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Chapter 662: Blasting the Pantheon

Beside the Pantheon, a rippling temporal gate stood within the endless void.

The God of Storms and the God of Sin guarded either side of the temporal gate, maintaining its operation.

This was undoubtedly a laborious task, consuming significant divine power, but it had to be done. Otherwise, the only passage from the main world to another universe would vanish completely.

"I wonder how Aoge is doing?" The God of Sin looked at the rippling temporal gate and asked with a sigh.

The God of Storms shook his head. He did not have high hopes for Aoge's mission. Charging alone into another world was akin to suicide. Moreover, according to Chief God Moragras, even the main divine artifact given to Aoge had been destroyed!

However, the Temple of Life and Creation was not destroyed, and the Divine Domain was still operational, indicating that Aoge was likely still alive.

Because of this, Chief God Moragras had already dispatched personnel to investigate the Divine Domain of Life and Creation.

"Do you think Aoge might have been captured? Could those so-called wizards be planning a counterattack..." The God of Storms spoke with a hint of worry. The continuous defeats in the main world had instilled a sense of unease in him.

They were to guard this place for the next two months. If the opposition launched a large-scale counterattack, they would be the first to bear the brunt.

The God of Sin's mouth twisted into a mocking smile. The possibility of Aoge being captured was real, but the notion that those wizards were planning a counterattack was sheer fantasy.

From their hasty retreat from the Moon God’s Domain to their current state of hiding within their own world, desperately blocking the gods' entry, it was evident that they feared the gods' power. If not for the boundary barrier that greatly weakened divine power, the gods would have dealt with them long ago.

Just as the God of Sin was about to speak, a strong sense of danger surged within him. Suddenly, before the two gods, the seemingly empty void was filled with countless cracks...

The attack had arrived, but the two distracted gods did not notice when it started.

Fortunately, there was the protective barrier set by the Chief God himself...

The God of Storms was about to breathe a sigh of relief when the heavily damaged protective barrier suddenly shattered.

The attack, once again, came unexpectedly. The God of Storms only briefly saw a stream of light shooting out from the black hole.

Sound could not travel in the void, but the impact of electromagnetic rays was even more terrifying.

The clash of two powerful forces stirred up massive temporal ripples.

It was like a heavy stone dropped into a lake, causing a clear distortion of the surrounding space at that moment.

The two gods were horrified to find that the protective barrier set by the Chief God had shattered.

But they had no time to cast divine spells for assistance, as the third attack immediately followed!

Without the protective barrier, the God of Storms clearly saw the attacking object.

It was a small sphere, no larger than a baby's palm, seemingly insignificant, but its mass and speed were astonishing, reaching the limit of spatial tolerance. The space it passed through shattered, and a terrifying quantum tide followed.

Its target was the Pantheon towering in the void behind them!

The thought of intervening flashed through his mind, but the strong sense of danger made the God of Storms abandon the idea.

He knew he couldn’t stop it!

The successive attacks drew the attention of the gods guarding the Pantheon.

In fact, the God of Judgment had already acted the moment the barrier shattered.

Chains of judgment sealed the surrounding space, including the temporal void, but this alone was not enough to stop the collision of the miniature neutron star...

These chains shattered as soon as they formed, the spatial distortion caused by the movement of the supermassive object at light speed was enough to break them.

At some point, the surrounding darkness had been tainted by divine power.

This darkness was deep, like a black hole swallowing all light. In that 0.01 seconds, the miniature neutron star disappeared from the gods' sight.

The Dark Night God had acted. In the endless void, darkness ruled; this was his domain!

But the crisis was far from over. Just because it couldn’t be seen didn’t mean it wasn’t there.

Another god acted next. The God of Destruction hurled his scepter, striking the miniature neutron star precisely within the Dark Domain.

Upon contact, both exploded.

In that instant, countless fragments of the neutron star scattered like a swarm of locusts in all directions.

Even small fragments weighed billions of tons. In the main world, they were like shards of small worlds, carrying enough energy to kill a god!

The present gods did not dare to be careless. They immediately sealed the surrounding space, but the Dark Night God's expression changed again.

Something had penetrated the darkness. It wasn’t a fragment, and there was more than one!

The attack came too fast. Even though the Dark Night God noticed it first, he couldn’t intercept the miniature neutron stars.

The Dark Domain he had created earlier now hindered the other gods. The God of Sin barely sensed the incoming threat before a miniature neutron star pierced through his body.

No, "pierced through" wasn’t accurate. Although the miniature neutron star was small, its immense mass and speed caused widespread destruction, shattering the God of Sin’s towering body into fragments, which were sucked into the resulting spatial vortex.

After annihilating a god, the miniature neutron star showed no signs of stopping. In 0.01 seconds, it tore through the barrier jointly constructed by several gods.

Subsequently, the second and third miniature neutron stars, taking advantage of the scattered debris, broke through the defenses, targeting the Pantheon behind.

This towering, void-standing Pantheon was the manifestation of the Chief God's divine power. Even divine spells couldn't easily destroy a single brick.

But now, the once solid defense was as fragile as paper. The outer walls were penetrated, followed by the splendid murals, sturdy pillars, and statues imbued with divine light...

The expanding breach continued to grow, with the penetrated walls cracking layer by layer...

In just a few seconds, the majestic, grand Pantheon, standing for millions of years in the void, exploded under the gaze of the gods.

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