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Chapter 664: God of Dullness and Folly

Dullness, folly...

Under the invasion of an inexplicable force, Lynn's thoughts became chaotic, and his memory gradually faded.

If his true form were here, he wouldn't be affected by these powers. But now, he was just an incarnation, with strength equivalent to a newly ascended minor deity. Currently, he was further restrained by the power of the scales, struggling to resist the threats emerging from his mind.

As the scales tilted, a tremendous pressure appeared around him, coming from all directions, even penetrating dimensions, as if to crush him completely...

This peculiar mental attack was unexpected for Lynn, who realized that there was a second deity among those besieging him!

In fact, the power of the God of Knowledge and Alchemy alone had already exceeded his expectations. If the deity had attacked directly with another god instead of converting knowledge into power, Lynn might already be dead!

Simultaneously suffering physical and mental blows, Lynn lost his ability to resist in an instant. His chaotic mind couldn't organize an effective counterattack. All he could do was try to preserve some important memories before completely giving up resistance...

As the scales continued to tilt, his divine body constructed of godly power began to disintegrate, shrinking to about seventy percent of its original size, and even becoming ethereal.

Just as Lynn's body was about to collapse, the tilt of the scales suddenly stopped, and the chaos in his mind quickly dissipated.

This was not his own doing, but because the God of Knowledge and Alchemy had halted the fatal attack!

After all, killing the invader wasn't the primary goal. It was more important to figure out how the other had reached the main world and whether they had any connection with the God of Life and Creation.

However, the encounter on the scales made the God of Knowledge and Alchemy exceedingly cautious, handing over this task to a colleague without hesitation.

In the next moment, the true form of the God of Dullness and Folly appeared before Lynn.

The deity's appearance was indescribable, like a mass of mud mixed with severed limbs and filth, emitting an aura of agitation and madness.

After the God of Knowledge and Alchemy touched the scales, a bizarre tentacle extended from the filth, heading straight for Lynn's body.

This was the divine spell—【Touch of Filth】

Any substance contaminated by filth would be infected by this power, capable of even assimilating weaker deities, turning them into a part of itself!

However, Lynn's movements were faster. As soon as the restraints vanished, he opened his eyes, and a powerful beam of light shot from his palm, severing the tentacle along with the God of Dullness and Folly behind it!

The filthy black mud split open, and a liquid that could be either blood or muddy water spurted from the crack.

The separated flesh didn't splatter randomly but extended like living creatures, converging on Lynn from all directions.

Although the God of Dullness and Folly was perpetually confused due to his divinity, it didn't mean he lacked logical judgment, naturally defending against the opponent's desperate counterattack...

But what awaited him was hundreds of high-intensity cosmic rays, shattering the filthy flesh coming from all directions. The remaining few attacks were blocked by a protective shield around Lynn.

Everything happened in an instant. Such a sharp and decisive counterattack caught both the God of Dullness and Folly and the God of Knowledge and Alchemy by surprise.

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy had used the scales to drain the opponent's divine power and confuse his thoughts with the God of Dullness and Folly. Normally, this incarnation shouldn't have the ability to resist in such a short time, yet it still burst forth with such formidable strength.

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy didn't know that the dual physical and mental assault was indeed beyond Lynn's endurance. It did deprive him of his ability to resist to a certain extent. However, before his mind was completely chaotic, Lynn had separated some important memories, preserving his strength, and let the opponent 'destroy' his body.

Lynn knew that the opponent was unlikely to kill him directly to gather information, as both the scales and mind invasion were meant to weaken his resistance.

Clearly, he guessed right!

The moment the restraints were lifted, Lynn let the separated memories return and gathered all remaining strength to ensure he wasn't at a disadvantage in reaction and speed. But for offense and defense, he relied on high-level experimental single-soldier weapons from the Geometric Civilization, all doomsday-level weapons with obvious drawbacks—limited energy, unsustainable for long battles.

So he could only... fight quickly!

As he shattered the filthy mud, Lynn moved swiftly, ignoring the shattered God of Dullness and Folly, charging towards the distant God of Knowledge and Alchemy, who had kept himself in a relatively safe position from the start of the battle.

Such reckless action posed little threat, but the God of Knowledge and Alchemy became vigilant. The opponent's performance had proven he wasn't an easy enemy and must have some reliance!

If the opponent wanted to get close, then he would just prevent him from doing so!

After the phantom of the scales disappeared, the runes forming it didn't vanish. With a thought, the God of Knowledge and Alchemy made the runes in the void light up again.

Space elongated countless times in an instant.

Previously, to use the Wisdom Scales, the God of Knowledge and Alchemy had shortened the distance to about ten kilometers. At Lynn's incarnation speed, it took just a fraction of a second to reach. But now, it was like a world apart!

In this brief moment, hundreds of filthy tentacles had reassembled, wrapping around Lynn. The protective shield outside his body trembled constantly, unable to withstand the filth's corrosion, and soon disintegrated.

Although the divine powers of the two gods conflicted somewhat, they coordinated seamlessly. As the shield was dismantled, dozens of tentacles directly penetrated Lynn's body.

Unfortunately... seeing the enemy so close but unable to perform 【Dimensional Jump】 due to excessive energy consumption, Lynn sighed. Indeed, a single incarnation wasn't enough to deal with the siege of two deities.

Fortunately, his mission was accomplished.

So it was time to end it!

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