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Chapter 688: Judgement on Trillions of Lives in the Main World

Destructive beams and divine radiance flickered incessantly in the void. Under the relentless attacks from dozens of galaxy-class battleships, one colossal plane after another was torn apart and obliterated.

Accompanying these were the curses and maledictions of the fallen gods.

If it were a normal battle, the gods, with their smaller sizes and versatile divine arts, wouldn't have been at such a disadvantage. However, Skana's manipulation of gravity to fling planets towards the fleet left them with no way to retreat, dooming them all.

A god with formidable divine power endured five star-destroying cannons in succession, but it was all in vain. After drawing attention, Lydia directed fifteen warships, bombarding incessantly until both the god and the divine domain behind him were obliterated.

However, destroying these divine domains was only the beginning. Countless meteor fragments, each weighing trillions of tons, were equally difficult to deal with. Despite scatter neutron cannons and numerous sentinels, they couldn't clear them all. Soon, millions of meteor swarms crashed directly into the fleet.

"Initiate dimensional jump immediately!" Lydia urgently transmitted.

In fact, the outer fleet had already initiated dimensional jumps the moment the meteor swarms hit, but these warships never entered higher-dimensional space.

The surrounding space was sealed by Skana using the powerful gravity of the main world.

This misjudgment caused over forty warships on the eleventh fleet's outer edge to suffer varying degrees of damage under the massive meteor swarm's attack.

"I've calculated it, I've calculated it!" Roel suddenly exclaimed excitedly, rushing to the command platform and inputting the calculated data.

"Attack... attack!" Lydia issued the command once more, now disregarding anything else. The remaining intact warships fired again.

Terrifying star-destroying cannons spewed out once more, and the great god Skana stopped manipulating the meteor swarms, focusing on defense instead.

Previously, with the assistance of several gods, it was no problem to fend off the fleet's attacks, but now he had to hold on alone.

Fortunately, after the meteor swarm's onslaught, the number of warships capable of attacking was halved, significantly reducing Skana's pressure.

He believed the power of these alchemical creations was not infinite. As long as he could withstand a few more rounds of attacks, he could force the enemy to retreat or hold out until a few main gods returned victorious...

However, as the first wave of attacks arrived, Skana felt a strong sense of crisis. The black hole cores, quietly launched under the cover of the star-destroying cannon's barrage, had reached their intended positions.

The void illuminated by the star-destroying cannons suddenly dimmed, and all surrounding matter and energy were sucked in, drawn into three tiny singularities.

Skana was indescribably shocked. He could clearly sense that the force field protecting the main world was torn open in three massive gaps, which were expanding at the speed of light.

Subsequently, more star-destroying cannons rained down, targeting the central positions of the three black holes.

Some energy beams at the periphery were captured and absorbed by the three gravitational singularities, but the remaining beams couldn't be blocked by Skana alone. He could only watch as these destructive beams flew into the main world.

At that moment, within the main world, the originally bright and clear sky instantly dimmed. The Serd people in the city looked up in confusion, witnessing the most terrifying scene of their lives.

The entire sky turned into a giant vortex, with multicolored streams of light swirling inside, resembling a massive abyssal mouth devouring the main world.

Miracle? Divine punishment? Or an omen of the apocalypse?

No one knew what it was. They could only kneel and desperately pray for the gods' forgiveness, but received no response. Some priests even discovered in horror that their divine arts had failed.

And the sky's anomaly continued. Since this area was on the outer edge of a black hole's event horizon, a few beams of light still broke through the vortex's blockade, crashing down in all directions.

"Is this... a meteor?" a Serd person muttered.

"That's no meteor, it's a divine war!" A grand priest, having lost contact with the God of Storms, hysterically shouted. "Destruction, the apocalypse is coming!"

As the grand priest's words fell, a beam landed less than ten kilometers outside the city. The violent tremor drowned out the crowd's prayers and screams, and the ground was torn apart...

But their ordeal was not the worst. Ten black hole cores had already been launched into the main world, everything within their range turning into chaos. The immense gravitational force even shook the star suspended in the sky!

The lava-like convective layer was first torn and drawn into the main world, forming a crimson rainbow hundreds of thousands of kilometers in diameter in the void!

After absorbing a massive amount of matter, the gravitational pull of the huge black holes increased to a terrifying extent, pulling the entire sun down!

Skana could only watch in horror as he began to flee frantically, with no intention of resisting. But he was too close to the main world to escape, soon being sucked into the space-time vortex along with the falling sun.

After this strike, the Magic Empire fleet didn't dare linger, fleeing in the opposite direction without hesitation. Despite the distance, the dimensional detectors could still clearly sense the powerful gravitational force. If they didn't escape, they too would be wiped out once the black hole's event horizon expanded.

On the star battlefield billions of kilometers away, Dennis, who was preparing for a desperate struggle, suddenly noticed the star beasts chasing and encircling them were now scattering like headless flies, losing their previous ferocity and cunning. He immediately realized that Lydia and the others had succeeded.

"Everyone, victory is within reach... counterattack, counterattack!" Dennis grabbed the communication device, shouting loudly, commanding the fleet to annihilate the now uncontrollable star beasts one by one.

The same scene unfolded across the vast universe. As divine domains collapsed and followers perished, many gods suddenly found their powers waning, their divine arts significantly weakened. One unfortunate powerful god, relying on his robust divine body, attempted to withstand a star-destroying cannon, only to be blasted into ashes due to his waning divine power...

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