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Chapter 409: Distant View

Swallowing corpses, dying from poison, swallowing corpses, dying from poison...

Luo dropped a few drops of toxin on the grassland, causing a massive upheaval, leading the ant colony to face a catastrophic disaster.

If the grassland were a blank sheet of paper, then the existence of the ant colony would be like smearing red paint all over it. This represents the number of ants living under the grassland.

Following their instincts, the ants did not realize the danger hidden in their fellow corpses and walked step by step towards extinction in Luo's plan.

Before the outcome was determined, Luo was not sure if the ant colony would be wiped out by the fused poison. Even if it didn't work, it could open a gap in the eastern grassland, thereby reducing the difficulty of leaving.

Returning to the settlement, Luo mentioned something to Salin and then took Buhara into the room where thousands of ancient artifacts were placed.

Buhara wasn't particularly interested in ancient artifacts, but after following Luo for a while, he had a rough understanding that ancient artifacts were valuable. Just one could be exchanged for a lot of money, and then for a lot of delicious food.

"Luo, are all these genuine?" Buhara looked at the neatly arranged artifacts on the shelves, his eyes wide open. He at least knew there were genuine and fake artifacts, and only genuine artifacts were valuable.


Luo casually picked up an ancient forged long sword, which showed no signs of rust but had lost its sharpness.

"Then it can be exchanged for a lot of money!" Buhara opened his arms, forming a circle.

"That's right, but taking them out is a problem, and these things belong to Salin." Luo put the sword back and thought of the black cat. He had thrown him out twice before, and it would still be difficult to ask for his help now.

Buhara looked at the artifacts in the room, thinking about the special nature of the forbidden zone and the sandstorm outside the valley. It was indeed difficult to take everything out.

Everyone who entered the forbidden zone initially ransacked valuable items with great enthusiasm, but in the situation where they couldn't leave, a pile of gold was less useful than a pound of rice, and a jar worth nearly ten million Jenny was even used as a chamber pot.

Since there was nothing else to do, Luo started using the White Smoke Font to appraise the value of the artifacts in the room, touching them one by one.

After finally appraising everything, Luo had a preliminary estimate in mind. The most valuable item inside was a crown worth two billion Jenny. If auctioned at Yorknew, the price should increase by about thirty percent.

With so many artifacts, having the market absorb them was not an easy task. Even the most famous Yorknew Auction couldn't digest a thousand artifacts all at once, and the appraisal alone would take an unknown amount of time.

Taking them out was a problem, and selling the artifacts was another problem.

If they were to sell them at a loss, they would have to set up a platform similar to an auction house, or a platform without auction properties.

The Earth had online shopping platforms like TB and JD, and the Hunter world also had large online shopping platforms like Express Delivery, but there was no large platform specifically for selling artifacts. Considering the issues of manpower and energy, setting up an online shopping platform was the best choice.

First, the operation method would be a private shop. Goods would be sold without buying and selling, ensuring every item was genuine. If reputation and credibility were built up, they could later set up a purchase platform, turning over a large profit.

To construct a special online platform for selling artifacts, at least a highly skilled hacker Hunter and a highly skilled appraiser were needed.

A hacker Hunter was hard to find, but there was currently one candidate for a highly skilled appraiser, and that was Salin. However, whether she was willing was another matter, and Luo didn't want to take her place if she wasn't willing.

With these thoughts, Luo's ideas blossomed like flowers in his mind, each one competing to be more beautiful than the last. However, the first step of taking out the artifacts was difficult, giving a sense of aiming too high.

The more he thought about it, the more active Luo's mind became. As Jin said, the internet was a very useful tool for Hunters, capable of accomplishing many things. If operated well, becoming a billionaire was not out of reach.

"Luo, how much are these things worth?" In Buhara's view, Luo's knowledge was vast enough that he felt Luo could come to a conclusion.

"Conservatively estimated, between 60 billion and 80 billion."

Luo calculated in his mind and then spoke a number that nearly made Buhara's jaw drop.

Moreover, the fluctuation between this number was as high as 20 billion, indicating that the price of artifacts could be quite erratic, often depending on the buyer's interest.

Buhara's mouth was agape, looking foolish. After a moment, he weakly said, "How many A-grade ingredients can that buy?"

Luo shook his head and said, "Not to mention A-grade ingredients, even if you had the money, you might not be able to buy B-grade ingredients."

"Alright." Buhara said disappointedly.

That night, Luo went to the grassland alone, quickly covering a distance of several kilometers, and stayed on the grassland for nearly an hour. Not a single ant emerged, indicating that the infectious toxin had likely taken effect.

During the day, the sky was covered with dark clouds, creating an overcast phenomenon. At night, it turned into an extremely dark night, without a single point of light.

Luo stood on the grassland, gazing towards the imperial capital, vaguely seeing clusters of small fire points, knowing they were fire sources set up to assist in night watch, mainly to fend off mutant ants.

"In any case, let's leave the forbidden zone first."

Luo returned to the imperial capital, thinking silently.

The threat of the ant colony was eliminated, Salin's artifacts, and the valuable things in the royal city didn't need to be urgently taken away. First, he would get the people out, then go back to Elba once, and later find time to bring the items out.

Outside the forbidden zone, sandstorms guarded the area. Even without the threat of the ant colony on the grassland, it was not a place ordinary people could easily enter.

Half an hour later, Luo knocked on Salin's door.

Moments later, Salin's voice came from inside the house, "Who is it?"

"It's me," Luo said.

Salin recognized Luo's voice, got out of bed, casually put on a coat, opened the door, and leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed, looking at Luo with a sidelong glance, teasing, "You've got some nerve, daring to knock on your senior sister's door so late?"

"It's business." Luo pulled out a smile.

Salin stepped aside, looking at Luo's wretched smile, and said helplessly, "When are you going to take off that mask? If not, then don't smile. It's creepy."

"Uh..." Luo entered the room, speechless.

Salin closed the door and leaned directly against it, "Go ahead, what business?"

"I've already dealt with the ant colony on the grassland. We can leave anytime." Luo said.

"Are you sure?" Salin's expression changed slightly.

"Yes." Luo nodded and said, "If possible, I'd like to leave tomorrow."

"This is no joke; I need to verify first." Salin suppressed the tremor in her heart.

"Of course, as soon as you verify, we'll start preparing to leave," Luo said.

Salin was silent for a moment. She scrutinized the confident Luo and then issued a dismissal, "I'll go verify it in the morning. Alright, go back to your room and rest."


Luo responded, suddenly remembering the idea of the online platform. He wanted to ask Salin's thoughts, but considering the time and place, he put the thought aside and left Salin's room.

Early the next morning, Salin went to the grassland and stayed for two hours before returning.

Waiting for her return, Luo told her about the information that armored bulls were on standby outside the valley and explained the critical reason for not delaying too long.

Salin excitedly gathered everyone and started preparing to leave.

She spent a day persuading everyone, taking all the food and water, leading them towards the grassland.

Realizing they might actually leave, the residents took along valuable items they could carry. Even Salin took a few favorite artifacts.

To ensure a safe return to the Oasis Nation, space was limited. Most of it was allocated to food and water, but this did not prevent them from taking a small portion of valuable items.

Except for the few remaining members of the Eagle Group and William who were unwilling to leave, the others formed a team and left the forbidden zone.

A month later, Elba welcomed a dusty team.

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