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Chapter 684: An Attack Beyond Fate!

Lynn's sudden outburst undoubtedly took the two chief gods by surprise.

Although the God of the Future had foreseen this attack three seconds earlier, no matter how he tried to evade it, the entangled neutrinos followed his movements like a shadow, changing with him.

Just like photons in a quantum erasure delayed-choice experiment, once emitted, they had already completed their journey, and the result was predetermined!

These neutrinos were the same, or perhaps even more powerful. Under Lynn's authority to alter the laws of the universe, the moment he launched the attack, it had already hit its target.

This was fate against fate!

The God of the Future quickly abandoned his attempts to dodge and block. Countless choices and possibilities flashed through the vertical pupil on his forehead, but no matter which he chose, he saw a future where he was hit.

Lynn's attack, which drained nearly half of his divine power, was not easy to avoid.

This didn’t mean there was no solution. The God of the Future's illusory body became more solid, and the surrounding space-time twisted into a ball.

Since the outcome couldn't be changed, he extended the process, pushing the moment he was hit into the distant future...

The Chief God Moragras showed no intention of support, instead heading straight to the location of the time-space gate.

Lynn was not confident enough to think that a single attack could resolve a chief god. The two entangled neutrinos were merely to hold off the God of the Future. The real target was still the ever-expanding time-space gate.

Within that swirling vortex of time-space, a terrifying aura was condensing... Clearly, a third chief god was about to descend!

Once the three chief gods gathered, even Lynn, with the home-field advantage, would find it difficult to hold them off. This was the true factor that could change the course of the battle!

Dozens of massive polymers descended from higher-dimensional space, blocking Lynn's path. They were creations of Chief God Moragras, identical to the polymer summoned by Ougust before, only now their numbers had multiplied dozens of times.

However, Lynn's power had far surpassed that time. Even though each polymer in front of him possessed divine-level combat strength, they were no longer a threat to him.

Lynn extended his hand and gently pressed down, altering the energy aggregation method in this area. The dozens of polymers in front of him instantly shattered.

To avoid excessive divine power consumption, this change wasn’t permanent but momentary. Fortunately, it was enough. In two or three seconds, Lynn reached the time-space gate.

During this brief delay, Chief God Moragras' feathered whip lashed out. Lynn took the hit directly without dodging, simultaneously sending an anti-gravity fermion into the time-space gate.

This gate, which had existed in the universe for decades, linking two worlds, began to shake violently and then rapidly started to close. The boundary walls were quickly being repaired...

The God of the Future, having just dealt with the entangled neutrinos, gazed at the rapidly closing time-space gate and Lynn standing in front of it without any reaction.

Chief God Moragras also paused, for they had seen the future three seconds ahead.

Sure enough, just before the time-space gate closed completely, the third chief god descended!

A massive figure stepped out of the time-space gate, causing the surrounding space to tremble violently. The enormous power even made the gods and geometric beings fighting to the death in the lower-dimensional space feel a shudder rising from their hearts.

Lynn focused intently on the vertical pupil resembling a rune on the newcomer’s forehead, then looked at the encroaching God of the Future and Chief God Moragras.

The three were vastly different in appearance, and the runic symbols on their foreheads were distinct. According to Ougust's hypothesis, these were similar to the divine cores of gods, representing the chief gods’ authority.

But Lynn didn’t think so now. There must be a deeper connection between the three.

"My name, the God of Origin, Sabbas!" "The God of Fate, Moragras!" "The God of End, Iguru!"

Three voices echoed simultaneously across the entire star field and Lynn's mind.

Origin, Fate, End...

A bold idea suddenly formed in Lynn's mind, and he blurted it out without hesitation. "You are all one person. There has only ever been one chief god in the primary world..."

Three entities, three forms, were merely derivatives of divine power, representing the past, present, and future, a trinity.

Their chief divinity was one: Fate. Origin and End were derivatives, the beginning and the end.

The three descended chief gods did not explain. The runic eyes on their foreheads emitted a dazzling glow, reflecting Lynn's past, present, and future!

These images gradually blurred, and Lynn felt his divine power rapidly draining away, even losing control over his divine domain. His body grew increasingly indistinct with the images in the runic eyes.

This was the true authority of Fate, erasing an existence from the root...

Only with the three chief gods united could the true power of the Fate divinity be unleashed.

But at the same moment, the power of the three chief gods, having peaked, suddenly began to wane dramatically. Without warning, a fierce backlash struck them simultaneously.

Lynn’s ethereal body became solid again, and he smiled faintly. He knew the miracle he had been waiting for had arrived!

He had delayed closing the time-space gate by a fraction of a second, not by mistake. Lynn had deliberately waited until just before the descent to close the gate.

Because as long as the three chief gods descended simultaneously and the return passage was cut off, the defense of the primary world would become extremely vulnerable!

The hundreds of warships of the Magic Empire had not participated in this war because they had another mission: to open the wormholes between the two worlds upon his command and cause as much destruction as possible!

The divine domains and followers were the foundation of divine power, even for the chief gods. Losing both simultaneously would at best weaken their power and lower their rank, and at worst, cause them to fall or enter a long slumber!

Lynn was immensely grateful that the God of the Future was the first to descend, leaving the God of the Past in the primary world. Otherwise, under the future vision, Harof and the others would have been discovered before entering the primary world.

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