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Chapter 364: Luo and Them

The desert was an unfamiliar environment for Luo.

Whether on Earth or in the few years since coming to the world of Hunters, Luo had never truly been to a desert.

If it had been a year and a half ago, Luo wouldn't have claimed to understand the desert, but after reading Linne's books, even without visiting, he had more than a basic understanding of it.

Among the books written by Linne, there were several about deserts. The one that left the deepest impression was "The Sun Bath of the Kendia Desert."

It wasn't specified which desert they were heading to, but Luo was quite looking forward to it.

By evening, the sky had already darkened, the temperature dropped, and the wind felt like cold knives cutting into them.

Buhara set up a large grill in the desolate yard and lit a fire, then shouted towards the house, "Boss, come out and help me cut the pork."

Hearing Buhara's call, Luo walked out of the house and looked at the mountain-sized black pig in the yard, helplessly saying, "Are we eating pork again today?"

Buhara grinned and said, "Pork is delicious."

Luo was speechless, considering that this guy had eaten seventy or eighty wild boars during the Hunter Test.

Under Buhara's gaze, Luo used his God's Hand ability to easily handle the black pig, slicing it into three-centimeter-thick pieces.

In the forest where their house was located, one could often see large wild boars and black bears during the winter. To Buhara, wild boars were more suitable as food than black bears, so he often hunted black boars as daily food.

With the ingredients ready and the grill in place, Linne and Day Tiger came out and sat on the tree stump chairs under the vine trellis, waiting for dinner.

Luo handled the grilling while Buhara excitedly ran into the house to get the wine.

The sun set, and soon the moon was hanging in the night sky.

A lantern hung by the vine trellis, its dim light barely illuminating half the yard.

On the tree stump table, there was a plate of fragrant grilled meat and a jar of fine wine, brewed by the fierce flower monkeys in the forest, known as monkey wine on Earth.

However, in the world of Hunters, monkey wine was brewed by monkeys with ingredients not found on Earth, making it an extraordinary delicacy.

Luo stood in front of the grill, his face flushed from the heat, with the smoke unexpectedly shifting to the sides.

Buhara was assisting nearby, fearlessly tossing pieces of freshly grilled pork into his mouth.

The size of the wild boar was several times that of Buhara, with three-quarters of it eaten by him alone, and the remaining quarter shared by Luo and the other two.

Under the vine trellis, Day Tiger took out a cigarette, placed it in his mouth, and, after moving away from Linne, lit it and started puffing smoke.

The smoke swirled in front of Day Tiger, blurring his face.

Linne glanced at him without saying a word.

Before long, the cigarette was halfway burned.

Day Tiger looked at the two busy at the grill and softly said, "Teacher, I'll die before you, right?"

"Who knows such things?" Linne calmly replied, piercing a piece of meat.

Day Tiger took a deep drag, finishing the cigarette, and exhaled a large cloud of smoke before saying, "Have you thought about finding another caretaker?"

Linne seemed to understand Day Tiger's intention, shook his head slightly, and looked at Luo, whose face was lit by the fire, saying calmly, "It can't be kept."

Day Tiger fell silent.

After nightfall, the forest was eerily quiet.

The aroma of the grilled meat, enhanced by Linne's special spices, drifted with the wind, attracting many nocturnal beasts, but none dared approach Linne's old house.

Living deep in the mountains was a way to stay away from the world's noise.

Luo finished grilling and brought a large plate of meat under the vine trellis, leaving the rest for Buhara to handle.

Grilled meat paired with fine wine, both top-notch.

Linne's special spices, combined with God's Hand to infuse them into the meat, produced the world's best-grilled meat.

Luo didn't drink alcohol, but the monkey wine was worth developing a taste for.

He took a photo with his phone, selected contacts, and sent it out before enjoying the dinner.

"Teacher's spices and Luo's nen ability are a perfect match," Day Tiger sincerely praised.

The old house in the forest, the vine trellis under the light, grilled meat and fine wine, old and young together.

The photo, including the grilled meat and fine wine, was sent out worldwide through Luo's phone.

Machi received it, Sambika received it, Ging received it, Netero received it, Hira received it, Elly received it…

Not long after, Luo's phone was bombarded with messages, mainly criticizing his arrogant caption describing the unique spices and wine.

Nowadays, the Phantom Troupe's actions were increasing, becoming wanted targets, and many had gone after them before they became A-rank. The nen abilities stolen by Chrollo during this period might have been accumulated during this time.

Sambika had become the exclusive doctor for the Hunter Association, working in the provided environment, becoming very busy.

Hira was still training, the most frequent contact for Luo, often sending messages and photos of various beautiful sceneries.

Elly had bought a shipyard, becoming a leader in La Xiang City's logistics and transportation industry, her fame in the business world rising. Luo had to apologize for a previous missed call by bringing her good things, finally calming her anger.

At Heavens Arena, although Luo did not participate in the Martial Arts Olympics, he went to two regular matches, fulfilling his duty as a floor master, avoiding disqualification.

In those two matches, Luo ended them both quickly, after which no one from the 200th floor challenged him.

Luo's enthusiasm for Heavens Arena's matches was low; he participated not out of fear of disqualification but to break the monotony of daily reading and training, occasionally going out for relaxation.

As time passed, Luo's connection with the Hunter world grew stronger...

Two days later, Day Tiger, in his butler's uniform, stood at the old house's door, seeing Luo and the others off.

He couldn't go with them; he had to stay and watch the house.

The forest was dangerous; without someone watching, the house would be destroyed by creatures within two days.

After bidding farewell to Day Tiger, Luo, Linne, and Buhara set off for the Kendia Desert.

"The Sun Bath of the Kendia Desert"

This was a book written by Linne, which Luo had read but never been to the desert itself.

Though it was an extremely harsh environment, human nations still existed there.

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