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Chapter 665: The Ruptured Black Hole and the Disintegrated Cosmic Disaster

In the boundless void, filthy tentacles flailed wildly. Neither Lynn's anti-matter sword nor the subsequent cosmic rays inflicted any fatal damage.

On the contrary, after a moment of unleashing all his power, Lynn had already entered a period of weakness. The God of Dullness and Stupidity seized this opportunity, tearing through the outer defenses with filthy tentacles, greedily piercing into various parts of Lynn's body, continuously contaminating and tearing him apart like a voracious feast.

Lynn could clearly feel the contaminated elements slipping out of his control, his body starting to disintegrate.

However, the switch between hunter and prey can happen in an instant. Just as the filthy tentacles penetrated into his brain, they touched something round and incredibly hard.

What followed was a shudder deep into the soul. The God of Dullness and Stupidity hadn't felt this sensation in millennia—it was the fear of imminent death!

The reaction speed of a deity was nothing short of remarkable. Within one-thousandth of a second, a mass of deep black sludge was expelled from the body, fleeing in the opposite direction.

Using the divine body as a shield to block the enemy's attack, while separating part of the core strength to escape, was undoubtedly the best response under normal circumstances.

Even high-level divine spells would see a significant reduction in power after destroying a divine body!

The decisiveness of the God of Dullness and Stupidity in abandoning his divine body was commendable.

However, this time was different because what lay in Lynn's brain was an artificial black hole acquired from the Geometric Civilization!

Within 0.001 seconds, Lynn activated the black hole core. As the mass, comparable to a planet, collapsed inward, a terrifying gravitational force erupted!

Lynn was the first to suffer, but it was intentional, as the core mass of the black hole was too small, and the event horizon was limited, making his incarnation the first sacrifice!

The second sacrifice was the divine body left behind by the God of Dullness and Stupidity!

Unlike Lynn's incarnation, the true form of the God of Dullness and Stupidity had descended, greatly amplifying the black hole core's mass and revealing the full force of this cosmic disaster.

As the God of Dullness and Stupidity frantically fled, he immediately felt the strong tearing force spanning multiple dimensions. Layers of filthy mud peeled away, quickly exposing the divine core.

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy, also within the event horizon of the black hole, was equally horrified. Surrounded by a powerful anti-gravity field, countless flashing runes formed a shield that barely resisted the gravitational pull, but he was still being dragged closer bit by bit.

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy frantically searched his mind for strategies, but the distance between them was too close.

As the God of Dullness and Stupidity was swallowed by the black hole, the intensified gravity completely cut off the God of Knowledge and Alchemy's escape.

Just as the God of Knowledge and Alchemy was about to fall into despair, a vast and more shocking force than the black hole suddenly intruded!

It was a finger, even at its narrowest, it had a diameter of over a kilometer. As it appeared, the surrounding space warped, and the finger directly touched the collapsing singularity!

At the moment of contact, space-time seemed to stand still, like two supernovae colliding and then exploding together.

Distorted, chaotic light ravaged the twisted space-time. In the God of Knowledge and Alchemy's vision, the entire world blurred, and all his senses vanished without a trace.

A peculiar force shielded his body, yet he could still sense that even the slightest residual wave of energy could tear him apart!

After an indeterminate amount of time, perhaps a moment, a day, or a month, the raging energy tides finally calmed down.

The next moment, the figure of Chief God Moragras appeared in the void.

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy keenly noticed that Moragras's right hand was missing a finger, but the terrifying miniature black hole had also disappeared.

This was the main world, Moragras's domain, where his power could be fully exerted, making the disposal of a miniature black hole relatively easy.

"Thank you for your assistance, Lord Moragras. Your power is greater than the shining stars!" The God of Knowledge and Alchemy expressed his gratitude with immense relief.

"How did he appear in the main world?" Moragras ignored the flattery and directly questioned.

With the Pantheon of Gods just destroyed and now this incident, the deaths of two gods in quick succession had driven Moragras to the brink of rage.

The God of Knowledge and Alchemy dared not conceal anything, immediately recounting the entire sequence of events, including the details of the battle.

"I suspect that Aoge may have assisted those wizards..." The God of Knowledge and Alchemy hesitated.

Moragras was well aware of this possibility. The connection between the two realms within the Divine Domain of Life and Creation was undoubtedly linked to Aoge.

However, without concrete evidence of betrayal, punishing and destroying Aoge's domain could easily arouse the dissatisfaction of the other gods, a decision clearly unwise in this delicate period.

After all, another possibility existed: Aoge could have been captured, with someone using him to connect the two worlds.

Moragras silently gazed at the Divine Domain of Life and Creation below, searching for traces left by Lynn, but no divine power reactions were found within the domain...

In the microscopic world invisible to the naked eye, millions of atomic-scale detectors had already quietly dispersed within the domain.

These were purely technological creations, made by the Geometric Civilization using advanced micro-carving techniques, directly transforming atoms into detection and engineering instruments.

Even the perception abilities of a chief god couldn't accurately sense such a massive number of atoms without any abnormal magic power, especially given the sheer number of atoms within the Divine Domain of Life and Creation.

Approximately 10^45, an unimaginably large number, requiring meticulous area-by-area examination to identify.

This was Lynn's contingency plan, the reason he desperately moved the battlefield to the void.

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