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Chapter 685: Reversal of the Battle, Great Counterattack!

"Great God of Life and Creation, Father of all living beings, Creator of all things, your humble followers beseech your descent!"

In the main world, within the Divine Domain of Life and Creation, millions of Yavarians knelt in prayer under the guidance of the priests in the floating city.

Since the great Lord left this world to go to the Pantheon of Gods, nearly a year had passed without any response or guidance. During this time, the disasters that struck were beyond what the priests could handle, causing much worry among the believers. Thus, this massive prayer ceremony involving millions of followers was held.

In a place beyond mortal sight, two gods were watching this scene.

Since nearly being killed by one of Lynn's incarnations last time, the God of Knowledge and Alchemy had become deeply suspicious that Aoge had betrayed the main world, so he had volunteered to stay and investigate further.

However, the results over these past days had been almost nonexistent. He had monitored this Divine Domain for months, even accessing the memories of some high-ranking divine officials, but everything seemed perfectly normal.

Even the chief priest only knew that Aoge had gone to the Pantheon and was unaware of his purpose there.

"Let's go. It seems there's nothing noteworthy here. Once the three main gods conquer the new world, everything will naturally come to light!" said the God of Poetry disinterestedly.

To him, this investigation was a pointless exercise and a waste of time.

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy, however, felt a strange unease. He suddenly looked up at the sky, sensing a powerful energy gathering.

The next moment, the azure sky was torn apart.

"Is Aoge back?" The God of Poetry looked at the massive temporal rift in the sky and instinctively thought it was the result of the prayers, not acting immediately to stop it.

But what emerged from the rift was not the God of Life and Creation he had expected, but rather a fleet of menacing, diamond-shaped, galaxy-class warships.

"No... these are the alchemical creations of those wizards!" The God of Knowledge and Alchemy looked on in shock, instantly recognizing them and understanding that his suspicion had been correct—Aoge had indeed betrayed the main world.

"Your Highness, what should we do now? Should we act?" The God of Poetry asked anxiously. His divine powers were not suited for combat, and he feared he couldn't handle so many opponents.

"No need, it's too late. They are already here," said the God of Knowledge and Alchemy grimly.

As his words fell, a dozen figures surrounded them.

It was Harof, Aurora, Victorio, and other council leaders who had completed their deification ceremonies. To ensure the success of this mission, the council had brought out their full strength.

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy focused on one familiar figure among them. "Aoge?!"

"Long time no see, you two!" Aoge greeted casually.

"You dare betray us? Aren't you afraid that when the three main gods return, they will extract your divine soul and destroy your divine core?" The God of Poetry's voice was full of shock and anger.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Aoge's face showed a hint of mockery. "The fact that we're here proves that the outcome has already been decided!"

"It's you who should consider joining me in betrayal. The vastness of the Grand Cosmos is beyond your imagination, a thousand billion times larger than the main world. Each of you has the potential to become a chief god!" Aoge spoke passionately.

The God of Poetry did not believe Aoge's words. A plane a thousand billion times larger than the main world? How could such a thing exist?

However, seeing more and more warships emerging from the rift, the God of Poetry's heart sank further.

"The outcome has been decided? Hardly," the God of Knowledge and Alchemy sneered. If things were as Aoge claimed, the main world would have collapsed with the fall of the three main gods, but it was still intact, indicating the war continued.

He even suspected that the wizards couldn't withstand the main gods' assault, so they resorted to a home-swap tactic.

Aoge raised an eyebrow, not expecting to sway a powerful divine being with mere words. He paused and continued.

"The vastness of the Grand Cosmos and the power of the Magic Kingdom are beyond your comprehension. If you're unsure of the situation, why not choose to observe?"

By observation, he meant staying neutral, not taking sides, or supporting the winning side.

Together, these dozen gods could easily kill the God of Knowledge and Alchemy, but in a desperate fight, casualties were inevitable, and his Divine Domain would suffer.

Most importantly, they didn't have the time or energy to waste here. The gods left in the main world weren't just these two!

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy remained silent for a while, showing some hesitation.

"Your Highness, do you really trust the words of a traitor? If those wizards were truly so powerful, why would they always hide in their own plane?" The God of Poetry stated firmly. "If they win, they will certainly not spare us..."

Even though the God of Poetry knew they couldn't resist so many gods, his task was simply to report the situation!

"You make sense!" The God of Knowledge and Alchemy nodded.

Harof, Victorio, and the others' faces turned cold.

Before they could act, the God of Knowledge and Alchemy struck first, unexpectedly attacking the unprepared God of Poetry, stripping his divine core amid his shock and confusion.

"A wise choice!" Aoge was unsurprised by the God of Knowledge and Alchemy's actions, smiling as he spoke. "We won't touch your Divine Domain, and we'll report your actions to that great one, but for now, we need your cooperation!"

The dozen council leaders cast spells together, quickly surrounding the God of Knowledge and Alchemy with a massive alchemical array.

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy understood the array's purpose at a glance and did not resist, instead continuing to look up at the sky. In this short time, over four hundred warships had entered the main world.

These alchemical creations looked too new, with no damage or signs of battle.

This indicated his earlier guess was wrong. The wizards could handle the main world's invasion while gathering enough forces for a counterattack. Whatever the reason, it proved their power exceeded expectations.

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