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Chapter 677: Lynn: Make Your Choice, Submit or Face Civilization's Destruction!

As the guards in the conference hall were preparing to act, an indescribable fear suddenly gripped the hearts of all the Geometric Civilization beings.

It felt like a deer in the forest being watched by a fierce tiger, every cell in their bodies trembling in fear!

A massive amount of magical energy gathered in the center of the conference hall amidst terrified screams, gradually taking shape.

Soon, a figure they were all too familiar with appeared before them.

The Supreme Leader immediately recognized him as the Governor of the Magic Empire, Lynn!

"Good afternoon, everyone!" Lynn, dressed in a golden-red robe, greeted them calmly as he descended, showing no signs of panic as if he were here for a friendly meeting.

On the other side, however, the reaction was completely different. Upon seeing Lynn, the Supreme Leader activated all defensive measures—barrier nets, cluster rays, and miniature antimatter cannons, all targeting the center of the hall, firmly trapping him there!

"Please do not make any futile resistance, Governor of the Magic Empire! Otherwise, I will arrest you on charges of invasion!" Despite the immense anger, the Supreme Leader, wary of the Magic Empire's previous displays of power, maintained restraint. However, the other Disk leaders were less composed, and the hall was filled with criticism and insults.

They had no idea how the other party had invaded this higher-dimensional space, but one thing was certain—Ita was right, and the Magic Empire's trade of magical energy was a complete conspiracy!

Amidst the denunciations and insults, Lynn remained motionless, seemingly taking the advice and completely giving up resistance, allowing the Supreme Leader to breathe a sigh of relief before questioning again.

"Tell me, what exactly does the Magic Empire want?"

"Of course, it's for the peace and development of the Geometric Civilization!" Lynn explained with a smile.

"Manipulating the terms of the trade agreement? Is this what you call peace?" the Supreme Leader sternly rebuked.

"This is an act of war!" a Disk leader glared at Lynn, shouting hysterically.

Some even suggested arresting Lynn immediately and probing his memory to decide whether to conduct a trial!

"If you want to gain, you naturally need to pay some price!" Lynn said indifferently. "I think you have already experienced the convenience of magical energy, haven't you?"

Equal peace is built on deterrence, Lynn knew this all too well. Although both sides had been at peace so far, he had noticed the various secret maneuvers by the Geometric Civilization. There had been several overt probes, and both sides were merely using covert means for the survival of their civilizations!

"Make your decision now!" Since his disguise was seen through, Lynn tore off the mask, speaking coldly. "Will you submit and embrace the rebirth of your civilization as a vassal of the Magic Empire, or face the destruction of your civilization?"

Lynn's arrogant words immediately incited an uproar. Clearly, the Magic Empire had violated the agreement first, yet they now had the audacity to issue threats.

And to think that a single person could make the entire Geometric Civilization submit—this could only be described as madness!

"Kill him!" an enraged Disk leader shouted.

The Supreme Leader, thoroughly infuriated, immediately issued an attack order to the light brain. Lynn's words had crossed his bottom line. The Geometric Civilization could compromise, but it could not become a puppet of the higher-dimensional civilization!

However, after the attack order was issued, the weapon systems in the conference hall did not activate.

Lynn clapped his hands, and the barrier net flickered before disappearing without a trace. He then walked slowly towards the Supreme Leader's position.

The guards, realizing something was wrong, pulled out their portable cluster ray guns, but when they pressed the fire button, the weapons exploded in their hands.

A series of violent explosions echoed in the conference room, killing all the guards instantly.

The Disk leaders, who had previously clamored to capture and kill Lynn, fell silent. Some, in terror, tried to flee, but the space here was distorted, and no matter where they started, they ended up back at the starting point.

The most terrified was the Supreme Leader of the Geometric Civilization. He had issued a level-one alert command, yet no support had arrived…

Lynn continued to approach step by step, his pace unhurried, as if each step was a blow to the hearts of everyone in the hall.

"Enough, stop!" The Supreme Leader raised his scepter, threatening sternly. "There is a triggered core placed in this space. If I activate this scepter, the micro black hole inside will instantly destroy everything!"

The power of a black hole was undeniable. In the last war with the Magic Empire, they had used artificial black hole technology to destroy the Magic Empire's higher-dimensional biological weapons. It was their only bargaining chip!

But to the Supreme Leader's surprise, Lynn shrugged and said nonchalantly.

"Go ahead, press it if you want. Feel free!"

"In this space, all the laws of the universe are determined by me!"

"For example, the direction of electromagnetic force here is reversed, matter and antimatter cannot annihilate directly, the range of the strong nuclear force is greatly reduced…" Lynn listed, then seemed to remember something and continued.

"Oh, and here, quantum entanglement requires a specific medium, and their spins are reversed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the conference hall, which was as bright as day, immediately darkened. All the defensive devices lost their function—because of the change in quantum laws, the core of the light brain exploded!

The Supreme Leader's raised scepter, the only bargaining chip in the negotiations, also lost its function!

"This is impossible, this is impossible!" Chief Researcher Ita stared at Lynn in disbelief. How could the laws of the universe change just because of his words?

But part of Lynn's words were easily verified, such as the direction of the electromagnetic force…

Ita quickly grabbed a communicator from the table, dismantled it roughly, and created a motor on the spot to conduct a test.

"The direction of the electromagnetic force is reversed, it really is reversed…" As soon as the result came out, Ita nearly went mad. Centuries of belief and persistence collapsed.

The researchers who had also come to the meeting all conducted their own experiments, but could not accept the results, shouting hysterically.

"Physics doesn't exist… Physics doesn't exist!"

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