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Chapter 686: Judgment on the Trillions of Living Beings in the Primary World

With the combined efforts of numerous gods, the God of Knowledge and Alchemy was swiftly sealed within the alchemical array.

Even with the power of a mighty deity, it would take several hours to destroy or unravel the array under such heavy restrictions.

As for persuading surrender, Aoge hadn't even considered it, nor was he willing to keep such a ticking time bomb by his side.

"You stay and watch him; we have many more enemies to deal with," Harof instructed a newly promoted star god.

Although the God of Knowledge and Alchemy had voluntarily submitted, Harof remained vigilant.

From the moment Aoge entered the Primary World, he began mobilizing his power, preparing to separate his Divine Domain from the Primary World and move it as far away as possible to avoid the upcoming battle's impact.

This process wasn't complicated. The structure of the Primary World was somewhat similar to a star system but with a key difference: the core wasn't the sun but a vast plane created by three chief gods.

This plane, with its immense gravitational pull, bound the Divine Domains of the gods and even captured a star to provide light—the sun of the Primary World.

"No wonder the church so firmly believed in the geocentric theory... perhaps Aila saw something in the Moon God Diana's memory."

Listening to Aoge's description of the Primary World's structure, Raphael was amazed. Here, they were indeed heretics.

Such a degree of transformation was barely manageable by the council now, so Harof and the others were not too surprised. Instead, they were concerned about the ominous news from the Magic Web.

The advance star fleet had already encountered resistance from other gods...

Just as Lynn predicted, the gods of the Primary World were making a considerable effort to repel the invasion. Three chief gods, all great deities, and seventy percent of the powerful gods had left. Yet, the remaining defensive forces were still formidable...

Reports indicated that twenty-seven gods were blocking their way, and the fleet was also attacked by a group of powerful magical beasts.

Clearly, the chief gods hadn't left without making preparations.


"0143, 0279, 0286, perform a feint, gather those dimensional beasts, and use dimensional traps. Then, attack... attack!"

Dennis's gaze was fixed on the hundreds of projection screens in front of him, continuously issuing orders to various units, successfully annihilating hundreds of space beasts.

Just as the ship's crew was cheering, a strong alarm suddenly echoed.

On the display screens, hundreds of red dots appeared within ten kilometers of them. Unbeknownst to them, these space beasts had silently surrounded the command ship.

"How is this possible? The outer defenses should not have been breached," a crew member exclaimed, staring in disbelief at the screen, even suspecting a detector malfunction.

"Damn it, they did it on purpose..." Dennis's face turned grim. He realized the enemy had intentionally fallen into the trap to locate their command ship!

"Initiate dimensional jump immediately!" Without hesitation, Dennis issued the order and pressed the start button.

In the next moment, the command ship and twelve escort ships disappeared from three-dimensional space one after another.

However, the alarm did not cease; it grew louder as the space beasts followed them.

Dennis now understood how the enemy had breached the outer fleet's blockade.

High-dimensional detection devices were installed on some ships, but because several units had been mobilized to encircle the space beasts, the defensive circle had significant gaps, allowing the enemy to infiltrate.

Dennis was annoyed that his first command had been outmaneuvered.

Compared to the Geometric Civilization's mastery of space combat, the council had little experience in interdimensional warfare. Even after simulating thousands of times in the ninety-nine point nine-nine-nine percent realistic Magic Web, it couldn't completely replace actual combat.

Dennis immediately ordered the fleet to return to three-dimensional space to conserve energy. The twelve escort ships advanced to buy time for the command ship's retreat.

The rest of the fleet had received news of the command ship's attack, but thousands of space beasts had already formed a siege. Randomly firing the ship cannons could hit allies, so they released sentinels for support.

These single-person flying devices, about five meters in diameter, were controlled by psionic grand wizards and propelled by curvature engines, reaching speeds of twice the speed of light.

The only problem was limited fuel and a short combat radius, but they were extremely effective in close-quarters combat.

Countless sentinels swiftly penetrated the space beast horde, their agile size and speed allowing them to evade most attacks. The annihilation beams fired from their ports caused significant damage.

The most powerful aspect was the sentinels' self-destruct capability.

The five-meter flying devices, tiny compared to the massive space beasts, rammed into the beasts at twice the speed of light, detonating internal gravity bombs, destroying enemies thousands of times their size.

However, not all attacks were effective. After the first wave inflicted heavy casualties, the remaining space beasts quickly adapted, releasing high-frequency energy waves from their abyssal mouths to preemptively detonate the sentinels.

"Have the fifth and seventh units assist, let the sentinels harass from a distance... the rest of the fleet, continue the mission. Tell Tiek to take over command," Dennis continued his communications. With no chance of breaking out, he decided to use the command ship to hold the space beasts.

He was prepared to sacrifice, praying the mission on the other side would succeed.

Meanwhile, the eleventh fleet, having broken through the space beast blockade with heavy support, finally saw the true form of the Primary World.

It was a vast, floating continent, so enormous it defied description, with a diameter exceeding a hundred million kilometers, surrounded by hundreds of dazzling stars and encircled by rings of divine light.

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