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Chapter 382: Departure

The caravan's armed forces were not weak, but the sand thieves had more and stronger fighters.

This was a survival battle in the desert, unavoidable.

A hundred sand thieves charged, their cries like drums, and in no time, the caravan fell amid screams, blood soaking the yellow sand.

In less than five minutes, no one in the caravan survived, all perished under the knives. In contrast, only a few sand thieves were injured.

The leader of the sand thieves was a man with braided hair named Gerrot, with a dark complexion and eyes like eagle's eyes, sharp and intense.

He drove his mount to the top of the dune, gazing in the direction of the Elba Oasis. Below the dune, his men were scavenging the spoils.

"Leader, what about those armoured cows left behind?" A man with thick hair came up behind Gerrot.

Gerrot said lightly, "Slaughter them, take out their stomachs."


Hearing this, the man drove the blood-eyed armoured cows down the hill.

Apart from the water-storing stomach, the meat of the armoured cows could also be used as food. This principle was understood by the sand thieves, but since Gerrot only asked for the stomachs, the thieves gave up the idea of cutting off the meat.

People in the desert sought survival, but the sand thieves were different. Like locusts, they left no grass behind wherever they went.

After processing the spoils at an extremely fast speed, the hundred sand thieves continued to wander aimlessly near the oasis. Any team that wanted to go to the oasis or came out from the oasis was their target.


*Third Prince's Palace.*

Fatima sat with her head down, her ears slightly red, like a shrinking ostrich.

William's expression was calm, having accepted Luo's explanation, and because Fatima had no objections.

"Fatima, Father summons you."

William looked at the uneasy Fatima.

"Has Sixth Prince Golo arrived?" Fatima suddenly raised her head.

"It should take another three days to reach Elba. Father summoning you now must mean he has made a decision." William said.

Fatima's face changed, her feet rooted to the ground, unwilling to move even an inch.

She didn't want to marry off, nor did she want to be the unlucky one among the seven princesses.

"Being in the royal family, you have no choice." William said to Fatima, not caring that Luo was present.

"Then why can you?" Fatima suddenly slammed the table, the chair falling back with a loud noise.

William looked at the agitated Fatima and calmly said, "Because I have no interest in that position."

Fatima fell silent upon hearing this, her emotions gradually calming down. She met William's calm gaze for a while, then expressionlessly walked past William and Luo towards the door.

Until Fatima left, William never looked back at her.

"Pardon the scene." William turned to look at Luo.

"Uh, it's nothing." Luo said.

William nodded and straightforwardly said, "I can set off in two days, and I'll prepare the supplies."

"I might bring someone along." Luo said at this time.

"A Nen user?" William asked.

Luo nodded.

"Alright, I'll notify you once everything is ready." Hearing it was a Nen user, William agreed decisively. To go to the Forbidden Zone, the team members had to be chosen carefully.

"Okay." Luo got up, preparing to leave. As he looked at William, he asked, "Why do you want to go to the Forbidden Zone?"

William looked at Luo, his eyes calm. After a moment, he said, "There is someone's remains that should not stay there. She needs to come back here."

"Got it."

Luo didn't ask who she was, and left the palace.

The Golo Oasis was a must-go, and the Forbidden Zone was also an absolute destination.

Returning to Sago's house, Luo went to Linne's room and stated his intention, "I'm preparing to go to Golo."

"Where you want to go is your freedom." Linne said.

"Just thought I'd tell you." Luo smiled.

Linne said nothing more.

"When will your waist recover? I'm still waiting for you to teach me everything you know." Luo asked.

Linne snorted coldly, "I'll notify you once I'm healed."

"OK, I'm going to eat then." Luo made a hand gesture and turned to leave.

At this moment, Linne suddenly said, "The danger level of the Forbidden Zone is not low, be careful."

Luo stopped, scratched his head, and said, "Can't hide anything from you. Don't worry, no matter how dangerous it is, it can't be worse than the Dark Continent. I'll act within my limits."

With that, he left decisively.

Linne looked at the door, which opened and closed, in silence.

Outside the room, Sago leaned against the wall, looking at Luo who came out.

Seeing Sago, Luo wasn't surprised. He glanced at Sago, then walked straight towards the stairs.

Sago followed, the two going downstairs to the shop.

"You're going to the Forbidden Zone?" Sago asked.

Buhara, who was watching the stall at the store entrance, looked over upon hearing Sago's words.

"Yes." Luo replied.

"People have been dying there for a hundred years. With so many precedents, are you blind or brain-damaged?" Sago spat several times in excitement.

Luo gently stepped back to avoid Sago's spittle and seriously said, "How will you know the result if you don't try?"

"Is there a need to try? You can't even get through a sandstorm!" Sago said coldly.

Luo shrugged and suddenly said, "Does Salin have anything that can prove her identity?"

"What do you mean?" Sago's face tensed.

"If I can get in, maybe I can bring her out." Luo didn't directly mention bones, but the meaning was clear.

"Who do you think you are?"

Sago's face turned ugly, and he stormed out of the shop.

Luo watched Sago leave, roughly guessing why Sago reacted this way.

He looked at Buhara and said, "The day after tomorrow, go somewhere with me."

"Alright." Buhara agreed immediately.

That night, Sago returned drunk and collapsed at the store entrance. Buhara found him and brought him back to his room.

Two days later, at noon, William sent someone to inform Luo to meet at the North Gate.

Since William said he would prepare the supplies, Luo and Buhara didn't bring much when they set out.

After walking a distance, Sago, sitting on a low stool, suddenly said, "She has a locket with a photo of us."

Luo paused, looked back at Sago, and said, "Got it, take care of Linne."

With that, he left.

Thirty minutes later, Luo and Buhara arrived at the North Gate. On the edge of the clearing, three armoured cows with many packages stood, alongside a burly man wearing a hat and mask.

Seeing the tightly dressed man, Luo immediately recognized William and walked over, surprised, "You're alone?"

William slightly pulled down his mask and said flatly, "Do you think anyone else wants to go there?"

As he finished, a person suddenly ran out from the passing crowd, coming to them, and said, "I'm here too."

It was an average-looking woman, her body wrapped in a large robe, hiding her figure.

Luo and William looked at the woman, both raising their eyebrows almost simultaneously.

"Go back!" William's tone carried anger.

Luo felt rather helpless. The woman's voice and the faint perfume smell made him recognize Fatima, though he wasn't sure how she had changed her appearance.

Since Luo could recognize her, William naturally could too.

"No." Fatima snorted coldly.

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