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Chapter 678: Arcane Laws and Rules

Under the powerful deterrence of Lynn's alteration of physical laws, it was not only the researchers of the Geometric Civilization who collapsed; the faces of the Disk leaders present also turned to expressions of despair.

They had always known the gap between the two civilizations was significant, but they never imagined it would be to such an extent!

All of Geometric Civilization's weapons were based on the utilization of cosmic laws. If these laws changed, it would mean their technological weapons would lose all functionality, and the very foundation of their civilization would collapse!

"Choose now: submission or destruction!" Lynn spoke again, his thunderous voice echoing in the minds of every Geometric being.

Endless humiliation swirled in the mind of the supreme leader. The urge to resist was swallowed hard, and the scepter tightly held in his hand finally loosened.

This was an ultimate civilization capable of altering cosmic laws. A single interstellar governor could dismantle all their resistance.

As Lynn said, the choices before them were only two: submission or destruction!

While the leaders hesitated, Gerter timely stepped forward and spoke respectfully.

"Great Governor of the Empire, please calm your anger! These ignorant shames of civilization fail to see the situation clearly and dare to question your benevolence and mercy!"

After pacifying Lynn's 'anger,' Gerter turned to the people in the conference hall and spoke solemnly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you must have witnessed the magic power's miraculous properties. It is the key to opening higher dimensions and an indispensable treasure for elevating civilization levels!

With the technological level of the Magic Empire, it could easily wipe out the Geometric Civilization, but it mercifully forgave our war provocations and generously provided magic power to a lower civilization, helping us complete the leap in civilization level!"

"But now, some people doubt the goodwill behind this!" Gerter looked coldly at the researchers who had lost their faith and spoke mercilessly. "This is the most ridiculous accusation I have ever heard! Look at your so-called evidence. Is it merely because the magic power enters the Quantum Sea during transformation, heading directly towards the star domain of the Magic Empire?"

Otherwise, what else? Several researchers wanted to refute but knew that relying solely on this evidence was insufficient to prove the Magic Empire was up to something behind the scenes.

After all, the possibilities were too many. No one knew exactly how magic power worked. Perhaps this special energy had a convergence characteristic, naturally gravitating towards its source. Hence, when its form was unstable, part of the energy would return to the Magic Empire.

If anything, Lynn's coincidental presence in the heavily guarded conference hall was the most suspicious.

However, considering the technological level of the Magic Empire, it was also possible they were monitoring through other means. Given the vast disparity, their defenses might as well be non-existent.

After successfully suppressing the opposition, Gerter spoke again, stating that the energy transformation process had no mind control. He met this Empire Governor in the magic power network and understood the greatness of the Magic Empire, which prompted him to resolve to lead his entire civilization into the broader higher-dimensional world!

Gerter's words were not entirely convincing, but the Disk leaders present had to admit that an existence capable of crushing them with a snap did not need to rely on memory alteration!

After a period of silence, the supreme leader took the step down offered by Gerter, allowing all high-level officials present to vote and collectively decide the civilization's fate.

Survival or destruction was an easy choice, especially when the power disparity was so extreme.

The use of magic power was crucial for the civilization's advancement. The price was merely becoming a vassal of a higher civilization. It was humiliating, but having a protector seemed not entirely unacceptable!

Under such considerations, the final vote resulted in 1,037 in favor, 80 abstentions, and the resolution was passed. From now on, the Geometric Civilization would unconditionally accept the rule of the Magic Empire.

Lynn was naturally very pleased with this result. Gerter's words had saved him much effort, at least preventing the situation from taking the worst turn.

Lynn snapped his fingers, and the chaotic conference hall from the previous explosion quickly returned to its original state, as if time had reversed.

Even the dead guards were resurrected in place...

When altering the laws and causing them to self-destruct, Lynn had collected their souls. Now, he casually molded bodies for them with magic power!

This gesture of goodwill instantly eased the tense atmosphere, and only then did Lynn assign the first task to the Geometric Civilization.

"I will give you six months to prepare for war. By then, there might be a small problem that you need to solve to demonstrate your sincerity!"

"Governor, what kind of problem?" A Disk leader cautiously asked.

The other Geometric beings were also anxious because this small problem might only be small for the Magic Empire but enormous for them...

"You will know when the time comes!" Lynn kept them in suspense and disappeared as abruptly as he had appeared.

This was not intentional mysticism by Lynn but because, in those short minutes, the power he sent had been completely exhausted.

The divine power consumed in altering cosmic laws was terrifying. Even for an area as small as the conference hall, it drained most of Lynn's body's strength.

If not for intimidating these Geometric Civilization leaders, Lynn would not have rashly used this unfamiliar authority—the Arcane Laws and Rules!

This opportunity was too rare, meticulously planned by him. Only by subduing all the leaders of the Geometric Civilization in one go could he solve the threat facing their grand universe with the least cost and accumulate enough strength to confront the war from the main world... or even launch a counterattack!

When he reopened his eyes, Lynn was already on the Eternal Star, three hundred light-years away.

They had returned from the Quantum Sea to the grand universe for over a month. After sixty-seven years of preparation, the Council's power far exceeded the past. As soon as those preparing for ascension to the Nine-Ring Legendary Wizards completed their ceremonies, it would be time to launch the war!

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