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Chapter 676: Ita: In the Face of Civilization's Continuity, Individual Life and Death Are Insignificant!

"Honorable leaders, I believe Lord Gerter has already explained the technology of energy conversion clearly. I am here to make some brief additions..."

Ita stepped onto the stage. Instead of diving into the main topic, he meticulously explained the process of using magic to transform a carbon-based lifeform into an energy being.

The most crucial part was the transfer of consciousness.

Previously, the Geometric Civilization had spent an enormous amount of time and effort researching energy conversion technology, but had never succeeded due to hitting a wall in this area.

Some advanced researchers had developed a method to upload memories into a photonic brain. In theory, it only required creating an energy body and transferring the data into it. However, the issue was that the carbon-based beings subjected to this transformation all experienced significant changes in their mental states.

After all, a creature's habits, emotions, and desires stem from genetic control. Once the physical body vanished, all desires would diminish, leading to a state approaching absolute rationality.

This was clearly not the desired outcome. Moreover, whether uploading memories could be considered as living remained undecided, as these memories could be altered. Coupled with a major accident in one experiment, the technology was shelved.

The emergence of magic, however, resolved this issue. It could encapsulate consciousness, transforming it into something the Magic Empire referred to as a soul, allowing it to separate from the body.

Magic could also mimic matter, restoring the original physical form, a process that could only be described as perfect!

Upon hearing this, the leaders present all nodded in agreement. Energy transformation seemed to have nothing but benefits, even those who had initially opposed it began to waver.

Seeing that everyone's attention was now focused on him, Ita knew the time was right. He suddenly announced, "Besides the breakthrough in energy conversion technology, I have another significant discovery!"

"I believe everyone remembers that when magic is converted into matter, some mass is lost, right?" Ita asked.

"Have you solved this problem?" one of the leaders exclaimed in surprise.

The loss of mass during magic use had always troubled researchers.

Although the loss was only about thirty percent, the cumulative energy loss in each conversion was significant. Some researchers had calculated that their overall utilization rate of magic was less than half.

"Unfortunately, not yet," Ita shook his head. Before anyone could question him further, he continued, "But we have discovered where the lost magic goes..."

As he spoke, Ita activated a light-brain projection, displaying the experimental results to everyone.

Gerter had a faint sense of foreboding. The joyful expression froze on his face, but Ita's move was too sudden for him to stop it. Electromagnetic waves spread throughout the hall.

"According to our experiments, all the lost magic converges in one place—the star domain where the Magic Empire is located!"

This statement caused an uproar among the leaders present.

No one was foolish; they all understood the implications of the lost magic converging in the Magic Empire.

"Can you confirm the accuracy of this experimental result?" one of the leaders asked incredulously.

"I stake my life on it. Across seventy experiments, the results were consistently accurate!" Ita declared resolutely, then looked at the leaders with fervor and said, "Our energy transformation technology is developed based on magic. This change is thorough, from body to soul..."

"I request a memory examination for all Geometric Civilization members who have undergone energy transformation to ensure they are not affected by it."

Ita's words were sharp and bold, as over a hundred leaders present had undergone transformation and were naturally included in the memory check.

Ita was undoubtedly risking everything. If this was a mistake, he would face the wrath of over a hundred leaders.

But in the face of civilization's survival, individual life and death seemed insignificant.

"Absurd!" Gerter was the first to stand up, both frightened and angry.

The other transformed leaders were also furious.

Memory examination was usually reserved for heinous criminals resistant to submission. Ita's words essentially labeled them as criminals!

Moreover, the direction of the lost magic was Ita's personal conjecture. The experimental results needed further verification.

Conducting memory examinations on the highest rulers of the Geometric Civilization was intolerable and unprecedented!

Some leaders even suggested directly asking the Magic Empire to avoid misunderstandings, given the significant power disparity between them.

However, many leaders supported Ita's proposal. Since the magic was likely controlled by the Magic Empire, examination was necessary!

Under countless scrutinizing gazes, Ita faced immense pressure. Just as he was about to present more evidence to persuade the leaders, the warning bell rang again, and a strong electromagnetic wave silenced all debates.

"Activate Level 1 Alert immediately!"

The speaker was the Supreme Leader!

Upon hearing Ita's words, he had realized the gravity of the situation. If the experimental results were accurate, the Geometric Civilization was on the brink of survival. Only a thorough examination, conducted while all high-ranking members were present, could minimize the damage to their civilization.

With the command issued, layers of energy shields rose within the conference room, "protecting" all the leaders attending the meeting.

Gerter saw the Supreme Leader's resolve and panicked, hysterically shouting that the meeting was a trap and that they were seeking an excuse to strip them of their power.

However, only about ten percent of the leaders had undergone energy transformation, not enough to rally sufficient opposition.

On the contrary, as more high-ranking members realized the severity of the situation, the weapons deployed in the conference room were activated. Guards immediately surrounded the transformed leaders.

Gerter naturally refused to undergo the so-called memory examination, but this was the most heavily guarded place in the Geometric Civilization. Even with pseudo-legendary strength, he had no chance of winning.

Resistance was futile!

Contrary to the Supreme Leader's expectations, the surrounded leaders showed no signs of panic. The flickering electromagnetic waves around them gradually subsided.

Because they understood, the gods... were descending!

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