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Chapter 663: First Make the Opponent Dull, Then Defeat Them with Wisdom!

The Pantheon of Gods was blown apart...

This scene shocked the gods present, but the attacks from the other side of the time-space gate did not cease. Two more miniature neutron stars shot out from the gate, seemingly aiming to destroy the remnants of the Pantheon entirely!

Fortunately, at this moment, Chief God Moragras had arrived. With a raise of his hand, an inexplicable force spread continuously along the four-dimensional space-time.

The two rapidly flying miniature neutron stars, without any deceleration, suddenly deviated slightly. The deviation grew larger, forming arcs that flew past the sides of the Pantheon and ultimately collided with each other in a bizarre manner!

Hundreds of billions of tons of mass collided at the speed of light, unleashing a terrifying force. An extremely brilliant light burst forth before everyone, making the entire space tremble. The horrifying energy impact mixed with countless flying fragments, and huge cracks spread through the void.

Several gods present felt a surge of fear. Such power could only be compared to the collision of two worlds...

However, all the residual waves were blocked by Chief God Moragras. A large hand extended, grasping the dispersing energy and flying fragments, crushing them.

Then, the collapsed Pantheon began to tremble violently, as if time was rewinding. The fallen pillars re-erected, the shattered walls quickly repaired, and even became taller and more magnificent than before!

Yet, divine magic could repair the broken palace, but it could not erase the shame of having the gods' land destroyed before them!

Everything happened too suddenly. From the start of the attack to hitting the Pantheon, only a few dozen seconds had passed. Moragras, sensing the breach of his protection, rushed over immediately but was still a step too late.

The intense anger stirred time and space, spreading ripples like waves.

The five gods remaining in the Pantheon breathed a sigh of relief. Since the Chief God had descended, it meant they were safe.

As for the fallen God of Sin, even Moragras could not reverse the death of a god. The only consolation was that the god fell in the main world. Falling did not mean the end. As long as the divine domain remained, the god would revive after a thousand years.

Of course, the premise was that his divine domain and divinity were not taken by others during this period. Even in the best scenario, his divine power would decline upon revival...

"Lord Moragras, what should we do now? Should we prepare for a counterattack?" The God of Storms asked cautiously. The eight consecutive terrifying neutron cannons just now had left a deep shadow in his heart.

Such an attack was comparable to a high-level divine spell. It would take several gods working together to block one, not something he could withstand alone.

In the view of the God of Storms, there were only two possibilities: either several beings with great divine power launched the attack together, or the other world also had a Chief God-level existence.

It was highly likely that the God of Life and Creation, Aoge, had caused great damage in their world with his main divine artifact, prompting such a strong counterattack in response!

Moragras did not explain or respond, as if sensing something again. The vertical pupil on his forehead suddenly emitted a faint light, opening a narrow time-space passage, into which he pointed a finger...


Dozens of seconds earlier, when the eight miniature neutron stars shot through the time-space gate.

In the main world, within the divine domain of life and creation, Lynn, who had just sneaked in, was immediately cornered.

His luck was undoubtedly poor. According to the original plan, he would create chaos with the super neutron cannon accelerated by a black hole, diverting the gods' attention, and then sneak in quietly.

However, the idea was good, but the execution was not smooth. The impact of the time-space gates of the two worlds was too significant to conceal. The most crucial point was that Lynn had not anticipated that, upon sensing the destruction of the main divine artifact, Moragras had dispatched two gods to investigate the divine domain.

This coincidence led to the current awkward situation.

With powerful divine glows flashing behind him, Lynn had no intention of fighting. Almost the moment he was discovered, he began to flee, trying to get as far away from this divine domain as possible. A divine battle here would be utterly destructive.

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy, Held, naturally wouldn't let Lynn escape before him. He instantly saw that the opponent was just an avatar, making this a perfect opportunity to seize credit!

Just as Lynn rushed out of the divine domain of life and creation into the boundless void, a strange domain formed, enveloping the surrounding space.

The void and darkness remained, but now there were many twinkling lights—runes... alchemical runes!

It seemed to be some kind of alchemical array, possibly combined with a divine domain...

Lynn immediately realized this, then noticed a phantom scale appearing under his feet, with the God of Knowledge and Alchemy, Held, standing on the other end.

This was an artifact he created using alchemy—【Wisdom Scale】!

Knowledge has weight!

And the Wisdom Scale could manifest it, imposing it on the opponent!

Almost at the moment the scale's phantom appeared, Lynn felt bound by some kind of heavy pressure. The scale then began to tilt, but it leaned towards Lynn.

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy had clearly miscalculated. Despite his terrifying accumulation of knowledge over millions of years, Lynn's mind also held the Federal database and the basic technology reserves of the Geometric Civilization.

The latter was especially deadly, representing the research reserves of an interstellar civilization!

Manifesting this knowledge was heavier than an entire world, nearly crushing the unprepared God of Knowledge and Alchemy!

"Attack!" the God of Knowledge and Alchemy shouted in terror.

Lynn, just grasping the situation, immediately felt his mind becoming drowsy, his body's elements starting to settle, and even his memory inexplicably fading. The scale's tilt halted, then began to shift slowly to the other side.

The attacker was the God of Dullness and Foolishness!

Their divinities were opposites, but when cooperating, their "power" was formidable.

In simpler terms, they would first make the opponent dull, then defeat them with their own wisdom!

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