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Chapter 683: To Defy Fate, One Must Rely on the Power Beyond Fate

"For the glory of the God of Judgment!" "The gods are with us!"

The legends who rushed into the great universe from the time-space gate let out inspiring battle cries. An uncontrollable fervor surged within them, leaving only one thought in their minds: to kill every enemy they saw. They launched suicidal attacks on the massive warships in the distance.

The powerful legendary spells were meaningless on the scale of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of kilometers in the starry domain. Often, the battle would end before their attacks could reach the enemy.

Even though their battle cries couldn't be transmitted in the void of space, and such charges were practically suicidal, their sacrifices were not in vain. Their presence provided divine power supplements to the descending gods, and their deaths accelerated the divine domain's erosion of the area.

Within this divine domain, the beings who had descended into the great universe could wield over ninety percent of their strength, making the battle even more brutal.

In just three hours, more than forty gods had died in the great universe, equating to one-third of the high-end combat power of the main world. The fleet of the Geometric Civilization suffered equally heavy losses, with over five hundred warships destroyed...

Despite the Geometric Fleet's terrifying weapons, such as artificial black holes that could harm a Chief God, they didn't dare to use them recklessly at such close range.

The gods, having suffered greatly from these weapons, became extremely cautious, sticking close to the fleet's main forces and not daring to stray too far. If the enemy dared to use such a terrifying weapon, it would mean mutual destruction...

In the same star domain, within a higher-dimensional space, the battle had also reached a fever pitch.

The divine domain formed of magic had been pierced with several openings, and quantum tides surged in, engulfing the three people inside.

"Your defeat is already destined, alien Chief God. The judgment of fate is today!"

A ghostly voice echoed within the surging quantum tides.

This was not empty talk but the real power of fate.

Lynn forcibly withstood the ninth sudden outbreak of the tidal disaster and had already roughly understood the opponent's abilities, which seemed to be related to fate and time.

The opponent's timeline was ahead of everyone else's.

Although it was not quite accurate to say so, since according to the rules of the great universe, the essence of time is the movement of objects, so there is no such thing as a timeline ahead.

But this was the most fitting description Lynn could think of.

The reason the opponent's attacks were unavoidable was that the attacks arrived from the future into the present!

Countless possibilities of timelines flashed through Lynn's mind. This situation undoubtedly exceeded his knowledge range; neither the Federal Database nor the dimensional theories obtained from the Geometric Civilization had any records related to this.

"Within the light cone, everything is fate; outside the light cone, everything is illusory..."

Lynn suddenly recalled this phrase while quickly scanning the knowledge base, perhaps explaining the timelines' front and back.

In three-dimensional space, the speed of light is the limit, and any material object cannot exceed this limit. What they could now achieve as so-called faster-than-light travel was actually a trick, not an increase in speed but a shortening of the distance.

That is to say, the outbreak of any event, when its cause is generated, its result will only propagate at the speed of light, not immediately take effect.

For example, the average distance between the Earth and the Sun is 150 million kilometers. Based on the speed of light, humans on Earth always see the Sun as it was eight minutes ago.

Suppose one day the Sun suddenly explodes, humans on Earth will only learn about it eight minutes later. If the destructive energy wave propagates at the speed of light, for humans on Earth, the destruction will arrive simultaneously with the event's propagation!

Lynn speculated that a similar 'light cone' exists at higher dimensions. The second Chief God to arrive had always been outside his 'light cone vision,' so his attacks couldn't hit, while the opponent's attacks could arrive at the moment he perceived them.

This was undoubtedly a very troublesome divinity... Perhaps it could be called the God of the Future?

Fortunately, once seen through, the threat significantly diminished. Three hours of highly passive combat had allowed Lynn to grasp the opponent's limits.

Pure white feathers fell again, then gathered together to form a long whip of feathers, floating lightly as if without any threat. However, Lynn could sense the powerful destructive divine power blessed upon it, enough to cause terrible damage to his body.

Destruction, storms, judgment, darkness... In these three hours, Chief God Moragras had used over twenty divinities, just as Lynn had predicted. The Chief God could wield the power of all the gods under his command.

He could even reclaim the divine cores of those fallen gods.

But there were exceptions. Lynn keenly noticed that the divinities he had seized, such as the Divinity of Lies, and the divinities of gods who had fallen in the great universe and were swallowed by black holes, like thunder, flames, sky, and order, had never been used by the opponent.

While pondering, the feather whip had already swung in front of him. The attack arrived even faster than this. In Lynn's vision, the feather whip was still 100,000 kilometers away, but the attack had already acted on him.

Lynn's body directly shattered, and under the erosion of the destructive divine power, everything was perishing.

But the close Chief God Moragras suddenly retreated sharply... Lynn's body, in the process of disintegration, was drawn into a dark and deep singularity. Just a step late, the opponent had already left the event horizon of this black hole.

Obviously, the combined attack of the two Chief Gods was just an avatar, which was the strength of the Divinity of Lies. Even beings of the same level would be briefly confused.

"Only three seconds?"

In the last probe, Lynn completely figured out the opponent's timeline position.

Three seconds before the black hole was triggered, the God of the Future had already moved to evade, and Chief God Moragras retreated almost simultaneously. There seemed to be no delay in communication between the two Chief Gods, or it was below Lynn's perception limit of one-billionth of a second.

To defy fate, one must rely on the power of fate itself or the power beyond fate!

Lynn could only quietly wait for the moment of a miracle for the latter, but he could also achieve the former.

Lynn extended his hand, and two polymers, invisible even under a million times magnification, appeared in his palm. These were positive and negative neutrinos, entangled in a strange state.

At the moment of their annihilation, they would trigger the most fundamental forces of the universe.

"My attack will pierce through all dimensions. It will definitely hit, unstoppable and unavoidable..." The moment Lynn spoke, half of the divine power within his body was directly drained. At the same time, the attack was launched, targeting the God of the Future!

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