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Chapter 381: This is a Misunderstanding

The woman had a graceful figure, dressed in local traditional attire, exuding an indescribable charm.

Her long, black hair flowed like silk, hanging down by her ears, and her smooth forehead was adorned with golden bejeweled decorations. A thin veil covered her face, faintly revealing a slightly curved mouth that seemed to be smiling.

Such a woman approached and said, "Marry me!"

Luo thought he had misheard and pointed to himself in confusion, "Are you talking to me?"

"Is there anyone else here besides you?" the woman retorted.

"Well, I refuse." Luo nodded.

Seeing Luo's refusal, the woman didn't react much, directly walked over to sit opposite Luo, and slowly picked up a purple grape to play with, then revealed her identity: "I am Fatima, the twelfth princess of Elba. I am giving you a chance to change your answer."

Hearing this, Luo felt she wasn't joking and asked in confusion, "I don't know you, do I?"

"You don't know me?" Fatima showed a very shocked expression.

"No." Luo answered honestly.


The poor grape burst in Fatima's slender fingers, and the juice from the grape accidentally flew towards Luo, who opened his mouth and caught it, then politely said, "Thank you."

"Now you know, and I'm not joking. Please be assured of that." Fatima put down the grape skin, wiped her hands with a handkerchief, her tone very calm, completely different from her earlier grape-crushing action.

"Well, I still choose to refuse. Also, my name is Luo, not 'Hey.' You can call me Luo." Luo said, picking up grapes from the fruit plate and eating them. He found them very sweet.

Fatima tore off her veil, revealing a beautiful face. Pointing to herself incredulously, she said, "I have a pretty face, a great figure, and I’m offering myself to you, yet you don't want me? Could it be..."

She seemed to think of something, suddenly losing her composure, and exclaimed in shock, "Could you be my brother's lover?"

First, she voiced her guess, then quickly affirmed it without giving Luo a chance to refute.

"You must be my brother's lover. No wonder. I was wondering why my brother would bring an outsider home. This makes sense. I didn't expect my brother to have such a preference."

Fatima murmured to herself, slowly stood up, and a gloomy expression appeared on her beautiful face, as if she couldn't accept this fact.

"Hey, hey..." Seeing that Fatima seemed to have filled in some information herself, Luo felt a chill and was about to explain when he saw Fatima change from a slightly dejected state to inexplicable joy.

"Great! This makes things much simpler."

Fatima clapped her hands excitedly, the gloom on her face disappeared in an instant, her change of expression as quick as face-changing in Sichuan opera.

Her eyes shone brightly as she looked at Luo, as if staring at a delicious prey, then suddenly leaned towards Luo, her ample bosom coming into his view.

"Thank heavens for sending you to me." She didn't mind Luo seeing her chest at all, grabbing Luo's hands once again, seriously saying, "Please, marry me!"

Luo was completely baffled by Fatima's actions and shook her off, saying, "Are you alright?"

Fatima's face was full of excitement. She didn't mind Luo's rude gesture and continued talking to herself, "Since you are my brother's lover, and he was willing to bring you home, you are one of us now. I can't find a more suitable marriage partner than you."

Luo's face turned slightly dark, and he helplessly asked, "What are you talking about?"

At this moment, Fatima moved forward again, directly kneeling on the table, her upper body leaning towards Luo, her hands resting on the table. From Luo's perspective, not only could he see the ample bosom but also the flat stomach inside her clothes.

"Elba wants to form a marriage alliance with Golo. I am one of the candidates chosen by my father. To avoid this marriage, I need to quickly find a marriage partner." Fatima blinked, her breath with a hint of perfume hitting Luo's face.

Hearing Fatima's explanation and connecting it with what she said earlier, Luo immediately understood her plan. She intended to have a fake marriage to avoid the alliance and, given her mistaken belief that he was gay, was particularly excited.

As for why she chose him, it might be because William had never brought an outsider to the palace, and he was the first one.

In reality, whether Luo was gay or not, Fatima could use the fact that William brought him to the palace as a reason to make him her target. Even if he was a straight man, Fatima wouldn’t easily offer herself after marriage; her previous talk of being clingy was just an exaggeration.

Understanding the situation, Luo sighed softly, pointed at Fatima's exposed bosom, and said, "Sorry, I don't want to marry you. Also, you're exposed."

He had to admit, Fatima was very beautiful and had a great figure, with those ample bosoms being particularly eye-catching.

Being pointed out, Fatima didn’t mind, got off the table, leaned towards Luo, and without any princess-like demeanor, smilingly lifted her finger, making a repetitive bending motion while saying, "It's okay, anyway, it’s you."

Luo knew what the bending finger gesture meant, shook his head, and smiled bitterly, "Sorry, you'll be disappointed. I'm straight."

"You're lying!"

Fatima's eyes widened, seemingly convinced of her judgment.

"Believe it or not." Luo rolled his eyes, wondering when William would return.

At this moment, Fatima did something beyond Luo’s expectations. She suddenly reached out and grabbed Luo's crotch.

Because Fatima was leaning close, and Luo had rolled his eyes upwards, he didn’t notice and was caught off guard by her sudden action.

Luo was stunned, and so was Fatima. Their eyes slowly met, and the atmosphere suddenly became strange.

"Why, it's hard..." Fatima showed a tearless expression.

Luo looked down at his crotch, then at Fatima, opened his mouth but couldn’t speak. Should he explain that it was a normal reaction to seeing her chest?

At this moment, another voice sounded in the room.

"What are you two doing?"

William stood not far away, frowning at the scene.

Fatima's body suddenly stiffened, mechanically turning to look at William, her mind blank, not knowing what to do next, feeling like she wanted to die.

Luo awkwardly looked at William and seriously said, "This is a misunderstanding." Then he looked at Fatima and whispered, "Maybe you should let go first?"


At the same time, in the desert, a convoy of over thirty armored Bull was moving quickly across the yellow sand, raising clouds of dust.

This was a semi-armed caravan loaded with goods, heading towards Elba, with less than a hundred miles to go.

The leader silently prayed to reach Elba safely without encountering those damn sand thieves.

"Boss, look over there." A panicked voice came from his ear.

The leader followed the direction the man pointed and saw a large amount of sand dust rising in the distance, immediately showing a look of despair.

In the distance, a team of a hundred armored Bull was heading towards the caravan, led by a man with his beard braided, the leader of the sand thieves.

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