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Chapter 374: Those Things

A body lay against the wall outside the alley, while fifteen bodies lay inside the alley. There were no obvious signs of a fight; all had died from a deep cut to the neck by a sharp weapon.

Compared to Zelas, who lay outside, the group of corpses inside the alley was worth pondering over.

The Third Prince paced back and forth twice in the alley, then looked towards the dead-end inside, a hint of fear flashing in his eyes.

To be able to slit the throats of fifteen people simultaneously in such a narrow alley, achieving a one-hit kill, was something even the strongest swordsman in the three great nations couldn't do.

"Is it Nen…"

The Third Prince slowly raised his head, gazing at the light above the alley.

He was alone in the alley; no one could hear his murmurs.

Outside the alley, more and more people gathered, attracted by the news of Zelas's death, but the later arrivals could only see the body covered by a white cloth under the wall, unable to see Zelas's death face.

In the crowd, Miria, cloaked and hooded, quietly left. She understood the significance of the boy breaking the drying rod on the roof and was relieved to have escaped unscathed. She had no intention of staying in this place of trouble.

She knew that while making money on Vulture Street, she was among them. Zelas was not some nameless small fry; if the Elba army insisted on investigating, they would undoubtedly find her.

Even if she had nothing to do with Zelas, once caught, given the Third Prince of Elba's methods, she would certainly face severe punishment regardless of her innocence.

With this thought, Miria began her preparations to leave.

Sago's House, Third Floor Room

There were only a few items in the wooden box. Luo picked up a yellowed book and walked to the small round window, browsing the diary's contents in the sunlight.

This was the diary left by Salin, Sago's sister. The book was quite thick and did not specify the exact years, but from its yellowed pages, it seemed to be at least several decades old.

The content on the first page made Luo want to keep reading. The first page read:

July 18, Sunny.

I am going to the forbidden zone of the Kendia Desert!

It was just a short sentence. It was unclear how old Salin was when she wrote it.

July 19, Sunny.

I got beaten by my brother because of this.

I am very unconvinced. Isn't it just because he was born three years earlier?

Humph, we'll see!

July 20, Sunny.

From today onwards, I must save money seriously!

Even if I can't eat Uncle Bump's bug stew again, it's worth it!

But eating it once a month shouldn't affect the saving plan; bug stew is really delicious!

Luo saw the tear stains on this page, probably left by Sago.

July 21, Sunny.

Today, Deyi told me he wanted to explore the forbidden zone. I was very surprised and asked him why.

He said: There are many dead people there, and there must be a lot of treasures.

I don't know if this counts as treasure hunting, but I don't like it.

July 22, Sunny.

Damn it.

Luo paused at this page; there was only one word, written with unusual force. He wondered what had happened.

Continuing to flip through, most entries were about daily trivialities, occasionally mentioning Vulture Street and ancient relics. Entries became sparse, with several days or even ten days recorded on one page.

Until June 15 of the following year, the plan to go to the forbidden zone was officially put on the agenda.

June 15, Sunny.

Today, I finally got the map. I must not let my brother find out, or it will be all for naught!

Moreover, preparing for the forbidden zone requires many things, but the saved money is far from enough.

I have decided, from today, to change the saving plan to a money-making plan!

From this day on, the diary recorded Salin's experiences on Vulture Street, from being scammed initially to finally making a small profit, taking two years in total.

These experiences not only taught Salin the ways to make money, but also improved her social skills through various interactions, not to mention enhancing her knowledge through constant contact with ancient relics.

Salin seemed never to consider herself a girl, always wanting to do better than boys, including going to the forbidden zone in the desert. At that time, she was the only woman who wanted to go to the forbidden zone.

As time passed, Salin became more well-known on Vulture Street, attracting many people to bring ancient relics for her appraisal. Consequently, her income increased, far surpassing Sago's.

The house Luo was in was also bought by Salin.

By collecting appraisal fees and finding bargains, Salin earned more and more money, getting closer to her goal. But new problems arose.

Going to the forbidden zone in the desert was not just a whim for Salin; she planned and prepared for it patiently.

She spent nearly four years preparing everything except for one crucial element: self-protection ability, or rather, strength.

Without strength, even getting halfway to the forbidden zone, she would be doomed if encountered by desert thieves.

Therefore, Salin didn't impulsively set off when everything was ready. It was worth mentioning that after being beaten by Sago, Salin exercised daily.

Another year passed, and Linne came...

Luo finished reading the thick diary. There wasn't much important information about the forbidden zone in the desert. On the last page, there was only one line:

"Brother, I'm leaving!"

The day before writing this page, Salin had defeated Sago. By then, they had both learned Nen abilities from Linne and developed their own Nen.

Sago wanted to stop Salin, but his sister was not an ordinary person; Salin had beaten him up. This diary seemed to have been left for Sago intentionally.

Luo closed the diary, finding Salin interesting and wanting to meet her, but that was just a thought.

He put down the diary and picked up the pocket watch-like item, which was light, with a finely scratched bronze-colored metal case.

Opening the cover, Luo was surprised to find it was a compass.

Luo absorbed the Nen from the compass and then opened the other wooden boxes.

Unlike the box containing the diary and compass, the other two boxes were filled with items, all ancient relics.

Luo casually picked up a few relics; they were all low-quality fakes.

After checking for a while, Luo found that these two boxes were filled with worthless fakes, probably bought by Salin when she first entered Vulture Street. Even after gaining fame, she never thought of dealing with these relics but kept them as souvenirs.

Compared to Zelas, whom Luo had recently encountered, Salin was heaven and earth.

The diary gave Luo a general understanding of Salin. He admired her.

Luo carefully put everything away, neatly placing them in a corner, freeing up the bed.

Days passed...

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