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Chapter 689: Lynn: Now Fate is in My Hands!

"What is going on?"

Seeing the powerful gods in front of him suddenly collapse as if afflicted by a disease and being easily taken out by the ship's cannons, Manager Moni was baffled, even starting to suspect if the enemy was plotting some kind of conspiracy.

After all, they hadn't gained much advantage in the past several hours of warfare, and the losses could only be described as devastating. Now, the situation had suddenly reversed, which seemed very strange.

"Maybe the real battlefield has already been decided," speculated an adjutant.

Manager Moni immediately thought of this possibility. Although these high-dimensional biological weapons possessed intelligence, they might also be controlled.

The fleet of the Magic Empire had not arrived to support them, which seemed to corroborate what the sector governor had said—that they had gone to a more critical battlefield.

This made Manager Moni breathe a sigh of relief. His biggest worry was that the situation on that side was unfavorable.

Although Lynn had told him that this war was to quell the internal chaos of the Magic Empire, it was hard to say who the rebels really were.

Especially recalling the previous war in this space area, many high-ranking officials of the Geometric Civilization were suspicious that they had been unwittingly dragged into the Magic Empire's civil war.

But now, it no longer mattered who the rebels were.

After all, for them, whoever wins is the legitimate side!

The real situation was naturally far more complicated than Manager Moni had imagined. The actions of Lydia and others in destroying the main world indeed dealt a heavy blow to the gods, but more importantly, the three main gods were reclaiming their powers!

From a higher-dimensional perspective, the fallen gods' divinities and remaining powers were continuously converging in one direction, entering the body of the God of Fate, Moragras.

At this moment, the three main gods had already changed their appearances. The destruction of their divine domains caused such severe damage that the God of the Past and the God of the Future could not even maintain their basic forms, and they simply merged into one.

With wings that covered the sky, three heads, and a body overlapping between reality and illusion, they appeared extremely grotesque in three-dimensional space, as chaotic and unpredictable as fate itself...

And his opponent was a massive three-legged Golden Crow, radiating boundless light that turned the entire void as bright as day.

This Golden Crow was naturally Lynn's creation, composed of a portion of the star's energy. No matter what kind of attack it suffered, as long as there was sufficient energy replenishment, it could continuously recover, making it an excellent tool to test the opponent.

Sealing it was no easy task. The God of Fate Moragras had tried several times but had no chance with Lynn providing support and even launching sneak attacks.

Moragras knew very well that the other party intended to exhaust him to death. Without the supply of the divine domain and followers, his power had significantly waned.

Reclaiming the gods' divine powers and divinities was merely a desperate measure. After all, with each god's death, there would be fewer left, which would also collapse other battlefields, allowing the enemy to draw more strength to deal with him.

Despite these drawbacks, Moragras chose to do so, believing that breaking the situation required killing this foreign main god in a short time. As for the collapsed divine domain and the dead gods, as long as he won, everything lost could be rebuilt.

The vastness of this world exceeded Moragras's expectations. If he could turn it into a divine domain, he might glimpse the realm above the main god.

While thinking, the vertical pupils on his three heads suddenly glowed brightly.

After reclaiming some of the power granted to the gods, he could finally use the power of fate again.

The giant Golden Crow had already flown in front of Moragras. Without any visible action, the main god disappeared from the original spot, even Lynn couldn't sense where he went. Then, chains of judgment appeared out of nowhere, binding the troublesome bird.

Moragras didn't give Lynn any chance to rescue. When he reappeared, he had already split into three, reaching Lynn's front. Intense divine power surged in the void of the universe.

Three attacks were launched simultaneously, targeting the past, present, and future...

Lynn, however, remained calm. Compared to the overwhelming power of fate that could erase him from existence when he first descended, this kind of attack was no longer enough to pose a fatal threat.

Not being able to avoid didn't mean he couldn't withstand it!

Lynn activated the Arcane Core again, subtly altering the quantum laws within a radius of thousands of kilometers. All attacks relied on the use of energy; if the form of energy itself changed, the attacks would naturally be neutralized.

Just as he predicted, the three attacks from different times and dimensions soon dissipated into nothingness due to collapse...

But before Lynn could relax, half of his body exploded inexplicably.

Was it another invisible attack?

Lynn frowned. It was clear that the opponent had discovered the flaw that his method of altering laws couldn't be sustained for long and could randomly redirect some attacks to the past or future...

This ability was undoubtedly very powerful, so even though he had played a trick to gain a strategic advantage, he still couldn't gain any benefit in this one-on-one battlefield.

Lynn quickly repaired his damaged body, pondering how the opponent interfered with the past and future. To completely defeat the God of Fate, he had to understand the essence of the "light cone" of fate.

In the macroscopic world, many things' developments are certain. If you grasp enough information, the ball you throw will definitely hit the basket.

But on the microscopic level, it's not the same. The state of quantum is completely random. You can be certain that a molecule will reach a certain place at a certain moment, but you can't be 100% sure of the next position of a quantum... you can only describe it in terms of probability.

Countless chaotic probabilities ultimately form an orderly macroscopic world. The wonders of the great universe are truly awe-inspiring!

Vast thoughts flashed through his mind. With the continuous power supply from fighting in his home territory, Lynn no longer deliberately evaded but instead felt every attack from the three gods of fate.

He felt where they came from and what impact they had...

This apparent disadvantage clearly gave the main god Moragras hope.

Another sudden attack shattered Lynn's head, and chains of judgment somehow wrapped around him. These were manifestations of the judgment divinity and wouldn't change due to quantum-level alterations.

Facing a main god who could somewhat modify laws in his prime, sealing him was easier than killing him.

However, without a head, without the obstruction of sight, Lynn this time clearly saw how the attack affected him, and the whole world changed drastically before his eyes...

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