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Chapter 690: Future Vision and Fate Reversal

At the moment when his head was blown apart, Lynn's thoughts also exploded, revealing a world far beyond his understanding.

The entire world in his eyes was continuously stretching. This extension was an extremely abstract concept, not existing in any known direction, as if an extra dimension had been added.

All the microscopic particles in his perception seemed to be disassembled. In the extended direction, countless identical substances and energies appeared, differing only in their states.

The particles in the rear were frozen in place, everything about them was determined. Meanwhile, the particles in the front were chaotic and indistinct.

Lynn instantly understood. The energy and the information it carried were the fundamental components of all things in the universe. The frozen particles represented history, the past, while the chaotic particles were the future. The moment of quantum probability fixation was the present!

At the moment he saw the river of fate, the threads of arcane laws within him extended and intertwined, gradually condensing a powerful divinity.

At the same time, the Chief God Moragras sensed something was wrong. His divinity of fate was trembling continuously!

There were usually only two possibilities for such a situation: either someone was trying to seize his followers, or someone was condensing a divinity related to fate.

Clearly, it was the latter this time, and the source of the divinity's tremor was right in front of him!

For the first time, Chief God Moragras felt fear.

Even when his divine domain was collapsing and his followers were dying, Moragras remained calm. After all, mastering the power of fate meant being invincible. Even if he was defeated, it would be impossible for the opponent to kill or seal him.

But if the power of fate fell into the hands of the opponent, the situation would be completely reversed!

In his panic, the God of the Future took the initiative to attack.

Lynn's repaired body opened his eyes wide. This time he clearly saw how the God of the Future attacked. Under the propulsion of divine power, the collapse of all chaotic quantum probabilities was fixed in place, and this collapse was rapidly spreading towards him.

‘Is this the fate cone?’ Lynn instantly understood. The transmission of force had a speed limit, and time was no exception.

After all, the essence of time was the motion of objects.

Assume a particle was isolated in a void space. Its time would naturally be frozen. If it was suddenly shaken by force, and there were other particles in the space, the motion of force would propagate in all directions through the continuous collisions and actions of gravity and electromagnetism.

So, in a sense, time also needed to be transmitted, and the smallest unit of this transmission was Planck time.

As he had previously speculated, the attack of the God of the Future happened simultaneously with the collapse of quantum probabilities. The moment he sensed it, the attack had already arrived.

Thus, the God of the Future was at the forefront of causality, at the starting point, existing in the ‘future,’ while he was in the ‘past.’

Lynn instantly understood. Once seen through, the God of the Future’s attack was no longer as miraculous and was easily dodged.

Simultaneously, the shackles of the Judgment Lock were also broken. Lynn modified the laws, misaligning the time points of the Judgment Lock and himself.

How could an attack launched in the next second hit an existence from the previous second?

Thus, the Judgment Lock passed right through Lynn, as if passing through a non-existent phantom.

Moragras’s face turned extremely grim. This undoubtedly proved that the opponent had successfully grasped part of the power of fate.

Lynn didn’t give Moragras much time to think. The moment he broke free from the Judgment Lock, he appeared tens of thousands of kilometers away.

This speed was extreme, moving at the same pace as the collapse of quantum probabilities, making it impossible to observe.

Fortunately, through the eyes of the God of the Future, Moragras could also see the ‘fate cone.’ At the moment he noticed Lynn’s movement, he evaded.

However, the next second, a strong sense of warning surfaced in his mind. Before he could react, a phantom appeared behind him, a beam of destruction piercing straight through his chest, scattering his divine body into a mass of basic particles.

The entire process happened in an instant. In zero point zero one seconds, the phantom and the destruction beam disappeared without a trace, as if the attack never existed.

Even the blown-up Moragras reappeared, his body unscathed, only his position had changed.

Undoubtedly, it was the God of the Past who intervened, but the attack that the future vision couldn’t predict had nothing to do with him and was actually Lynn’s handiwork.

Upon gaining the ability to see the ‘fate cone,’ besides being able to foresee the influence on quantum probabilities, Lynn also gained another ability: observing the past!

The position and information of every microscopic particle within the divine domain were recorded in the ‘fate cone.’ Through the newly condensed divinity of fate, Lynn could interfere with them.

It was impossible to truly return to the past, but he could achieve something similar in a small range, just like using time reversal before, returning all atoms to their recorded paths.

After condensing the divinity of fate, this atomic-level ‘reversal’ was strengthened, not only affecting fermion-level microscopic particles but also allowing the opponent to appear directly at a previous position, ignoring space.

After all, distance was never a problem for microscopic particles. An electron could move from one side of the three-dimensional universe to the other in an instant during the collapse of probability, within a Planck time.

Of course, the recorded path was very limited. Even with the opponent’s divine domain completely suppressed, he could barely sense quantum information from half a minute ago, and each use came with a great cost.

The only pity was that the first sneak attack didn’t achieve the desired result. Previously, Lynn thought that as long as he dealt with Moragras, the other two gods would naturally be eliminated. Now it seemed it wasn’t that simple.

Suffering a major loss, almost being killed, the terrified Chief God Moragras quickly summoned the God of the Past and the God of the Future. The three gods merged into one again. Facing an existence that also mastered fate, individual attacks were no longer effective, and separating would only lead to being defeated one by one!

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