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Chapter 373: Miria X Third Prince X Diary

Five seconds ago, if someone had told Zelas that a cat could instantly kill fifteen grown men, Zelas would have jumped up and called that person an idiot.

Now, Zelas desperately needed someone to tell him that it was all just a joke.

He closed his eyes, hoping that when he opened them, the scene he had just witnessed would be false.

A moment later, he opened his eyes and saw the black cat standing right in front of him, with an expression of extreme horror on its face, like someone who had been suffocating and suddenly breathed in oxygen, gasping for breath, wanting to scream but finding himself unable to make a sound.

The black cat gave him a ghostly smile and then casually waved its paw, and a line of blood immediately appeared on Zelas' neck.

Zelas seemed to realize something and began to struggle violently. At this moment, he finally wanted to cry out for help with all his might, but found he still couldn't make a sound, only able to look despairingly at the monster in front of him.

With his violent struggles, blood spurted from his neck.

At this moment, Zelas' heart was not only filled with despair but also with irretrievable regret.

If he had known this would be the outcome, he shouldn't have coveted Luo's gains on Vulture Street. Even if he didn't know who stole the five ancient artifacts, today's haul was already enough.

He shouldn't have been so greedy...

In his final moments, Zelas' mind flashed this thought like lightning, and then he sank into darkness.

The black cat quietly watched Zelas die, its gaze shifted slightly to the bulge in his clothes, and with a light swipe of its paw, it tore open the pocket, and a bulging money bag fell out.

Before the money bag hit the ground, the black cat extended its paw to grab the money bag and opened it to find a pile of gold beads.


On the rooftop, a slim figure darted like a monkey, moving nimbly and swiftly.

It was a woman in short sleeves and shorts, her exposed skin showing a healthy tan. She had short black hair tied into a neat ponytail at the back of her head, brown eyes, and slightly thin lips.

At this moment, the woman's expression was still calm, but her brown eyes couldn't hide her fear.

A cat had actually managed to slice through the throats of fifteen men at once!

It was fortunate that her mental resilience was strong enough, allowing her to run away as soon as she reacted, unlike Master Zelas, who collapsed and couldn't move, getting killed by the black cat instantly.

The woman didn't know that Master Zelas was already dead, and it had nothing to do with her. All she wanted now was to escape quickly and get away from the danger.

At this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air ten meters in front of her—it was Luo, who had been chasing her.

The woman's expression changed as she looked at the suddenly appearing person. She stomped to a stop but didn't turn to run in another direction. She just stared at Luo.

She wasn't giving up the struggle; she knew that no matter what, she couldn't escape after Luo suddenly appeared. Instead of running, she decided to think carefully about how to get away.

What should she do?

The woman's mind raced, searching for a way to survive in the assumed deadly situation.

She felt terribly wronged. She wasn't even part of Zelas' group; she had only cooperated temporarily for the money. She was just curious about the boy who had been causing trouble, so she came to have a look.

That was the main reason Zelas' group was down there while she was alone on the rooftop.

At this moment, the woman regretted her curiosity. She finally understood the essence of the saying "curiosity killed the cat."

She took a deep breath and quickly said, "I'm not with Zelas, nor do I intend to be involved in this matter. I was just there to watch the fun!"

Explaining why she was there was the decision she made when she knew she couldn't escape.

She spoke as fast as she could, first disassociating herself from Zelas and then explaining her motive, not daring to say more.

Being cautious with words and actions was another important factor she believed could help her escape death.

This was a very clever and alert woman.

Luo stared at the woman in front of him without any expression and asked, "What's your name?"


A woman who had spent most of her life using fake names and aliases didn't hesitate to reveal her real name at this moment. Even if Luo wanted to ask her some private questions now, she would spill everything without hesitation, except she didn't think of begging for mercy.

"I thought you would beg for mercy," Luo said faintly.

At this moment, Miria's tightly wound nerves relaxed a bit. She judged from this sentence that the other party didn't intend to kill her, so she immediately said, "I have no ill intentions towards you."

Begging for mercy would be like sitting in a pile of shit.

"Well said."

Luo nodded slightly and walked towards the drying rack on the rooftop.

Earlier in the alley, Luo and the black cat had first noticed two people outside the alley and on the rooftop. Based on Luo's perception, he knew the person on the rooftop had no ill intentions.

The situation hadn't reached the point of killing to silence, so Luo wouldn't make a move against Miria.

He walked to the drying rack, reached out to grab the rod, and with a burst of nen, the rod instantly turned to powder, drifting away in the wind.

Miria watched this scene, her eyes widening to the maximum, her pretty face unable to hide her terror.

Luo patted his hands and then slowly walked towards Miria, each step like a heavy hammer pounding on her heart, echoing with thuds.

In Miria's imagination, the atmosphere solidified, seemingly suffocating her. Her slightly relaxed nerves tensed up again, but fortunately, she faithfully followed her theory of not begging for mercy and didn't flee in a guilty manner due to the dramatic change in the situation.

Luo stopped beside Miria and suddenly said, "You should be glad you chose to watch the fun from the rooftop."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo activated his nen, took a few steps forward, and then disappeared. The next second, he reappeared dozens of meters away in the alley, landing on the ground.

On the rooftop, Miria slowly turned her stiff neck and looked back, but she could no longer see Luo's figure. At this moment, her heart pounded wildly like a runaway horse.

This was... truly unbelievable!

Luo and the black cat could sense each other's locations, so it didn't take much effort for them to meet up.

Seeing the black cat, Luo directly stuffed the five ancient artifacts wrapped in his coat into the black cat's mouth. The latter didn't resist or complain, feeling quite pleased with the sixteen pages of freshly dyed book pages.

After swallowing the ancient artifacts that Luo shoved into its mouth, the black cat threw the money bag full of gold beads to Luo and immediately hid in Luo's hand, avoiding the wind.

Luo took the money bag, which felt heavy, and opened it, then was momentarily stunned.


Half an hour later, Luo returned to Sago's house, got the key from Sago, and went straight to the third-floor room, where he used the key to open the wooden box indicated by the white smoke.

Inside was a yellowed book and something that looked like a pocket watch, with traces of nen floating on it.

Compared to the nen-infused item, Luo was more concerned about the book for some reason. So he gently picked up the book and carefully opened the first page.

It was a diary...

At the same time, a terrified scream came from somewhere in Elba, someone had found a corpse, and soon the scene was surrounded by onlookers.

It wasn't unusual for people to die in Elba, but for more than a dozen people to die at once was quite rare, and among the dead was the renowned Master Zelas, which was big news!


A squad of soldiers arrived late, and the crowd parted to let the soldiers into the scene, bowing in reverence to the leader.

The leader was a burly young man with a buzz cut and a ferocious scar across his brow. He was the third prince of Elba.

He walked to Master Zelas' corpse and looked at the clean cut on the neck, his gaze turning slightly cold.

A famous person dying in Elba was not a good thing.

In the crowd, Miria, wearing a hooded cloak, carefully looked at the dead Master Zelas sitting against the wall. Her mind immediately recalled the words the boy had said before he left, and her body couldn't help but tremble.

Should she be glad she was on the rooftop?

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