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Chapter 687: Judging the Trillions of Lives in the Main World

"This is too big!" Lydia, the temporary commander of the Eleventh Fleet, exclaimed in amazement as she gazed at the massive, floating plane before her.

She vaguely remembered her first trip to space, where she had seen the colossal star at the center of the galaxy, thinking it was the largest thing in the universe.

However, the diameter of the continent before her was hundreds of times larger than the sun!

"How do the creatures on this planet overcome gravity?" Elok said incredulously, calculating that only beings of legendary status could survive on such a massive planet.

"The gravity here must have been modified; otherwise, this continent would have been compressed into a sphere... The power of the Chief God is truly terrifying," a grand alchemist remarked in awe.

Elok stared at the continent and suddenly spoke. "There must be a lot of creatures in such a large world, right?"

With those words, everyone present suddenly realized the horrifying task they faced: passing judgment on the trillions of intelligent beings and countless lower-intelligence life forms in the Main World.

The pressure mounted in their hearts, but they all knew this was a life-or-death struggle, a war for the survival of their civilization and plane, leaving no room for sympathy.

Upon entering attack range, Lydia issued the command to fire.

The hundred battleships of the Eleventh Fleet immediately opened their front shells, and after a few seconds of energy gathering, they unleashed their powerful beams toward the floating continent.

This was one of the ultimate weapons of the galactic battleships, the Star Annihilator Cannon! A single shot could obliterate an unprotected planet, its power terrifying, and the energy consumption equally formidable.

However, the powerful energy waves were blocked before they reached the massive plane. The Main World stood like a reef in a raging sea, unmoved by the devastating energy assault.

"What happened?" Elok frowned in confusion.

"It must be some kind of powerful force field magic!" Alchemist Roel pondered aloud.

According to his guess, the gods of the Main World had not eliminated this immense force but had instead used it to form a protective layer around the Main World, diverting all attacks elsewhere.

"Can we break through with a black hole core?" Lydia hurriedly asked.

Due to the unexpected invasion of the Main World, only twenty black hole cores had been made, and fifteen were aboard the Eleventh Fleet. Each one used meant one less, so precision was essential, which was why Lydia had not used them rashly.

"The distance is too great," Roel shook his head. He roughly estimated that the protective layer was about three billion kilometers in diameter, and the event horizon radius of a micro black hole core was insufficient. They needed a way to break through it.

"How about this? We can simultaneously detonate three black hole cores at three fixed points on the protective shield. This should disrupt the internal force field protection. Then, we can throw in the remaining black hole cores to merge, which should cause catastrophic damage to this massive plane," an alchemist suggested.

"Possible, but we need precise calculations for the positions," Roel nodded. The powerful gravity of the black hole cores would affect subsequent attacks, so caution was necessary.

Roel then instructed Lydia to continue the attack to gather more data on the force field shield.

At that moment, a solemn voice resonated in everyone's mind.

"Cease your actions, foreign wizards. This protection was personally laid by the Chief God and cannot be broken by you!"

The controller of the force field, the great god Skana, and several gods appeared in the void. They were the last defenders of the Main World.

Lydia, naturally, did not stop the attack based on their words. Their sudden appearance was likely a ploy to buy time.

The Star Annihilator Cannons fired again, their immense power causing the void to tremble.

Seeing the failed negotiations, Skana and the other gods did not leave but instead focused on maintaining the force field shield.

This round of the Star Annihilator Cannons was also ineffective, all beams intercepted.

The related data was recorded to assist Roel and his team's calculations. However, Lydia was concerned that the dozen gods might interfere with their plan.

Elok frowned in deep thought, wondering why Skana and the others were negotiating. If the fleet's attacks were indeed useless, there would be no need to stop them.

Did maintaining the protection consume a significant amount of divine power, or was there something in the area that made the gods fearful...

As Elok pondered, the third round had begun, and the destructive beams were diverted into the void. One Star Annihilator Cannon, however, was deflected toward a star standing in the void.

A god within the Main World turned pale, immediately abandoning the protection to intercept the cannon, stopping it just in time.


Skana was almost infuriated to death by this sight. Lydia, noticing this, realized that the stars held by the Main World's gravity were the gods' divine domains, and the protective shield did not extend to them!

"Second, third, and fourth squads, turn and fire at those stars!" Lydia shouted.

Upon receiving the command, over thirty ships immediately aimed their cannons at the stars. There was no need to distinguish targets, as even a miss would support other battles.

Seeing their divine domains about to be attacked, the gods could no longer hold back, flying out of the Main World in streams of light.

"Return, all of you!" Skana shouted in anger, but it had no effect. His gaze turned cold, and he manipulated the gravitational orbit of the Main World granted by the Chief God, directing the gods' divine domains to collide with the fleet!

Each divine domain was a massive planet, and under the accelerated gravitational orbit, their speed was terrifying. Even more insidiously, this cut off the retreat for those gods trying to escape, forcing them to fight the fleet desperately.

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