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Chapter 363: One Year

Although they hadn't known each other for long, Luo could see that Hira was quite a scatterbrained person. However, she was knowledgeable and not just a simple-minded girl, which was one of the reasons she had managed to stay safe until now.

When Luo told her that the berries were poisonous, she froze and said, "Does that mean I'm going to die?" Then she instinctively took another bite of the berry, making Luo feel quite helpless.

Sure enough, SHira's hidden luck value must be very high...

The campfire warmed the cave, fending off the cold wind outside.

In the pitch-black night, there was only the howling wind and heavy snow. Who knew how many lives would be lost in this blizzard?

Hira lay on a haystack, sleeping deeply, with no defenses against the opposite sex in the cave.

Luo leaned against the other side of the cave wall, closed his eyes, and dozed off, soon entering a light sleep.

Perhaps because of the blizzard, the night became cold and long.

The light and warmth from the campfire were the most beautiful things at the moment.

The next morning, Luo opened his eyes to find Hira still asleep. The campfire was reduced to faintly glowing embers. He glanced at the snowstorm outside, which was not as fierce as the previous days, showing signs of weakening.

Luo got up, added a few sticks to the embers, stoking the fire back to life, then left the cave, quickly disappearing into the snowy landscape.

Half an hour later, Hira woke up to find Luo gone, feeling a sudden sense of loss.

"He left..."

Hira murmured to herself. Luo had clearly said during their conversation yesterday that he would leave at dawn, and sure enough, he had left without saying goodbye.

"I didn't even get his contact number!"

Hira suddenly remembered, regretting it so much that she slapped her cheeks hard.

She felt that Luo had saved her, and even if she couldn't repay him now, she definitely would in the future!

Seeing the blizzard still raging outside, Hira didn't know what to do for a moment, so she sat dumbly on the haystack. After a while, she took out a book from her bag with the title: "D. Hunter."

This was an adventure biography from the perspective of a hunter, a significant book that had inspired her desire to become a hunter.

The book was quite thick, with several tags indicating places she had already visited.

She had read this book many times but would still flip through it in her spare time.

Time passed unknowingly, and another half hour went by when a sound from the cave entrance pulled Hira out of her reading state.

Looking towards the sound, she was surprised to see Luo returning.

"Luo, I thought you left!" Hira put down the book and stood up excitedly.

"I was about to leave, but thinking there was no food in the cave, I went to find something to eat."

Luo opened his coat, revealing nearly a hundred deep purple berries that he had already detoxified.

In this environment, this was all he could find.

Seeing that Luo had thought of her before leaving, Hira's black eyes sparkled with tears of gratitude, but she didn't notice that Luo's body was very clean, with no snow on him at all.

Putting down the berries, Luo looked at Hira and smiled, "The blizzard outside is weakening, though I don't know when it will stop. But with these berries, you should be able to last until the blizzard ends."

"Thank you," Hira said tearfully, looking at Luo.

"You're welcome. I must go now. Take care."

Luo didn't plan to stay long. He put down the berries and was about to leave.

"Wait, can you give me your phone number?" Hira took a step forward but tripped, suddenly falling forward.

Luo caught her in time, preventing her face from hitting the ground.

With Luo's help, Hira steadied herself, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Without thinking much, Luo gave Hira his number, and she wrote it down on paper since her phone was dead.

According to Hira, she would repay him in the future.

Luo didn't stay any longer. After giving her his number, he left.

The blizzard was clearly weakening, which was a good sign.

Luo rode his sled, gliding across the flat snowfield, disappearing into the distance.

He had saved two people in this blizzard: an old man from the village and Hira. However, after saving Hira, the book pages hadn't increased, but after saving the old man, they had.

Perhaps it was because without his rescue, the old man would have certainly died, while Hira wouldn't have.

As long as there were enough book pages, it was fine.

With this thought, Luo didn't dwell on the issue.

This year's test results were average, converting only 271 book pages. However, considering the surplus pages, there would be enough until the next test.

Although there were many ways to increase book pages, Luo didn't want to waste too much time deliberately increasing them. Participating in the test once a year was enough.

Ten days later, Luo returned to Linne's residence.

The forest area had no snow, but it had the unique dryness of winter. The greenery wasn't as lush as in summer, even appearing a bit desolate.

The plants climbing on the house were mostly withered, but according to Daihu, they would regrow soon after spring. If not cleaned up, they would eventually cover the windows entirely.

Daihu was Linne's butler, who had two other identities: Linne's apprentice and a one-star Gourmet Hunter.

Linne had been promoted to a two-star hunter because he had taken Daihu as his apprentice, who had earned a one-star rating in the gourmet field, enabling Linne to be promoted.

Luo returned to the study to continue reading, while Buhara learned from Daihu.

Linne came over to ask about the Hunter Test results. Upon learning that Luo had voluntarily withdrawn, he didn't ask further, only advising Luo to keep reading before leaving.

After the test, Luo returned to the dull routine he had started half a year ago.

His daily schedule was simply: eat, read, sleep!

Winter passed and spring came, the seasons changing like the blink of an eye, and another year went by.

Not much happened that year.

Luo finished reading all of Linne's books and participated in that year's Hunter Test. He not only played a trick on Tonpa but also successfully converted many book pages, breaking the total past 3,000.

Jing's message arrived, saying that the translation of the Serbo people's ancient texts was nearing completion, with results expected in a week.

Although the translation efficiency of the ancient texts was slow, Luo decided to wait for the full translation before looking at the content, as he had many books to read.

Buhara had gained another thirty pounds from learning with Daihu.

The plants growing outside the house went through a cycle, ready to sprout again in spring.

Luo walked out of the study into the slightly desolate courtyard, stretching lazily in the winter sunlight.

He had spent a year and a half reading all those books. During this time, he hadn't neglected his training, but his average stats only increased by 1%, showing that pure training was far less effective than absorbing resentful energy or eating special ingredients.

Thinking back, it was incredible to stay in a room and read so many books.

If it weren't for the agreement with Linne, Luo wouldn't have forced himself to persist. Otherwise, with his temperament, he could never have stayed in one place reading for a year and a half.

Two days after finishing the books, Linne told him and Buhara to prepare their gear, as they would be going to a place in a few days. Linne only mentioned it was a desert.

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