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Chapter 340: Ging's Words

The mast ship sails by wind power, an ancient mode of water transportation. In comparison to modern ships equipped with electronic devices, considering the purpose of this trip, it seemed quite frivolous.

Ging prepared to set sail, not giving Luo the chance to suggest changing the ship.

His expression seemed to say, "Don't say anything, just get on board, or we won't make it."

Luo, feeling helpless, could only board with his fishing rod, having no intention to help but instead wandering around this small mast ship.

Though the ship was small, it at least had a cabin, with all the necessary items, including a pile of compressed food and purified water.

"Can this ship really reach Devil Island?"

Luo leaned against the side of the ship, watching the busy Ging, expressing doubt.

Hearing Luo's words, Ging irresponsibly replied, "I don't know."

"Can I still get off the ship now?" Luo glared with dead fish eyes.

"No, the ship has already set sail."

Ging nonchalantly said as he lowered the sail, causing the ship to slowly leave the port.

Luo pressed down the old-fashioned straw hat on his head and shook his head, hoping they wouldn't encounter a storm on the way, otherwise, he truly doubted this ship could withstand it.

The sky was clear and cloudless, white seagulls hovered above the port, tanned strong men walked back and forth at the port, quite busy, presenting a prosperous scene.

Many people noticed a mast ship preparing to leave the port, but didn't know that the destination of the two people on board didn't match with the mast ship.

Among the lucky ones who noticed was a pink-haired girl, Menchi, who was about to board a ship to leave town. As she was about to board, she suddenly saw Luo sitting on a mast ship that had just left the port.

From her position, she could see Luo's side profile, immediately running out of the ticket gate towards a nearby spot.


She shouted towards the mast ship as she ran.

The shout immediately caught the attention of Luo and Ging, looking towards the direction of the voice, they saw Menchi running towards the edge of the port.

Ging glanced at Menchi, then at Luo, and said, "So you like lolis, huh?"

"Get lost!"

Luo waved at Ging, then looked at the running Menchi at the port, rubbing his temple, not knowing how to respond.

Menchi ran to the edge of the port, cupping her hands around her mouth to form a megaphone, and shouted, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, future top gourmet hunter."

Luo leaned on the side of the ship, lazily teasing from a hundred meters away.

Hearing Luo's words, Menchi's face immediately turned red. Although it was her goal, being teased like this was hard to accept.

Fortunately, she could still say thank you in time.

Watching the mast ship turn into a black dot, Menchi pursed her lips.

A thank you was not enough, next time they meet, she would treat Luo to the most delicious food!

Watching the mast ship fade into the distance, Menchi turned and headed towards the location of her ship. Her journey was just beginning.


The departing ship sailed into the vast sea.

The wind filled the white sails, pushing the wooden ship forward.

On deck, Luo and Ging lazily leaned against the side of the ship, the scorching sun shining on them like the perfect sunbath.

"Who's that little loli to you?" Ging gossiped in the dull voyage.

This world even has the term "loli"...

Little did he know, even the otaku culture of the second dimension exists, let alone the term loli. The strange thing was how Ging knew about it, that was the key point.

Luo glanced at Ging, casually saying, "Her? Future three-star gourmet hunter."

Ging raised an eyebrow at the words, not thinking it was a joke, but asked, "A potential stock you value?"

Among the many professions of hunters, gourmet hunters were relatively rare, and there were not many professional or amateur gourmet hunters. Three-star gourmet hunters were even fewer.

Even Linne was only a two-star gourmet hunter, which was related to the rating mechanism.

Generally, a one-star hunter needs to achieve significant accomplishments in their field, a two-star hunter needs to train a one-star junior, and a three-star hunter requires multiple significant accomplishments in various fields.

Usually, hunters specialize in one profession. The reason Linne did not achieve three stars was probably because she was only interested in food, otherwise, with her ability and age, getting three stars would not be difficult.

Ging's question was because to become a two-star hunter, one must train an outstanding junior. If Luo had such a high evaluation of the little loli, she might be one of his training objects.

Little did he know, Luo had no interest in obtaining a hunter license for now, let alone getting stars.

Menchi might become a three-star hunter in the future, though it was possible, Luo was just saying it casually. He didn't understand the deeper meaning of Ging's question, only shaking his head in denial.

Ging didn't pursue the topic further, looking up at the sky, changing the subject, "These past two days, something has been very popular on the internet."

"From your tone, it sounds like you go online often." Luo said.

Ging didn't deny it, smiling, "When I first became a hunter, I came into contact with the internet. How should I put it, it is a place filled with a lot of information, going online often, there are many good gains."

"Many times, to find some information, I would spend a long time online, frequently browsing forums and blogs."

After a pause, Ging continued, "Aren't you curious about what has been popular online?"

Luo unceremoniously said, "Not interested."

Ging seriously said, "It's related to you."

"Oh?" Luo was slightly surprised.

"Want to know?" Ging waggled his finger.

"Go ahead."

"Sea Porcupine, Sea Star Grass, Sucker Worm." Ging mentioned three names.

Hearing this, Luo immediately understood. It was about what happened at the fish market. He had expected that method to spread, but didn't think it would spread so fast, and through the internet.

"You don't go online often, do you?" Ging asked.


Luo nodded. After coming to this world, he had hardly touched the internet.

"Rot Spider, Misfortune Toad, Happiness Mushroom." Ging nonchalantly mentioned three more names Luo was very familiar with.

Luo frowned, not understanding what Ging wanted to convey.

"You probably don't know, right? On a certain authoritative forum online, you are already a somewhat famous person." Ging glanced at Luo, saying, "In other words, the confidentiality of your information is almost zero. Without going through intelligence channels, people can find out some things about you."

"However, you seem not to care about these things, and you don't go online often."

"Generally, based on personal needs, some people want their information to keep fermenting and spreading online to enhance their reputation, while others want to increase the confidentiality of their information, like me."

"Are you reminding me?" Luo asked.

"Kind of." Ging smiled, seriously saying, "Why don't you get a license this year, using the association's convenience to set some barriers, not allowing your information to be freely spread, then put important information on the intelligence-specific network."

"In this way, as long as you are valuable enough, there will be people willing to pay for information about you, and you can wait to collect the money."

Hearing this, Luo thought of how the information about Ging in the original work was fragmented, mostly top secret.

"How much money did you make with this method?" he asked curiously.

"A lot, the exact amount is confidential." Ging grinned mischievously.

Luo thought this money-making method was indeed good, saying, "I'll consider it."

"One more thing."

Ging stood up, hands in his pockets, the sea breeze blowing his messy hair.

"The matter of Devil Island is not completely resolved. From some signs, it is not hard to conclude that 'the old Seiren Squad still has remnants' and they are likely in high positions. Netero probably didn't tell you about this."

Ging turned to look at Luo, saying, "Your actions on Devil Island are naturally not something that can be hidden."

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