out.

The bald criminal cultivator's eyes flashed with panic, but then he shouted fiercely, "Capture that brat!"

He had guessed that the brat's identity was unusual.

If they captured him, they could use him to threaten the demon hunters and have a way out.

Two criminal cultivators rushed towards Mo Hua, but halfway there, they were blown away by the Earth Fire Array.

Several others took advantage of the chaos to charge through the array, but one was stopped by Ji Qingbai and another was punched back by Yu Chengyi.

The remaining ones finally reached Mo Hua, but before they could strike, Mo Hua used the Passing Water Step to float away. They couldn't even touch the hem of his robe.

The demon hunters swarmed in, and the over twenty criminal cultivators were quickly overwhelmed, unable to hold out for long.

Mo Hua stepped out of the battle, scanning with his spiritual sense. His eyes narrowed as he launched a fireball at a distant bush.

The Fireball Technique exploded, and a cry of pain came from the bushes, revealing the hiding figure of Diao Laosan.

Mo Hua pointed again and shouted, "Catch that dwarf, don't let him escape!"

The nearby demon hunters rushed towards Diao Laosan.

Diao Laosan cursed Mo Hua in his heart.

He also hated himself for learning the Concealment Technique, which Mo Hua countered so thoroughly.

Without the Concealment Technique, he was like a rat in broad daylight, easily targeted by everyone.

He had no choice but to sit and wait for death.

In just a few rounds, Diao Laosan was knocked down by a demon hunter, tied up tightly with iron chains.

On the main battlefield, there was no suspense. Several criminal cultivators were killed on the spot, and most of the rest were captured, with only two escaping.

One was the one-eyed cultivator, who was lucky. During the chase, a demonic beast suddenly appeared, blocking the demon hunters, allowing him to escape.

The other was the bald criminal cultivator, whose movement technique was excellent and extremely cunning.

While shouting to capture Mo Hua, he was the first to run when the situation turned bad, moving swiftly like a ghost, beyond the reach of the demon hunters.

The battle ended with only a few demon hunters injured, easily treated with a few pills.

The criminal cultivators were all injured, some missing limbs, bound with iron chains and gathered together.

These iron chains were meant to restrain demonic beasts and were extremely sturdy. The injured criminal cultivators had no chance of escape.

Yu Chengyi was delighted, "We were worried about catching these scum, and they delivered themselves to us."

Mo Hua asked, "Uncle Yu, what do we do with these criminal cultivators?"

Yu Chengyi thought for a moment, "First, beat them up and interrogate them. See if we can get any useful information. Then send them to the Dao Court for the bounties."

These criminal cultivators were murderers and robbers, clearly repeat offenders. According to the Dao Law, they were as good as dead.

The demon hunters would get the bounty, and the Dao Court would gain merit. It was a win-win situation without dirtying their own hands.

Mo Hua nodded, then pointed at Diao Laosan, "I want that dwarf. I have some questions for him."

Yu Chengyi was surprised, then grabbed Diao Laosan and threw him in front of Mo Hua, recognizing him.

"So it's you!"

He recognized this criminal cultivator as the small, black-clad cultivator who had caused them so much trouble when the Qian family attacked the spirit mine.

Yu Chengyi twisted Diao Laosan's arm, making him powerless, and threw him in front of Mo Hua, "Ask whatever you want."

Mo Hua stared intently at Diao Laosan, then smiled warmly, "Hand over the Concealment Technique's method!"

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