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Chapter 339: The Small Boat

All the theoretical knowledge he mastered came from books, but he had never seen any connection between sea star grass, suction cup worms, and sea thorn dolphins. The method that young man mentioned sounded a bit incredible.

Sea star grass is a marine plant that grows near shallow coral reefs and resembles a sea star in appearance, hence its name.

Suction cup worms typically live near the reefs. They are flat mollusks with many earthy yellow spots on their backs.

The common point between these two creatures is that they live in shallow waters, completely unrelated to the deep-sea creature, the sea thorn dolphin.

With the mindset of trying anything in desperation, Menchi started the so-called detoxification method.

After failing to remove the poison sac, the initially swollen poison sac deflated, spreading the poison throughout the body, becoming extremely toxic.

What Menchi needed to do was to let the suction cup worms eat the sea star grass, then attach them to the sea thorn dolphin, creating a crucial part of the cycle mechanism.

Feed, place, all in one go.

Five suction cup worms clung around the flat poison sac and soon began to swell.

In the invisible process, the poison was absorbed into the suction cup worms, mixed with the sea star grass, then returned to the sea thorn dolphin's body, neutralizing the poison through continuous circulation.

A large LCD screen on the stage broadcasted this scene to everyone present, a scene never before shown to the public. No one dared to conclude its effectiveness before the result came out.

Zizhu, a gourmet hunter, had traveled to many places and seen many strange things, but seeing the subtle flow between the suction cup worms startled him.

There are many symbiotic relationship chains in the biosphere, and at this moment, the suction cup worms seemed to form a symbiotic relationship with the sea thorn dolphin's corpse.

"Is there really a way to completely eliminate the poison?" Zizhu wondered silently.

Everyone held their breath in anticipation, Menchi's gaze never leaving the suction cup worms on the sea thorn dolphin's corpse.

About five minutes later, the suction cup worms slowly deflated.

Menchi seized the moment, pulled up the five suction cup worms, and tossed them aside, then decisively picked up a knife and began cutting into the sea thorn dolphin's body, quickly finding a piece of snow-white dolphin liver, the only part that could be eaten raw.

Two medical personnel in white coats walked over, ready with emergency tools and antidotes.

A man with a mustache looked at Menchi and said, "You can still back out now. The sea thorn dolphin's poison is very strong. Even with an antidote, it can't fully cure it. Even if handled timely, there could be aftereffects or even death."

Menchi ignored the mustache man and stared at the dolphin liver in her hand, her heartbeat gradually speeding up.

After all, she was still an underage girl. When it came to matters of life and death, she would be afraid and nervous too.

She glanced at Luo, who seemed calm, and forced herself to calm down. She cut a piece of dolphin liver with the knife and held it in her hand.

She threw caution to the wind!

Menchi threw the small piece of dolphin liver into her mouth, quickly chewing it. She didn't bother to savor the taste, just chewed and swallowed it quickly.

The taste didn't leave much of an impression, just that it wasn't fishy at all, and her tongue felt slightly numb, perhaps due to the poison.

Whether this method worked or not, ten minutes would tell.

Menchi closed her eyes, standing still, waiting for the grim reaper's verdict.

The sea thorn dolphin's poison shows symptoms within two minutes, reaches peak effect in five minutes, and takes a life in ten minutes.

Luo watched the nervous girl's face, smiled slightly, then turned and disappeared into the crowd. No one noticed his departure as they were all focused on Menchi.

Two minutes, the time to determine if the sea thorn dolphin's poison had affected her.

After observing for two and a half minutes, Luo turned and left, thinking that staying might cause trouble, so he chose to leave. Whether the organizers would give Menchi a hard time was no longer his concern.

He could have used 1.5 million Jenny to solve Menchi's problem from the start, but he didn't. Instead, he gave Menchi a choice to solve it herself, and she courageously did.

"See you again if fate allows."

Luo thought of Menchi's appearance from the original story, smiled, and squeezed out of the venue.

On stage, time passed, and ten minutes went by, with Menchi showing no signs of trouble.


Everyone in the venue was shocked by the result.

This method indeed worked. Sea thorn dolphins would disappear from the black market, and no one would die trying to taste them.

But why hadn't anyone discovered this method, while a young man did?

As the person involved, Menchi's heart was in turmoil. The method that young man mentioned was real. Before he revealed it, no one in the world knew this method.

Who exactly was that young man?

Menchi thought of this and looked towards where Luo had been, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is he?"

Menchi was stunned.

Not only Menchi, but everyone began to focus on finding the young man who told her the method.

"Where did that young man go?"

The venue suddenly became chaotic.

"Please calm down, everyone!"

The mustache man ran to the auction stage and spoke through the microphone, trying to calm the crowd.

"Luo." Zizhu frowned, silently repeating Luo's name, deeply remembering his appearance.

At this moment, Menchi moved, running towards the exit of the venue. No one stopped her, not even Zizhu.

Menchi ran through the fish market, looking for Luo, but how could she find him in the vast crowd? Luo had already left the market.

"I haven't thanked you yet..."

Menchi stood in the crowded passage, biting her lip in silence.


At this moment, Luo, with a black cat, was wandering around Greyport. He had to wait here for Ging to arrive and was thinking about buying a fishing rod to go fishing in the reef area.

The matter at the venue was already behind him. He had just gone to join in the fun and meeting Menchi was a pleasant surprise.

Revealing that method would likely cause a big stir. The question was, would his name be associated with the method when it spread?

It didn't matter to Luo. He went and bought a fishing rod and went fishing in the reef area.

Two days later, Ging arrived with a boat to pick him up.

At the port, Luo looked at the yacht-sized boat in front of him, nearly dropping his jaw.

The boat was the size of an ordinary yacht, a mast ship without an engine or any equipment.

Such a boat could fish in nearshore areas, but crossing the sea to distant islands was questionable. Wouldn't it be overturned by a big wave?

"This boat?"

Luo felt exhausted. He thought Ging should be wealthy, right?

Ging patted the mast and calmly said, "It's very useful."

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