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Chapter 372: Hostile Intentions

Among the five ancient artifacts, including the Greed Pot, three items emitted nen waves.

This result was unexpected for Luo.

He bent down to examine the other four artifacts, absorbing the remaining nen into his body, increasing his power slightly.

Moments later, the white smoke font appraised the value of these artifacts, including the Greed Pot, totaling over 1.2 billion.

"Well done."

This unexpected joy made Luo praise the black cat. He then unloaded the ten artifacts onto the ground.

The black cat brought four more artifacts, making Luo feel like he had suddenly found money. Adding the previously acquired artifacts, the total value surely exceeded 500 million, all within two hours.

Having only covered half of Vulture Street, Luo expected to find a few more billion worth of treasures if he continued.

"Take care of these."

Luo pointed to the pile of artifacts.

"I'm not a suitcase!" The black cat's face darkened as it looked at the pile.

"Keep them safe. If one goes missing, I assure you, the black pages won't increase."

Luo left a threat casually and walked out of the alley, intending to continue scouring every stall.

The black cat, annoyed, swallowed the fifteen earthy artifacts into its unique internal space and then leaped onto Luo's shoulder.

At this time, Master Zelas's appraisal event continued, and the appraisal fees alone had surely filled his wallet.

Luo didn't ask about the black cat's process of snatching artifacts, as he was uninterested. After a glance at the crowd in the center of Vulture Street, he resumed his search for nen-infused artifacts.

Time passed unknowingly, and another hour went by.

As the crowd in the center dispersed, Luo had finished browsing the remaining stalls.

He acquired five more artifacts, leaving his balance at only a few hundred thousand jenny, which wouldn't last long before he was broke again.

Since he had cleared all the nen-infused items, Luo decided to leave.

With many people on Vulture Street, Luo couldn't openly store the five artifacts in the black cat's body. He headed towards a less crowded alley to solve a few matters.

While shopping, he noticed several prying eyes. After Master Zelas's appraisal event ended, the number of prying eyes increased to over a dozen.

Feigning ignorance, Luo calmly finished his shopping and then prepared to deal with these followers.

"Let's kill them!" The black cat whispered eagerly into Luo's ear.

"Do you think this is just a city?"

Luo pointed at the patrolling soldiers in Vulture Street, soldiers of the Oasis Nation, tall and armored with cold weapons and a few with old flintlock guns.

"So what?"

The black cat glanced at the soldiers and then discreetly at the prying eyes' locations, coldly saying, "You just need to lose them. I'll handle the rest."

Luo looked straight ahead, not responding directly to the black cat.

"Anyone with harmful intentions towards you, I can act against. You can't stop me."

The black cat licked its sharp claws, its silver eyes cold.

If it acted, it would kill them, staining the black pages further.

"I'll decide if they deserve to die," Luo said calmly.

The black cat frowned, annoyed, "They're clearly hostile towards you. Why hesitate? Just kill them!"

Ignoring the black cat, Luo walked into a secluded alley.

The main difference between Luo and the black cat was rationality.

As a nen beast, the black cat had high intelligence and an independent soul but lacked human rationality.

Even without the black pages, the black cat could kill without guilt, like humans crushing ants.

Thus, the black cat didn't care about the extent of the other's hostility, deciding to kill them directly.

Luo, not being entirely cold-blooded, couldn't agree with the black cat. But he couldn't stop the black cat either, as it had the right to act against any threat to Luo.

The black cat knew Luo would decide based on the situation, but it believed Luo wouldn't blame it for killing the hostile group after helping Luo acquire and store five artifacts.

At that moment, the black cat decided to ignore Luo's previous threat.

As Luo walked deeper into the alley, the prying eyes became blatant. When Luo stopped in a dead-end, the followers revealed themselves.

In the densely built Oasis Nation, the alleys were narrow, with shade cloths making them dark despite the daytime.

In the dead-end, at the alley's intersection, a group suddenly appeared, blocking Luo in and dimming the light further.

There were fifteen of them, their formation like a queue but loose due to the narrow alley.

They appeared silently, drawing short blades without emitting killing intent, perhaps intending to rob.

At that moment, before Luo decided how to handle them, the black cat moved.


The small body became a black lightning, reaching the group in an instant. A swift paw strike caused blood lines to appear on each neck, followed by a simultaneous spray of blood. Without a scream, they fell, clutching their necks.

The black cat landed, standing amid the corpses, blood quickly pooling around its limbs.

It looked back at Luo, who remained expressionless, licking the blood from its claws, creating a chillingly eerie scene.

This scene would terrify an ordinary person, but Luo, not being ordinary, coldly watched the black cat, frowning slightly.

Since the group revealed weapons with ill intent, killing them was justified, but Luo disliked the black cat's unauthorized actions, knowing it was due to its independent soul, an unavoidable issue.

This involved the rules of restrictions and vows. The black cat's independence made it efficient and reliable but also capable of using the rules for its benefit.

To gain something, one must pay the corresponding price. This could explain the rules of restrictions and vows, unless Luo abandoned the black cat's unique advantages as a nen beast, this drawback would persist.

"There's two more, I won't handle the one above." The black cat suddenly said.

On the alley wall, Master Zelas lay paralyzed, trembling in fear.

The rooftop person had fled upon seeing the black cat's kill.

Both Luo and the black cat knew two others were hiding. Luo quickly removed his outer coat, wrapped the five artifacts, and leaped to the four-story rooftop.

In the distance, he saw a fleeing figure, the tanned woman.

In the alley, the blood-stained black cat walked to the intersection.

Master Zelas's eyes slowly reflected the black cat's figure.

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